raced是什么意思 raced的中文翻译、读音、例句

raced是什么意思 raced的中文翻译、读音、例句




'Raced'通常与运动和竞赛相关,与 'to'连用,表示参加比赛;与 'from'连用,表示起点;与 'toward'连用,表示目的地;与 'across' 连用,表示穿过某个区域。




'raced through',意为匆匆通过、飞快地完成。 'raced ahead',意为超越、领先于其他人。 'raced against time',意为与时间赛跑、必须尽快完成某件事。 'raced to the finish line',意为竞速向终点线冲刺。




1. The two racers were neck and neck, but in the end, Tom raced ahead to win the trophy. (两名赛车手打成了平手,但最终汤姆超过了对手,赢得了奖杯。)

2. The athletes raced to the finish line, with the crowd cheering them on. (运动员们向终点线冲刺,人群为他们加油助威。)

3. The horse raced across the field, its hooves kicking up dust behind it. (这匹马奔驰在草地上,它的蹄子在它身后扬起了灰尘。)

4. The runners raced against time to complete the marathon before the sun went down. (跑步者们与时间赛跑,在太阳落山前完成马拉松比赛。)

5. The cars raced through the city streets, weaving in and out of traffic. (汽车在市区街道上飞驰,时而在交通中绕来绕去。)





1. The two athletes raced neck and neck to the finish line.


2. The car raced down the highway at breakneck speed.


3. They raced against each other in the final round.





例句:- He just raced Tran for slips. (- He just raced Tran for slips. {\r\fnArial\fs16\1cHFF8080} shit.)


例句:Her heart raced uncontrollably. (她的心脏难以控制地急速跳动起来。)


例句:So he raced to the lab and made enough to clean the rest of the birds. (然后那个学生就赶到实验室 造了足够多的脱脂剂来清理余下的企鹅。)


例句:I raced out into the storm trying to outrun the rage. (翻译:我冲出去 外面狂风暴雨 我想将一切愤怒痛苦抛诸脑后)


1. So he raced to the lab and made enough to clean the rest of the birds. (翻译:然后那个学生就赶到实验室 造了足够多的脱脂剂来清理余下的企鹅。)

2. I raced out into the storm trying to outrun the rage. (翻译:我冲出去 外面狂风暴雨 我想将一切愤怒痛苦抛诸脑后)

3. So, our driver raced through the intersection, lost control, hit this lamp pole, and spun out over there. (翻译:司机高速穿过十字路口 车失去了控制 撞上灯柱 翻倒在那里)

4. Funds and funds of hedge funds raced to market, ready to sop up all demand for investments deemed alternative. (翻译:资金和对冲基金纷纷跑到市场,准备全部吸收视作另类的投资需求。)

5. The striker then went down in the area as he raced for the ball with defender Fabio Galante but the referee waved play on. (翻译:这位射手不久又一次杀入禁区,并在与后卫加兰特争抢皮球时倒地,可边裁却摇旗示意比赛继续。)

6. On the way to lsurugi, raced a rckshaw on a carriage, (翻译:上次坐马车从高冈出发 你和人力车较过劲儿的)

7. Villeneuve did not race to finish, he did not race for points. He raced to win. (翻译:维伦纽夫不为完赛,不求积分,他只为胜利而来。)

8. All of a sudden, a lizard about the size of a small crocodile hurtled out of the undergrowth and raced up a nearby baobab tree. (翻译:突然,一只小鳄鱼大小的蜥蜴从矮灌木丛中蹿出,爬上了附近的一棵猴面包树。)

9. God, when John heard he had a son, he raced to town. (翻译:她才终于打给了他 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}She finally called him. 立马飞奔到这儿 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}He raced to town.)

10. We raced along all the way, we could even talk if we wished. (翻译:我们比了一路,如果 愿意的话,我们甚至可以说话)

11. I found her on the floor bleeding. We raced here, (翻译:我发现她倒在地上流血不止 就赶紧把她送来医院)

12. And I raced upstairs,and I found Heather on the floor, you know,like,really red with blood and the gun on the floor. (翻译:我冲上楼 发现Heather躺在地板上 地板被鲜血染红 还有把枪)

13. Of these forces which so triumphantly raced our lives along, my brother Jyotirindra was the charioteer. (翻译:我哥哥乔迪楞德拉驾驭着使我们的生活这样胜利奔腾的力量。)

14. On 9/11, Joel wasn't in New York. He was out of town, but he raced back to the city, and raced down to the site of the destruction. (翻译:9.11时候,Joel不在纽约 但他飞奔而回,直奔目的地 废墟 )

15. I never panic so I raced with them and I won $1 ,000 easily. (翻译:我就跟他们赛了 哈,很轻松就让我赢了一千块)



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