monies是什么意思 monies的中文翻译、读音、例句

monies是什么意思 monies的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 可数名词:'monies'是复数名词,所以可以用来描述两个或多个不同的形式的货币或资金。

2. 学术用词:'monies'是一个比较正式的用语,在学术和法律文件中比较常见,如奖学金、赔偿款等等。

3. 风险管理:'monies'在金融领域中经常用来描述资产组合中的各种不同的投资类型。

4. 文化体验:'monies'有时也可以用来描述一些非金钱的资源,如时间、文化遗产等等。


1. The company has lost all monies invested in the project. (公司已经失去了用于该项目的所有资金。)

2. The university has awarded over $50,000 in monies to deserving students. (该大学已向有才华的学生提供了超过50,000美元的奖学金。)

3. The debtor was ordered to repay all monies owed to the creditor immediately. (债务人被命令立即向债权人返还所有欠款。)

4. The investment portfolio has been diversified into various monies to minimize risk. (为减少风险,投资组合已经分散到各种不同的资产类型中。)

5. The government has allocated monies for the preservation of cultural heritage sites. (政府已经拨出资金用于保护文化遗产遗址。)

monies的中文翻译为“资金”,读音为 [ˈmʌniz]。


1. The company has secured additional monies to expand its operations. (这家公司已获得额外的资金来扩展其业务。)

2. The monies raised from the charity event will be used to support local schools. (从慈善活动中筹集的资金将用于支持当地学校。)

3. The government has allocated monies to improve infrastructure in rural areas. (政府已经拨出了资金来改善农村地区的基础设施。)




例句:In Madoff case, rather than being made through his business, the monies paid out to investors were coming from earlier investors. (在马道夫的案子上,早期投资人所收到钱根本就不是投资赚来的,而是后期投资者的钱。)


例句:Now, all monies received, including taxes, customs revenue, military spoils and informal gifts and bribes, will be placed in the treasury under the supervision of a Saturnine priest. (所有收到的钱 包括税收、关税收入 跟军事所得 以及非正式的礼物跟贿赂)


例句:But as that trend has slowed, the HTF has suffered: monies paid into the HTF fell by around one-seventh from 2007 to 2010. (但是随着上述趋势减弱,公路信托基金受到损害:从xx年到xx年,公路信托基金收到的资金减少了七分之一。)


例句:A: Excuse me, do you exchange foreign monies? (翻译:请问你们兑换外币吗? )


monies一般作为名词使用,如在fiat monies([网络] 世人愈不相信纸币)、monies advanced([网络] 垫款)、monies cunnes([网络] 钱财cunnes)等常见短语中出现较多。

fiat monies[网络] 世人愈不相信纸币
monies advanced[网络] 垫款
monies cunnes[网络] 钱财cunnes
ready monies[网络] 准备好的钱
rent monies[网络] 租金
seed monies[网络] 种子钱


1. But as that trend has slowed, the HTF has suffered: monies paid into the HTF fell by around one-seventh from 2007 to 2010. (翻译:但是随着上述趋势减弱,公路信托基金受到损害:从xx年到xx年,公路信托基金收到的资金减少了七分之一。)

2. A: Excuse me, do you exchange foreign monies? (翻译:请问你们兑换外币吗? )

3. Overall, monies spent at UCR have an economic impact of nearly $1 billion in California. (翻译:总体来讲,加州大学河滨分校的财政支出在加州造成了近十亿美元的经济影响。)

4. We are also attaching the monies given by Mr. Lang to Miss Biasi. (翻译:我们要讨论一下,兰太太赠与 比亚西小姐的款项)

5. Due to agency-wide budget cuts, the FBI has to be very selective with its Federal Witness Protection monies. (翻译:因为部门费用大幅削减 FBI必须慎重选择 该如何花证人保护经费)

6. We drew up a schedule of payments for the rest of the monies owed. (翻译:我们制定了一个剩余欠款的还款计划。)

7. It means an amount of money, for example, public monies and tax monies. (翻译:表示一定量的钱财,例如:公款,税款。)

8. I propose a bill regarding the allocation of monies. (翻译:我提一个预算分配案... 各位,我们离场)

9. What this means is that you enjoy huge savings in agent bank charges when you invest your CPF monies. (翻译:这将为您的CPF投资节省一大笔代理费用。)

10. And you personally distributed monies vast, undeclared monies to Mr. Capone? (翻译:你亲自将那些 未报税的巨款 交给卡邦先生?)

11. I took him to Los Angeles to meet a foundation officer looking for support for monies to protect their culture. (翻译:我带他去洛杉矶见一位基金会工作人员, 寻求资金来保护他们的文化。)

12. Then, a grand distribution of monies from St. Germaine's World Trust will begin. (翻译:然后,来自圣哲曼世界基金的盛大的财富分配将开始进行。)

13. My name and the remainder of my estate with all legal obligations and benefits, all property, gold, silver and other monies, (翻译:我的名字跟我的财产 所有法定责任跟权利 所有的财产、黄金)

15. These monies are to be concentrated on central banks that are truly part of a nation's public treasury. (翻译。)



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