misinterpreted是什么意思 misinterpreted的中文翻译、读音、例句

misinterpreted是什么意思 misinterpreted的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思:Misinterpreted是一个动词,意思是"误解"、"误读"、"曲解"等。在某个上下文中,如果一个词、语句、符号或者其他表征被错误地理解,就可以用这个单词来描述这种情况。

2. 用法:Misinterpreted通常用于描述对于某个信息、文本、言论等的错误解读。这种误解可能是由于读者、听者、观众的个人感受、文化背景、教育水平等因素导致的。也有可能是由于发布者的表达不够清晰、言辞不当等原因造成的。

3. 同义词:Misunderstood、Misread、Mistakenly Interpreted

4. 相关词汇:Interpretation、Misinterpretation


1. 我曾经错读了那个单词,所以我的翻译不准确。(I misinterpreted that word, so my translation was inaccurate.)

2. 她误解了我的意思,以为我不喜欢她的衣服。(She misinterpreted what I meant and thought I didn't like her clothes.)

3. 这个画家的作品经常被人曲解。(The artist's work is often misinterpreted by people.)

4. 他的笑容被误解为嘲讽。(His smile was misinterpreted as mockery.)

5. 观众误读了那个标志,以为演出时间是晚上。 (The audience misread the sign and thought the performance was in the evening.)


1. The statement was misinterpreted, causing unnecessary controversy.

2. He misinterpreted my silence as a lack of interest.

3. Don't misinterpret my words; I didn't mean to offend you.

4. The email was misread and led to confusion among coworkers.

5. The speaker's message was mistakingly interpreted by the audience.




1. Her words were misinterpreted by the media, leading to a lot of misunderstanding.


2. The meaning of the poem was misinterpreted by some readers, who thought it was about love when in fact it was about loss.





例句:Guilty of having, in his youth... misinterpreted the message of the gospels. (他的罪在于年轻的时候... ...曲解了福音的讯息.)


例句:have you considered even for a moment that you could be wrong, that you misinterpreted what you saw, that you are ruining my brother's life and mine over nothing? (你有没有想过你可能是错的 你曲解了你看到的情景 你平白无故的毁了我弟弟和我的生活)


例句:If I'd told anyone that I was using drugs to develop a case, they would have misinterpreted, and I couldn't afford that risk. (如果我告诉任何一个人我正在为了破案使用毒品 他们可能会错误地理解这件事情 而我不能冒那个风险)


1. If I'd told anyone that I was using drugs to develop a case, they would have misinterpreted, and I couldn't afford that risk. (翻译:如果我告诉任何一个人我正在为了破案使用毒品 他们可能会错误地理解这件事情 而我不能冒那个风险)

2. That I've misinterpreted the date and quite possibly the time, too. (翻译:比如我有没有记错日期 或是记错时间什么的)

3. Deng Xiaoping said, "To get rich is glorious. " However, the line is often misinterpreted as an aggressive dismissal of ethical concerns. (翻译:邓在一次讲话中曾经说过:“致富光荣”,而这句话却经常被错误地理解为对伦理因素无情的抛弃。)

4. But the basic thing is the scriptures are misinterpreted to keep men in an ascendant position. (翻译:但是这些经文都被曲解了 仅仅只是为了保证男性可以占据主导地位。)

5. I wanted to be near him, you know... help him adjust, make sure that he doesn't get... misinterpreted. (翻译:我希望在他身边,你知道的... ... I wanted to be near him, you know...)

6. I'm going to put it to you that you may have misinterpreted what you just saw. (翻译:我想向你说明的是 你有可能误解了你刚才的所见)

7. If I misinterpreted it, fine, but you seemed depressed. (翻译:要是我让你感到不快. 我道歉. 你好像有心事.)

8. I feel Mollys domineer is easily misinterpreted by clients. (翻译:我觉得莫丽的跋扈更容易被客户所误解。)

9. Alicia, complicated relationships are a breeding ground for misinterpreted action. (翻译:Alicia 复杂的关系 就是滋生错误行动的温床)

10. Anything could be misinterpreted. (翻译:什么都可能被误解 耶酥的山上宝训也逃不过 Anything could be misinterpreted.)

11. This...this hieroglyph has been misinterpreted for years. (翻译:这个... 这个象形文字 多年来一直被人误解了)

12. Their interpretation was faulty – they had misinterpreted things. (翻译:他们的解释是错误的–他们曲解了事物。)

13. The perforation, which misinterpreted as eyes, actually is a gap between the body of a bird and its talon. (翻译:被看作是眼睛的穿孔,其实是鸟的身体与爪之间的空隙。)

14. I was misinterpreted and my statement was misconstrued as callous and tactless. (翻译:我感觉我被误解了 我的声明也被人曲解为是冷酷粗鲁)

15. In our rush to decipher the Rambaldi enigma, we misinterpreted the code. (翻译:当我们忙着破解兰巴迪之谜之时 我们错译了密码)



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