paprika是什么意思 paprika的中文翻译、读音、例句

paprika是什么意思 paprika的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. paprika powder: 辣椒粉

2. paprika sauce: 辣椒酱

3. paprika chicken: 辣椒鸡

4. paprika potato chips: 辣椒薯片

5. smoked paprika: 熏制辣椒粉




1. I added some paprika to give the chili a kick.


2. The recipe calls for smoked paprika to add a smoky flavor to the dish.


3. The paprika chicken was spicy and delicious.


4. These paprika potato chips are my favorite snack.


5. She used paprika sauce to dip her vegetables in.


6. The paprika gives the dish a beautiful red color.


7. Paprika is a popular spice in Hungarian cuisine.




1. A paprika a magyar konyha elmaradhatatlan része. (匈牙利语:Paprika是匈牙利菜肴不可或缺的一部分。中文翻译:Paprika is an indispensable part of Hungarian cuisine.)

2. A paprikás krumpli az egyik legnépszerűbb magyar étel. (匈牙利语:Paprikás krumpli是匈牙利最受欢迎的菜肴之一。中文翻译:Paprika potato stew is one of the most popular Hungarian dishes.)

3. Tudod, miért annyira különleges a Csíki sör? Az különleges, mert van benne paprika! (匈牙利语:你知道Csíki啤酒为什么这么特别吗?因为它里面有辣椒!中文翻译:Do you know why Csíki beer is so special? It's because it has paprika in it!)

4. A paprika évszázadokkal ezelőtt is a magyar konyha szerves része volt. (匈牙利语:Paprika在几个世纪前就是匈牙利烹饪的有机组成部分。中文翻译:Paprika has been an integral part of Hungarian cuisine for centuries.)

5. A paprika pikáns ízt és színt kölcsönöz az ételnek. (匈牙利语:Paprika为食物增添了辛辣味和颜色。中文翻译:Paprika adds a spicy flavor and color to the food.)

6. Nemrégiben vásároltam egy üveg házi készítésű paprikát. (匈牙利语:我最近买了一瓶自制的辣椒粉。中文翻译:Recently, I bought a bottle of homemade paprika.)

7. Az elkészítés előtt adjunk hozzá egy teáskanálnyi paprikát a fűszerkeverékhez. (匈牙利语:在制作之前,向香料混合物中加入一茶匙辣椒粉。中文翻译:Add a teaspoon of paprika to the spice blend before preparing.)

8. Néha a felhasznált paprika mennyisége határozza meg az étel ízét. (匈牙利语:有时候使用的辣椒粉数量决定了食物的味道。中文翻译:Sometimes the amount of paprika used determines the taste of the dish.)

9. A Csíkszentkirályi tradicionális paprikás szódavíz hihetetlenül frissítő és ízletes. (匈牙利语:Csíkszentkirályi传统的paprikás汽水非常清爽可口。中文翻译:The traditional paprika-flavored soda water from Csíkszentkirályi is incredibly refreshing and tasty.)



1. I sprinkled some paprika on top of the deviled eggs for some extra flavor.(我在魔法蛋上撒了些红甜椒粉增加味道。)

2. This dish needs some paprika to bring out the full flavor.(这道菜需要加些红甜椒粉才能味道更加丰富。)




例句:Paprika oleoresin , belonging to carotenoid pigments, is a kind of oily liquid extracted from chilies. (辣椒红色素是以红辣椒果实为原料经提取浓缩而制成的油状液体,主要成分为辣椒红素和辣椒玉红素,属类胡萝卜素类色素。)


例句:And pick me up some hamburger and a can of tomatoes and some paprika. (顺便给我带些汉堡包... ...一罐番茄酱,还有辣椒.)


例句:Feed grade paprika powder is obtained from saponified paprika oleoresin mixing with carrier. It is a kind of natural feed additives. (饲料级辣椒红粉末是由红辣椒中提取的辣椒红树脂经过皂化处理,再添加载体混合而成的一种纯天然饲料添加剂。)


例句:See, I use the sweet paprika, not the regular. And cayenne, plenty of it. (翻译:看,我用甜椒而非普通青椒 还加了一大堆辣椒粉)


paprika一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在paprika red([网络] 辣椒红;辣椒红色素;辣椒红素)、paprika sauce([网络] 包裹著红椒酱汁;包裹着红椒酱汁)、paprika sauces([网络] 包裹著红椒酱汁;包裹着红椒酱汁\n(paprika sauce 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

paprika red[网络] 辣椒红;辣椒红色素;辣椒红素
paprika sauce[网络] 包裹著红椒酱汁;包裹着红椒酱汁
paprika sauces[网络] 包裹著红椒酱汁;包裹着红椒酱汁\n(paprika sauce 的复数)
Spanish paprika[网络] 西班牙辣椒粉;青椒
Turkish paprika[医] 土耳其辣椒


1. Feed grade paprika powder is obtained from saponified paprika oleoresin mixing with carrier. It is a kind of natural feed additives. (翻译:饲料级辣椒红粉末是由红辣椒中提取的辣椒红树脂经过皂化处理,再添加载体混合而成的一种纯天然饲料添加剂。)

2. See, I use the sweet paprika, not the regular. And cayenne, plenty of it. (翻译:看,我用甜椒而非普通青椒 还加了一大堆辣椒粉)

3. In a small, heavy saucepan, combine the chillies, sugar, water, vinegar, garlic, paprika and salt. Bring to a rolling boil over medium heat. (翻译:简单说,用个深锅,将红辣椒、糖、水、米醋、大蒜、红辣椒粉和盐放在锅中混匀,用中火烧到沸腾。)

4. Stir the chickpeas and sprinkle over the paprika. Bake for another few minutes until the chickpeas are golden and crisp on the outside. (翻译:将豆子充分搅拌好并撒上辣椒。再放入烤炉,烤至豆子酥脆的程度,且外表呈金黄色。)

5. Feed grade paprika powder is obtained from saponified paprika oleoresin mixing with carrier. It is a kind of natural feed additives. (翻译:饲料级辣椒红粉末是由红辣椒中提取的辣椒红树脂经过皂化处理,再添加载体混合而成的一种纯天然饲料 添加剂。)

6. The product has also been the subject of a consumer advocacy campaign which appealed to the company to use naturally derived ingredients like paprika, annato and tumeric. (翻译:同时有些消费者也针对这款产品发起了倡议活动,要求该公司使用红辣椒、胭脂树萃和姜黄等天然原料。)

7. She put me on a baking sheet, sprinkled me with paprika, and put me in the oven. (翻译:她把我放在烘培纸上 撒上辣椒粉 把我放进烤箱)

8. You know, the only words I know in Hungarian are paprika and goulash. (翻译:知道么,匈牙利语 我只会2个词,红辣椒和菜炖牛肉)

9. If you can't find smoked paprika, a little cayenne pepper or chilli powder would be lovely. (翻译:如果没有熏制过的辣椒,放一些辣椒粉也行。)

10. Extraction and peppery removal of paprika oleoresin were studied. (翻译:对辣椒红色素的提取及除辣进行了较为详尽的研究。)

11. Discipline calls for a search of the DC Mini rather than Paprika's bikini. (翻译:比起红辣椒的比基尼 开始着手DCmini的回收才是幸福的秩序)

12. you know , the mayonnaise and the onions and paprika . (翻译:你知道,蛋黄酱啦洋葱啦,还有辣椒粉什么的……)

13. Korean barbecue is a kind of seasoning beef meal, and stone pot bibimbap is made up of rice, meat and vegetables, adding paprika and garlic. (翻译:韩式烤肉是一种调味牛肉餐,石锅拌饭则以米饭、肉和蔬菜为原料烹饪而成,并加入辣椒和大蒜调味。)

14. Remove from the heat. Stir in the lemon juice, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper and paprika. (翻译:离火后,再加入柠檬汁,洋葱粉,蒜粉,盐,胡椒,辣椒粉,混合均匀。)

15. Stir the chickpeas and sprinkle over the paprika. (翻译:将豆子充分搅拌好并撒上辣椒。)



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