impunity是什么意思 impunity的中文翻译、读音、例句

impunity是什么意思 impunity的中文翻译、读音、例句

impunity (名词)- 免于惩罚或责任的状态或情况



词组搭配:act with impunity(不受惩罚地行动)

短语:with impunity(不受惩罚地)



1. He committed the crime with impunity and never faced any consequences.


2. The gang members operated with impunity in the city.


3. The leader felt he could do anything with impunity because he had so much power.


4. The corporation acted with impunity, ignoring environmental regulations.


5. The dictator ruled the country with impunity and oppressed his people.


6. The company thought it could exploit the workers with impunity, but they eventually went on strike.


7. The criminal acted with impunity until he was finally caught and brought to justice.





1. Criminals often act with impunity because they think they won't get caught.


2. The wealthy sometimes believe they can do whatever they want with impunity.


3. The law must be enforced equally for all, without exception or impunity.





例句:And in the process of doing all of these things, we shape landscapes and seascapes and cityscapes with increasing control and impunity. (在做这些事情的过程中 我们也改变着陆地和海洋 以及城市的面貌 而且越来越有恃无恐 )


例句:In 2009 it said that impunity "continued for most perpetrators, exacerbated by police threatening victims with rearrest or the arrest of relatives if they lodged complaints". (在xx年的报告中,该机构指出,因为警察威胁受害者,如果受害者提出反对意见则再次逮捕他们或者逮捕他们的亲戚,因此大部分罪犯都被免罪。)


例句:In a country where organized crime operates with fantastic impunity, this sort of ground-level defiance was unusual, if not unique. (在一个有组织犯罪横行霸道而又不可思议地不受惩罚的国家里,这种对毒贩赤裸裸的蔑视,即使不是独一无二的,也至少是非同寻常的。)


例句:The pirates roamed with impunity, often ransacking and even decimating coastal settlements. (翻译:这些盗贼肆无忌惮,经常掠夺甚至残杀沿海的居民。)


impunity一般作为名词使用,如在with impunity(不受惩罚地,泰然地)、reasons of impunity(免责理由)等常见短语中出现较多。

with impunity不受惩罚地,泰然地
reasons of impunity免责理由


1. In a country where organized crime operates with fantastic impunity, this sort of ground-level defiance was unusual, if not unique. (翻译:在一个有组织犯罪横行霸道而又不可思议地不受惩罚的国家里,这种对毒贩赤裸裸的蔑视,即使不是独一无二的,也至少是非同寻常的。)

2. The pirates roamed with impunity, often ransacking and even decimating coastal settlements. (翻译:这些盗贼肆无忌惮,经常掠夺甚至残杀沿海的居民。)

3. Experts say ending official corruption and impunity is the biggest challenge the government faces in trying to win the war. (翻译:专家表示杜绝官方腐败和有罪不罚现象是墨西哥政府在缉毒战中面临的最大挑战。)

4. I can do terrible things to people with impunity. (翻译:我可以不受惩罚地 I can do terrible things to people 对人做任何事 with impunity.)

5. Can no longer cast aside our dominion with impunity. (翻译:再也抵挡不住我们的统治了 can no longer cast aside our dominion with impunity.)

6. But if corruption creeps in and people don't have the opportunity to have that protection of the rule of law, then if you can use violence, if you can use violence with impunity, you can reach out and harvest the vulnerable into slavery. (翻译:但是如果腐败的毒瘤扩散开来, 而且弱势群体们无法拿起法律的武器 来保护自己, 在一个社会里, 使用暴力也不会受到制裁, 那么,人们就可以轻易地将毒手伸到弱势群体中 并把他们奴役。)

7. There are protocols, that you seem to think you can ignore with impunity. (翻译:There are protocols, 而你却认为可以忽视规章而不受惩罚 that you seem to think you can ignore with impunity.)

8. My UNiTE to End Violence Against Women campaign, along with its Network of Men Leaders, is working to end impunity and change mindsets. (翻译:我倡导的联合起来制止暴力侵害妇女行为,与它的男性领导人网络一起,正在致力于终止有罪不罚的现象和改变人们的观念。)

9. Mr Kadyrov bears much responsibility for the climate of impunity and terror in Chechnya. (翻译:卡德罗夫要为车臣地区无法无天的恐怖气氛承担主要责任。)

10. Yet the sense of impunity long enjoyed by Russia's far right has been dented by the arrest of a man and a woman for the murders. (翻译:但俄罗斯极端保守主义者长久以来享有的不受惩罚的心理这次要受打击了,因为一男一女已经因这起谋杀被拘捕了。)

11. And that we did not believe that enough was being done to make sure that no one had impunity from prosecution, " she said. " (翻译:我们还不相信政府对此已作出足够的努力,以保证人们起诉时不受到伤害。)

12. This is a culture of impunity. (翻译:这是一种有罪不罚的文化。)

13. Mr Ouattara has promised there will be no impunity for any miscreant, his own forces included. (翻译:瓦塔拉先生已经承诺,有罪之人必会受到惩罚,这也包括他自己军队中的人。)

14. Hunting with impunity, Hatzegopteryx are the top predators. (翻译:Hatzegopteryx are the top predators.)

15. And yet, torture is still practised or tolerated by many States. Impunity persists for the perpetrators. The victims continue to suffer. (翻译:然而,在许多国家,酷刑依然存在或得到容忍。施加酷刑者依然不受惩罚。受害者继续忍受痛苦。)



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