pth是什么意思 pth的中文翻译、读音、例句

pth是什么意思 pth的中文翻译、读音、例句

PTH 可以是多种意思,具体如下:


- PTH (Parathyroid hormone):甲状旁腺激素,是一种腺体激素,调节血钙水平。


- PTH 是一个缩写词,全称为 Parathyroid hormone。


- PTH levels: 甲状旁腺激素水平

- PTH secretion: 甲状旁腺激素分泌

- PTH assay: 甲状旁腺激素测定

- PTH-related peptide: 与甲状旁腺激素相关的肽

- PTH receptor: 甲状旁腺激素受体


- PTH 的发音为 /ˌpiːtiːˈeɪtʃ/


1. PTH regulates blood calcium levels by stimulating bone resorption. (甲状旁腺激素通过刺激骨吸收来调节血钙水平。)

2. Elevated PTH levels are often seen in patients with kidney disease. (肾病患者常见高甲状旁腺激素水平。)

3. PTH secretion is controlled by negative feedback mechanisms. (甲状旁腺激素分泌受到负反馈机制的控制。)

4. PTH assay is used to diagnose and monitor various bone and mineral disorders. (甲状旁腺激素测定用于诊断和监测各种骨质和矿物质疾病。)

5. PTH-related peptide is found in some types of cancer and can cause hypercalcemia. (某些类型的癌症中发现与甲状旁腺激素相关的肽可以引起高钙血症。)

6. PTH receptor is expressed in many different tissues, not just the parathyroid gland. (甲状旁腺激素受体在许多不同组织中表达,而不仅仅是在甲状旁腺中。)

7. The abbreviation PTH stands for Parathyroid hormone. (缩写 PTH 是指甲状旁腺激素。)




1. This scientific formula contains the symbol 'pth'.


2. John struggled to remember the meaning of the abbreviation 'pth'.





例句:During the operation last November, my blood was tested to ensure the gland's removal brought about an expected PTH drop. (在去年xx月份进行的手术中,医生检测了我的血液,以确认甲状旁腺的摘除能使甲状旁腺素含量降低。)


例句:The purpose of this study was to investigate the precise effect of low dose PTH on osteoblast differentiation. (因此,本研究旨在探讨低剂量副甲状腺素对造骨细胞分化的实际效应。)


例句:PTH and CBZ are potent inducers of hepatic enzyme and can lower the serum concentration of VPA. (丙戊酸钠和卡马西平是强有力的肝酶诱导剂,使丙戊酸钠血浓度降低。)


例句:During the operation last November, my blood was tested to ensure the gland's removal brought about an expected PTH drop. (翻译:在去年xx月份进行的手术中,医生检测了我的血液,以确认甲状旁腺的摘除能使甲状旁腺素含量降低。)


pth一般作为名词使用,如在PTH([化] 甲状旁腺素)、PTH determination(甲状旁腺素测定)、pth power norm([数] p次幂范数)等常见短语中出现较多。

PTH[化] 甲状旁腺素
PTH determination甲状旁腺素测定
pth power norm[数] p次幂范数


1. PTH and CBZ are potent inducers of hepatic enzyme and can lower the serum concentration of VPA. (翻译:丙戊酸钠和卡马西平是强有力的肝酶诱导剂,使丙戊酸钠血浓度降低。)

2. During the operation last November, my blood was tested to ensure the gland's removal brought about an expected PTH drop. (翻译:在去年xx月份进行的手术中,医生检测了我的血液,以确认甲状旁腺的摘除能使甲状旁腺素含量降低。)

3. The diagnosis was established preoperatively by the presence of high quantities of PTH in the cyst fluid in one of the patients. (翻译:诊断成立由术前存在高数量的甲状旁腺在囊液中的病人。)

4. No correlations were found among patients' serum Al levels (at baseline as well as after DFO test and after DFO treatment), serum PTH levels and their bone densities. (翻译:基础血铝、D FO试验及治疗后血铝,与甲状旁腺激素及骨密度都无明显相关关系。)

5. Conclusion. PTH presenting as a pseudomeningocele is extremely rare. (翻译:结论:假性脑脊膜膨出性PTH非常罕见。)

6. In clinical trials in postmenopausal osteoporosis, PTH administration consistently increased BMD in the lumbar spine and femoral neck. (翻译:在临床试验中的绝经后骨质疏松症,甲状旁腺政府不断增加骨密度腰椎和股骨颈。)

7. Conclusion Cause, age of onset chronic renal failure, ultrafiltration, PTH hypotension-related. (翻译:结论导致慢性肾衰的原发病、年龄、超滤量、PTH与低血压的发生有关。)

8. See dthread3.c or open the same file in your PTH directory. (翻译:浏览dthread3 . c,或者在pth目录下打开这个文件。)

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