spinach是什么意思 spinach的中文翻译、读音、例句

spinach是什么意思 spinach的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 单词意义:'spinach'是指一种蔬菜,是菠菜的意思。常被用于烹饪,具有很高的营养价值。

例句1:I like to add spinach to my omelets for a healthy breakfast. (我喜欢在煎蛋里添加菠菜,以获得健康的早餐。)

例句2:Spinach contains a high amount of iron, making it a great vegetable for those with anemia. (菠菜含有丰富的铁元素,对于贫血患者来说是很好的蔬菜。)

2. 发音:'spinach'的发音是 /ˈspɪnɪtʃ/。

例句3:He mispronounced the word 'spinach' as 'spinch'. (他错误地把'spinach'这个单词发音成了'spinch'。)

例句4:Can you repeat the word 'spinach'? I didn't catch how you pronounced it. (你能重复一遍'spinach'这个单词吗?我没听清你是怎么发音的。)

3. 分类:'spinach'是属于植物分类中的菠菜属。

例句5:Spinach is part of the "leafy green" vegetable group along with kale, lettuce, and collard greens. (菠菜是"叶菜类"蔬菜的一种,和羽衣甘蓝、生菜和甘蓝一样。)

4. 产地:'spinach'最初起源于南亚地区,现在被广泛种植和食用。

例句6:The spinach we buy in supermarkets today may have come from many different countries. (我们在超市买的菠菜可能来自许多不同的国家。)

例句7:When I was traveling in India, I tried some delicious dishes made with fresh spinach from the local markets. (我在印度旅行时,尝试了一些用当地市场新鲜菠菜制作的美味菜肴。)

5. 常见用途:'spinach'可以用于制作沙拉、汤、面条、炒菜等多种菜肴。

例句8:I like to add spinach to my smoothies for an extra boost of nutrients. (我喜欢在冰沙中加入菠菜,以增加营养成分。)

例句9:Spinach is a great ingredient for a vegetarian lasagna recipe. (菠菜是素食千层面配方的好材料。)


英 [ˈspɪnɪtʃ] 美 [ˈspɪnɪtʃ]



1. Spinach is a nutrient-dense food that has anti-inflammatory and blood-pressure-lowering properties.


2. I like to add spinach to my smoothies for an extra boost of vitamins and minerals.





例句:Auricularia vegetables, spinach also contains a lot of iron, can give your baby to eat. (蔬菜中的木耳、菠菜等也含有很多的铁,可以给孩子吃点。)


例句:Effect of Biogas Slurry on Nitrate and Nutrient Quality of Malabar Spinach Grown in Medium Culture (沼液对基质培木耳菜硝酸盐和营养品质的影响)


例句:Potato, salmon and spinach patties with garlicky dill cream. (菠菜-大马哈鱼-土豆饼配大蒜-时萝酱。)


例句:In Pigeon Square, I perch at a small table to eat flaky borek stuffed with cheese and spinach. (翻译:在鸽子广场我坐在一张小桌边上,吃着包有奶酪和菠菜的薄饼。)


spinach一般作为名词使用,如在French spinach(un. 山菠菜)、Lincolnshire spinach([网络] 林肯郡菠菜)、malabar spinach(落葵)等常见短语中出现较多。

French spinachun. 山菠菜
Lincolnshire spinach[网络] 林肯郡菠菜
malabar spinach落葵
mountain spinachna. 法国菠菜
spinach aphid【昆虫】桃蚜(= green peach aphid)
spinach beet莙荙菜
spinach beetsspinach beet\n【植物】莙荙菜
spinach blight[网络] 菠菜枯萎病
spinach blights[网络] 菠菜枯萎病\n(spinach blight 的复数)
spinach cinema[网络] 菠菜电影


1. Potato, salmon and spinach patties with garlicky dill cream. (翻译:菠菜-大马哈鱼-土豆饼配大蒜-时萝酱。)

2. In Pigeon Square, I perch at a small table to eat flaky borek stuffed with cheese and spinach. (翻译:在鸽子广场我坐在一张小桌边上,吃着包有奶酪和菠菜的薄饼。)

3. Want Spinach Salad for my birthday... instead of walking to New Orleans? (翻译:你生日就想要个菠菜沙拉 即便你可以去新奥尔良一趟?)

4. I hate spinach. (翻译:我讨厌菠菜。)

5. Study on Nitrate Content Effect in Edible Amaranth and Malabar Spinach with Application of Excessive Nitrogenous Fertilizer (翻译:过量施用氮肥对苋菜和木耳菜硝酸盐含量的影响)

6. In Pigeon Square, I perch at a small table to eat flaky borek stuffed with cheese and spinach. (翻译:在鸽子广场我坐在一张小桌边上,吃着包有奶酪和菠菜的薄饼。)

7. Vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are high in lutein, which keeps your vision sharp and clear. (翻译:像菠菜、椰菜那样的蔬菜都含有大量的叶黄素,能够保持你的视力清晰敏锐。)

8. The original oysters Rockefeller is said to have been made with watercress, not spinach. (翻译:最早的这个菜肴据说用的是西洋菜而不是菠菜。)

9. A steak, a baked potato, creamed spinach, a puny little salad, but with a nice dressing on it, and a lovely piece of cheesecake. (翻译:一份牛排 一份烤土豆 菠菜奶油汤 一点点沙拉 不过伴着很棒的调味汁)

10. After all, my story begins with a dried, withered spinach plant and it's only getting better from there. (翻译:不管怎样,我的故事始于 一颗干枯的,凋萎的菠菜 从那以后就开始变得越来越好 )

11. The spinach is shrivelled up. (翻译:菠菜蔫了。)

12. The Fourth Mistress' spinach and beancurd is ready. (翻译:该吃饭啦! 四太太的菠菜豆腐豆芽都做好了)

13. Glycerate or OH-pyruvate was converted into serine by spinach leaf peroxisomes. (翻译:菠菜叶片过氧体可转变甘油酸或羟基丙酮酸成为丝氨酸。)

14. Green leafy vegetables including spinach, kale and collards appeared to be the most beneficial. (翻译:包括菠菜,无头甘蓝和羽衣甘蓝叶在内的绿叶蔬菜似乎最有好处。)

15. Spinach is for rabbits, people and Popeye not robo-boys (翻译:兔子 人和水手卜派才吃菠菜 机器小孩不能吃)



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