nerv是什么意思 nerv的中文翻译、读音、例句

nerv是什么意思 nerv的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 单词含义

'nerv'是神经(nervous system)的缩写词,指的是控制身体各部位和器官之间相互联系的神经系统。该单词还可以表示在某些情况下出现的紧张情绪或焦虑感。

2. 词性和语法


3. 各种用法

- 名词:nerv表示神经系统时,通常用在医学相关的文本中。

例句:The nerv system controls all the functions of your body. (神经系统控制着你身体的所有功能。)

- 形容词:nerv还可以表示紧张、焦虑等情绪。

例句:She felt very nerv before her interview. (她在面试前感到非常紧张。)

- 动词:nerv可以作为动词使用,表示使紧张或不安。

例句:The loud noise nervd the cat. (大声的噪音使得猫感到不安。)

- 名词词组:nerv cell表示神经细胞,nerv ending表示神经末梢。

例句:Nerv cells are the basic building blocks of the nervous system. (神经细胞是神经系统的基本构建单元。)

4. 相关单词

- nervous:表示紧张、不安、焦虑等情绪。

例句:She was too nervous to perform in front of the crowd. (她太紧张了,无法在人群面前表演。)

- nerve:表示勇气、胆量、毅力等。

例句:She has the nerve to speak publicly. (她有勇气在公开场合讲话。)

- neurological:表示神经学的,通常用于描述与神经系统相关的疾病或症状。

例句:Neurological conditions can have a significant impact on a person’s life. (神经疾病可以对一个人的生活产生重大影响。)

- neurology:表示神经学,是研究神经系统的分支学科。

例句:She is a neurology specialist, and she has published many papers on the subject. (她是一位神经科学专家,发表了许多有关神经科学的论文。)

- neuropathy:表示神经病,是一种神经系统的疾病或症状。

例句:Diabetic neuropathy is a common complication of diabetes. (糖尿病神经病是糖尿病常见的并发症。)

5. 中英例句

- The nerv system controls all the functions of your body. (神经系统控制着你身体的所有功能。)

- She felt very nerv before her interview. (她在面试前感到非常紧张。)

- The loud noise nervd the cat. (大声的噪音使得猫感到不安。)

- Nerv cells are the basic building blocks of the nervous system. (神经细胞是神经系统的基本构建单元。)

- She was too nervous to perform in front of the crowd. (她太紧张了,无法在人群面前表演。)

nerv的正确拼写应为nerve,其意思为“神经”。读音为 [nɜrv]。


1. The nerve sends signals from the brain to the muscles.(神经将信号从大脑发送到肌肉。)

2. She has a lot of nerve to speak to me that way.(她竟然敢那样跟我说话,真是胆大妄为。)




例句:Its objective is a direct attack on our NERV HQ, is it? (那家伙的目标是向NERV总部发动直接攻击吗)


例句:Right now, the Japanese government and U.N. Forces are petitioning NERV HQ to do just that. (现在日本政府和联合国军队正提议NERV总部自爆 跟它同归于尽)


例句:The Magi 2 at Matsushiro reached the same conclusion. (需要的份量达到连同NERV总部一起破坏掉的程度 松代的玛基2号也得出了相同的结论)


1. The Magi 2 at Matsushiro reached the same conclusion. (翻译:需要的份量达到连同NERV总部一起破坏掉的程度 松代的玛基2号也得出了相同的结论)

2. She was annoyed, now leave it. (翻译:她当时生气了 Elle était énervée.)

3. That's right. And that is our secret base; NERV Headquarters. (翻译:没错 那就是我们的秘密基地 NERV总部 重建世界的关键)

4. The Angel is penetrating through the 17th armored plate! Target will reach NERV Headquarters in 4 minutes 55 seconds. (翻译:敌人先端部分已突破第17装甲体 距离到达NERV总部还有4小时55分)

5. If an Angel ever reaches Level EEE of NERV Headquarters... an automatic self-destruct would commence. (翻译:如果我们无法阻止使徒入侵NERV总部的Level Triple E 这里就会自动爆炸)

6. According to Magi's calculations to pierce the enemy's AT Field, we'd need to drop so many aerial N2 Mines that it would destroy NERV HQ as well. (翻译:根据玛基的计算 如果想用N2航空爆雷贯穿目标的A. T.)

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