fiercest是什么意思 fiercest的中文翻译、读音、例句

fiercest是什么意思 fiercest的中文翻译、读音、例句

Fiercest是 fierce 的最高级形式,表示极度强烈或极具攻击性。下面从几个方面介绍一下fiercest:

1. 词义:表示最强烈的、最凶猛的、最具攻击性的等意思。

2. 词性:形容词,最高级形式。

3. 词组搭配:fiercest competition(最激烈的竞争)、fiercest critic(最严厉的批评家)、fiercest battle(最激烈的战斗)等。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:/'fɪəsəst/


1. This was the fiercest storm to hit the region in decades.(这是几xx年来袭击该地区的最猛烈的风暴。)

2. Her fiercest critic accused her of being ungrateful and stubborn.(她最严厉的批评者指责她不感激和固执。)

3. The fiercest competition often comes from within.(最激烈的竞争往往来自内部。)

4. The animal's fiercest instincts were aroused by the scent of blood.(这只动物因为嗅到血腥气味而激发起最凶猛的本能。)

5. The fiercest battles are often fought on the battlefield of the mind.(最激烈的战斗往往在心灵战场上展开。)




1. The fiercest battles were fought in the mountains.


2. The lion is one of the fiercest animals in the world.





例句:0ne of the fiercest battles of the war took place here and the central span of this bridge was bombed. (越战期间一次最激烈的战斗曾经在此发生。大桥的中部被炸断,沉入江中。)


例句:Some of the fiercest competition between them is for talent. (他们之间最为激烈的竞争之一是人才的竞争。)


例句:Punic faith; the perfidious Judas; the fiercest and most treacherous of foes; treacherous intrigues. (背信弃义;背信弃义的犹大;最凶恶、最奸诈的敌人;背信弃义的阴谋。)


例句:Can anything survive the North African desert when the sun is at its fiercest? (翻译:是否有生物能在北非沙漠 {\3cH202020}Can anything survive the North African desert 烈日的炙烤下存活呢 {\3cH202020}when the sun is at its fiercest?)


1. Punic faith; the perfidious Judas; the fiercest and most treacherous of foes; treacherous intrigues. (翻译:背信弃义;背信弃义的犹大;最凶恶、最奸诈的敌人;背信弃义的阴谋。)

2. Can anything survive the North African desert when the sun is at its fiercest? (翻译:是否有生物能在北非沙漠 {\3cH202020}Can anything survive the North African desert 烈日的炙烤下存活呢 {\3cH202020}when the sun is at its fiercest?)

3. Here is the old story -- we've already heard a little bit about it: biology is war in which only the fiercest survive; businesses and nations succeed only by defeating, destroying and dominating competition; politics is about your side winning at all costs. (翻译:这里先说说过去的老方式。这个我们已经知道了一些。生物学是一场战争,只有最凶猛的生物可以生存。生意场上、国家之间,只有击败、 摧毁对方,占据主导地位才能成功。政治就是不计代价为自己一方赢得胜利。)

4. Only the fiercest fighters of Mindanao could not be conquered. (翻译:只有最激烈战斗的棉兰老不能被征服。)

5. The fiercest of all concerns pay. (翻译:其中人们最关心的问题就是工资了。)

6. Serket, goddess of venomous creatures, had sent seven of her fiercest servants to guard Isis and her son. (翻译:赛尔凯特,蝎子之神, 派了她七个最凶猛的仆人, 去守护伊西丝和她的儿子。)

7. They were prepared to fight the fiercest panther or a pack of lobo... (翻译:他们准备和最凶猛的黑豹或一群大灰狼拼斗。)

8. But the path ahead was marked with untold terrors– enough to test even the fiercest heroes. (翻译:但是他们前方的道路 满是不为人知的危险—— 恐怖到足以挑战 这些最为英勇的英雄们。)

9. 10As the fiercest fighting wound down in 2002, Afghanistan returned to a semblance of normality. (翻译:当最激烈的战斗在xx年缓和下来,阿富汗恢复了表面的正常。)

10. Centuries ago, the Inca developed ingenuous suits of armor that could flex with the blows of sharp spears and maces, protecting warriors from even the fiercest physical attacks. (翻译:几个世纪前, 印加人发明了一种独特的盔甲, 这种盔甲能够随着锋利长矛 和狼牙棒的打击而弯曲, 从而保护士兵免受于 哪怕是最猛烈的物理攻击。)

11. Along the Jap's southern defense line the Yanks progress slowly facing one of the fiercest artillery barrages of the war. (翻译:延着日军南边的防御线 美军遭遇到空前猛烈的炮击 而进度缓慢)

12. The hearings were scheduled to take place, when the fiercest critic, Claire Patterson was off in Antarctica. (翻译:听证会召开的时间 The hearings were scheduled to take place, 特地选在彼得森在南极洲的时间 when the fiercest critic, Claire Patterson was off in Antarctica.)

13. In the fiercest confrontation of the year, casualties are mounting on both sides. (翻译:LN 今年 最激烈的 对抗, 伤亡 安装在 两侧。)

14. They were prepared to fight the fiercest panther or a pack of lobo. (翻译:他们准备和最凶猛的黑豹或一群大灰狼拼斗。)

15. your fiercest, and your most talented. (翻译:最ne? nfricati, 和最有才华的。)



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