logp是什么意思 logp的中文翻译、读音、例句

logp是什么意思 logp的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:logp通常指的是分配给化学物质的一种数值,用于描述该物质在油/水界面的分配情况。logp值越大,代表该化学物质更容易溶于脂肪酸,反之则越容易溶于水。此外,logp也可以代表某些计算机程序中的日志文件。


- The logP value of this compound indicates that it has a high affinity for lipids. (这种化合物的logP值显示它对脂质有很高的亲和力。)

- The software generates a logP file to keep track of system events. (该软件生成logP文件以跟踪系统事件。)

2. 用途:logp常被用于计算药物吸收性和药物代谢动力学。它可以帮助药物开发者优化化合物设计,以提高化合物的口服生物利用度和药代动力学特性。


- The logP value of a drug candidate is an important factor to consider during drug design. (候选药物的logP值是药物设计过程中需要考虑的重要因素之一。)

- High logP values are often associated with poor drug absorption and bioavailability. (高logP值通常与药物吸收不良和生物利用度低相关。)

3. 计算方法:logp的计算通常基于化学结构的描述符,如分子量、分子极性、疏水性等。目前有许多软件和在线工具可以对logP进行计算。


- The logP value of a chemical compound can be calculated using various computational methods. (可以使用各种计算方法计算化合物的logP值。)

- The software uses a sophisticated algorithm to predict the logP of a given molecule. (该软件使用复杂的算法预测给定分子的logP值。)

4. 应用领域:除了药物研发,logp在环境科学、农业和化妆品行业等领域也有广泛应用。


- The logP value can be used to predict the environmental fate and transport of chemical pollutants. (logP值可以用于预测化学污染物的环境命运和传输。)

- LogP is an important factor in determining the efficacy and safety of agricultural chemicals. (对于农业化学品的有效性和安全性而言,logP是一个重要因素。)

- LogP values are often used in the formulation of cosmetic products to optimize their texture and stability. (logP值通常用于化妆品配方中,以优化其质地和稳定性。)

5. 相关规范:logp的计算和应用受到一些标准和规范的规范,如美国FDA的药物安全评估指南和欧洲药品管理局的药物评估指南。


- The FDA requires drug developers to consider the logP values of their compounds during the safety evaluation process. (FDA要求药物开发者在安全评估过程中考虑其化合物的logP值。)

- The logP values of drug candidates are among the parameters evaluated by the EMA during the drug approval process. (药物候选物的logP值是EMA在药物批准过程中评估的参数之一。)



读音:lɔɡ piː


1. The logp value is an important parameter in drug discovery and design.


2. The logp prediction software can help researchers quickly screen potential drug candidates.





例句:If you'd prefer to start MongoDB as a daemon process in the background, issue the following command instead: $ sudo mongod --fork --logpath /var/log/mongodb.log --logappend. (如果您想作为后台守护程序启动 MongoDB ,发出以下命令: $ sudo mongod --fork --logpath /var/log/mongodb.log --logappend. )


1. "E, F, L, E, P, T P, L, E, P, F, L, F, L, E P, T, P, L, F, E, T, E L, O, P, Z, D, D, E, F, P, O, T, E, C F, L, E, P, T, P, L, E, P F, L, F, L, E, P, T, P, L, F, L, T, M, A, D in U, S, A." (翻译:E F L E P T P L E P F L F L E P T P L F E T E)

2. When can a P-2 or P-3... challenge for a spot on the field? (翻译:什么时候一个P -2级或P -3级的...)

3. LCR provides asynchronous log shipping, log replay, and a quick manual switch to a copy of the data. (翻译:LCR提供异步日志传送、日志重播以及到数据副本的快速手动切换。)

4. MSW: Toggling the log timestamp option no longer results in wrong log colors. (翻译:城市生活垃圾︰切换日志的时间戳选项不再导致错误的日志颜色。)

5. We can trace the i.P. Path the hack followed, (翻译:P. 地址追踪到其他的黑客 we can trace the I. P.)

6. [ drawer opens ] -[ grunts ] -Of course, he slept like a log. (翻译:不过 他睡得像根木头 Of course, he slept like a log)

7. Now, if you're a P-2 or a P-3, you can still get a spot... in sections that are available, so do your best. (翻译:现在,假如你是P -2或者P -3的 你仍有机会...)

8. The Guantanamo log lists no flight that left at 11:00 p. m. (翻译:关达那摩没有航班在23: 00离开的记录)

9. Frog, frog, sitting on a log... (翻译:青蛙青蛙 坐在木上 Frog, frog, sitting on a log —)

10. Logarithm parenthesis two to the power of 30 multiplied by the result minus 7, close parenthesis... (翻译:log开括号2的30次幂 乘10的负7次幂关括号 log x 是 log30 乘0.3减7)

11. LCR provides log shipping, log replay, and a quick manual switch to a secondary copy of the data. (翻译:LCR提供日志传送、日志重播以及到数据的辅助副本的快速手动切换。)

12. Like a log. Out all night. (翻译:睡得很沉 整晚都没醒 {\3cH000000\fs20}Like a log.)

13. It is possible to view the physical log, logical log and online log contents on the OAT by generating reports. (翻译:在OAT上,可以通过生成报告查看逻辑、物理和在线日志内容。)

14. I can still read the customer log. (翻译:看看用户日志的 the customer log.)

15. The captain keeps a log. (翻译:船长记航海日志。)

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