kicks是什么意思 kicks的中文翻译、读音、例句

kicks是什么意思 kicks的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 名词:

1) 意指令人满意、兴高采烈的事情或感受

例句:The party was a blast. I had so many kicks dancing with my friends.


2) 指运动鞋,尤其是球鞋

例句:I love my new kicks from Nike. They're so comfortable to wear.


2. 动词:

1) 指踢,踢打

例句:He got kicked in the face by accident during the soccer game.


2) 意为追求,寻找

例句:Young people are always kicking for something new and exciting.


3. 缩写词:

1) "Kicks"可以是"Keep it simple, stupid."的缩写,意思是"保持简单,傻瓜",常常用于商业和管理领域

例句:The key to success in this project is to focus on the basics and just remember KISS – keep it simple, stupid.


2) "Kicks"还可以是"Knowledge, Ideas, Creativity, Know-how and Skills"的缩写,意为知识、想法、创造力、技能和技巧,通常用于教育和培训领域。

例句:Our training program is designed to help employees develop the KICKS they need to succeed in their jobs.



1. I got a kick out of watching that movie. It was really funny. (名词)


2. The soccer player kicked the ball into the goal. (动词)


3. She always kicks against the system, trying to change it. (动词)


4. Remember to KISS when you're making a sales pitch. (缩写词)


5. The training program focuses on developing the KICKS that employees need to succeed. (缩写词)




1. He gave the ball a sharp kick and sent it flying into the goal. (他猛踢了一脚球,将球射进了球门。)

2. She loves to go hiking and get her kicks out in nature. (她喜欢去远足,享受大自然带来的乐趣。)

3. I'm just looking for a little adventure and some new kicks.(我只是想找点新鲜感和冒险刺激。)




例句:Because he kicks his wife to wake her up to feed the child. (-为什么? 因为他一脚踢醒孩子他妈去喂奶)


例句:Hungary on the right wing ... Fritz Walter kicks the ball out of the bounds. (匈牙利在右侧,Fritz Walter把 球踢去界外)


例句:Today is the last day of practice before the tourney kicks into full swing. (随着赛事的全面展开,今天是最后一个训练日了。)


例句:And then be ready to toss that decision out the window when the pain really kicks in. (翻译:她会后悔她的决定... ...当她真正感到疼痛时)


kicks一般作为名词、动词使用,如在kicks in(na. 捐助;清还;破门而入;〈俚〉死\n[网络] 踢掉)、kicks it(戒除嗜好)、drop kicks((橄榄球中的)抛踢球)等常见短语中出现较多。

kicks inna. 捐助;清还;破门而入;〈俚〉死\n[网络] 踢掉
kicks it戒除嗜好
drop kicks(橄榄球中的)抛踢球
dolphin kicks【游泳 】(蝶泳的)海豚式蹬腿
flutter kicks浅打水
free kicksn. 【足】任意球\n[网络] 罚直接任意球的能力;自由球;任意足球
frog kicks蛙泳蹬腿\n蛙式蹬腿
goal kicksn. 【足,橄】球门球
just for kicks为了好玩


1. Today is the last day of practice before the tourney kicks into full swing. (翻译:随着赛事的全面展开,今天是最后一个训练日了。)

2. And then be ready to toss that decision out the window when the pain really kicks in. (翻译:她会后悔她的决定... ...当她真正感到疼痛时)

3. And that is where our training kicks in. (翻译:不 我们只是要去到 这个疯子在地。And that is where our training kicks in.)

4. A chick, he keeps telling me, Gets her kicks on "rififi" (翻译:一个胆小鬼,他一直告诉我 让她打开rififi)

5. If Rothstein kicks in, you take the money, meet McCoy down in Tampa. (翻译:若是Rothstein入股了 你带着钱 去塔帕找McCoy)

6. But that means if your girlfriend kicks you out, you'll kick me out? (翻译:所以 意思说 如果您女朋友把您赶出去 您就要把我赶走咯)

7. At least you're close when the coronary kicks in. (翻译:当你的冠状动脉冲起来的时候 至少可以立即就医)

8. But then someone kicks in the door. - _ (翻译:但是有人踢门进来 But then someone kicks in the door.)

9. If that guy kicks the bucket, Antoine's in for it. (翻译:如果那个人见阎王了, 安托万会为此而入狱)

10. Today is the last day of practice before the tourney kicks into full swing. (翻译:随着赛事的全面展开,今天是最后一个训练日了。)

11. He needs to hit or be hit to get his kicks. (翻译:他需让他折磨的人 He needs to hit or be hit to get his kicks.)

12. That's when Geoffrey kicks him! (翻译:- 小孩们,医护人员 -Gibbons医生.)

13. Before the automative program kicks in. (翻译:在自动程序侵入前 Before the automative program kicks in.)

14. Yeah, sort of kinks... but if you overclock your rig, it kicks (翻译:sort of kinks... it kicks)

15. I mean, I'm used to these types that get their kicks picking on cripples. (翻译:我的意思是 我过去习惯于这样了 某些人靠作弄跛子来得到快感)



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