aws是什么意思 aws的中文翻译、读音、例句

aws是什么意思 aws的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:AWS 是 Amazon Web Services 的缩写,是一种全球领先的公有云计算平台,提供了大量的云计算服务和基础设施支持。



1. AWS CloudFormation:AWS 的模板化部署服务。

2. AWS S3:简单存储服务(Simple Storage Service),是 AWS 的一种对象存储服务。

3. AWS Lambda:无服务器计算服务,可自动运行代码以响应特定事件。

4. AWS EC2:弹性计算云,是 AWS 的一种计算服务。

5. AWS IoT:物联网服务,使设备和应用程序之间的通信变得简单可靠。

6. AWS Rekognition:面部识别服务,可识别图片和视频中的人脸。

7. AWS RDS:关系型数据库服务(Relational Database Service),是 AWS 的一种数据库服务。




1. AWS is a cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of cloud computing services and infrastructure support.(AWS 是一种云计算平台,提供了大量的云计算服务和基础设施支持。)

2. AWS offers a range of services in computing, storage, databases, analytics, machine learning, and Internet of Things.(AWS 在计算、存储、数据库、分析、机器学习和物联网方面提供了一系列服务。)

3. AWS allows businesses to scale and grow quickly without the need for large capital investments.(AWS 允许企业快速扩展和发展,无需大规模投资。)

4. AWS customers can choose from a variety of pricing models to meet their specific needs.(AWS 客户可以选择多种定价模型,以满足其特定需求。)

5. AWS has data centers located in various regions around the world, providing reliable and secure cloud computing services worldwide.(AWS 在世界各地设有数据中心,提供可靠和安全的全球云计算服务。)

6. AWS provides solutions for businesses of all sizes and industries, from startups to multinational corporations.(AWS 为各个规模和行业的企业提供解决方案,从初创公司到跨国企业。)

7. AWS is constantly innovating and expanding its offerings to meet the evolving needs of its customers.(AWS 不断创新并扩大其产品供应,以满足客户不断变化的需求。)



例句:我使用AWS来部署我的应用程序和管理我的云资源。(I use AWS to deploy my applications and manage my cloud resources.)




例句:Amazon Web Services (AWS), which rents computing capacity inits giant data centres to customers, has also won a reputation for being cheap. (亚马逊网络服务系统将其庞大数据中心的计算能力出租给客户,赢的了物美价廉的声誉。)


例句:Magnus in the cloud, as displayed on the AWS console. (云中的Magnus,显示在AWS控制台上。)


例句:Qualifications: Certified from AWS (American Welding Society), EWF (European Welding Federation) or similar. More then 5 years experience. (资质:持有美国焊接学会或欧盟焊接协会或相近资质。xx年以上工作经验。)


例句:Separate account from AWS account. (翻译:分离Amazon.com帐号与AWS帐号。)


1. Qualifications: Certified from AWS (American Welding Society), EWF (European Welding Federation) or similar. More then 5 years experience. (翻译:资质:持有美国焊接学会或欧盟焊接协会或相近资质。xx年以上工作经验。)

2. Separate account from AWS account. (翻译:分离Amazon.com帐号与AWS帐号。)

3. Krishnan also made a couple of Suggestions on improving the AWS security. (翻译:Krishnan提了几个增强AWS安全性的建议。)

4. In addition the AWS (American Welding Society) and the KWIC (Korea Welding Industry Cooperative) also support this event. (翻译:此外,还得到了美国焊接学会和韩国焊接工业协会的大力支持。)

5. If an IBM customer is under current IBM product maintenance for any of the software products in the AMI, do they get AWS AMIs for free? (翻译:如果一个IBM客户当前已经拥有IBM的某个AMI软件产品,他们能够免费获得AWSAMI吗?)

6. Amazon AWS is the frontrunner in providing cloud infrastructure with the largest breadth of products and most mature offerings in IaaS. (翻译:AmazonAWS是云基础设施的领跑者,它在IaaS上拥有最多的产品和最成熟的供给。)

7. Mesoscale modeling of katabatic winds over Greenland and comparisons with AWS and aircraft data (翻译:格陵兰下滑风的中尺度模拟和与AWS以及飞机资料的比较)

8. Amazon AWS is the frontrunner in providing cloud infrastructure with the largest breadth of products and most mature offerings in IaaS. (翻译:Amazon AWS是云基础设施的领跑者,它在IaaS上拥有最多的产品和最成熟的供给。)

9. Perhaps Dynamo, Amazon's scalable data store and due to be presented at SOSP 2007, is the remaining missing piece of the AWS puzzle. (翻译:也许dynamo——amazon将在SOSP 2007上演示的可伸缩数据存储——会是AWS拼图中缺失的那一块。)

10. Comparing cloud-computing prices is tricky, but observers of the market report that AWS is typically one of the lowest-cost providers. (翻译:要比较不同公司云计算服务的价格非常困难,但这一市场的观察家们认为亚马逊是这种服务的几家最低成本供应商之一。)

11. Requirements for generating AWS code. (翻译:生成aws代码的要求。)

12. In what seems to be a response, Amazon has made available a free AWS Usage Tier for new customers for one year. (翻译:似乎是作为对此的响应,Amazon为新用户提供xx年的AWS免费使用方式。)

13. Perhaps Dynamo, Amazon's scalable data store and due to be presented at SOSP 2007, is the remaining missing piece of the AWS puzzle. (翻译:也许Dynamo——Amazon将在SOSP2007上演示的可伸缩数据存储——会是AWS拼图中缺失的那一块。)

14. First, I need a way to obtain AWS credentials. (翻译:首先,我需要一种获取AWS凭据的方式。)

15. Because AWS is a cloud-based offering, do not integrate your corporate user directory in real time. (翻译:因为AWS是基于云的产品,所以没有实时集成您的公司用户目录。)

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