book of mormon是什么意思 book of mormon的中文翻译、读音、例句

book of mormon是什么意思 book of mormon的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:the Book of Mormon(《摩门经》)


发音拼写:[bʊk əv ˈmɔːrmən]


1. She spent hours reading the Book of Mormon, seeking answers to her spiritual questions.(她花了数小时阅读《摩门经》,寻求她的心灵问题的答案。)

2. Many people believe the Book of Mormon to be a sacred text, while others see it as a work of fiction.(许多人认为《摩门经》是一部神圣的文本,而其他人则认为它是一部虚构的作品。)

3. The Book of Mormon tells the story of a group of Israelites who migrated to the Americas.(《摩门经》讲述了一个以色列人的群体移居到美洲的故事。)

4. Joseph Smith claimed to have received the golden plates containing the Book of Mormon from the angel Moroni.(约瑟夫·史密斯声称他从天使摩洛乃收到了包含《摩门经》的金板。)

5. The Book of Mormon is one of the cornerstones of the Mormon religion.(《摩门经》是摩门教的基石之一。)

6. The teachings of the Book of Mormon emphasize the importance of family, faith, and service.(《摩门经》的教义强调家庭、信仰和服务的重要性。)

7. The Book of Mormon has been translated into dozens of languages and has millions of readers worldwide.(《摩门经》已被翻译成数十种语言,并在全球拥有数百万读者。)

book of mormon是一本含有基督教信仰的《摩尔门经》。其中文翻译为《摩尔门经》,读音为[bʊk əv ˈmɔrmən]。例句:

1. The Book of Mormon is a sacred text in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


2. Many people believe that the Book of Mormon is a true record of ancient prophet's teachings.


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