minami是什么意思 minami的中文翻译、读音、例句

minami是什么意思 minami的中文翻译、读音、例句

'minami' 不是单词,它是一个日语单词,音译为“南”,意思是“南部”或“南方”。它是一个名词,没有词组搭配或短语。它的发音拼写为 [minami]。


1. 东京的南部景色非常美丽。

The scenery in the south of Tokyo is very beautiful.

2. 我们即将前往韩国的南部旅行。

We are about to travel to the south of Korea.

3. 他的故乡在日本的南部。

His hometown is in the south of Japan.

4. 阿拉斯加最南部的城市叫做克奇坎。

The southernmost city in Alaska is called Ketchikan.

5. 菲律宾的南部地区经常受到自然灾害的影响。

The southern region of the Philippines is often affected by natural disasters.

6. 海南岛位于中国的南部,是一个美丽的旅游胜地。

Hainan Island, located in the south of China, is a beautiful tourist destination.

7. 印度洋的南部海域经常发生海啸。

The southern Indian Ocean is often hit by tsunamis.



读音:mǐ nà mǐ。


1. Minami是一个美丽的城市。

Translation: Minami is a beautiful city.

2. 我的家乡在日本的minami地区。

Translation: My hometown is in the minami region of Japan.




例句:A fragment of a grenade fragment. Minami barely escaped. (医生从体内取出手榴弹碎片 真奈美勉强逃脱)


例句:I'm sure that Minami never had a look like this on her face. (她即使到最后一刻 也一定没有露出这种悲惨的表情)


例句:Minami the Knife Thrower finished and Shiraito was on. (飞刀阿南从台上下来后 白丝取而代之登上了舞台)


例句:Minami told me everything in the letter that came with her will. (翻译:美波小姐把一切都告诉我了 在她的遗嘱所附上的信里)


1. Minami the Knife Thrower finished and Shiraito was on. (翻译:飞刀阿南从台上下来后 白丝取而代之登上了舞台)

2. Minami told me everything in the letter that came with her will. (翻译:美波小姐把一切都告诉我了 在她的遗嘱所附上的信里)

3. Ichiro Suga as Iwabuchi Hirohisa Murata as Minami Bontaro Miake as Shinzo (翻译:岩渊刚 藏管井伊郎 飞刀阿南 村田宏寿 守门人新藏 见明凡太郎)

4. I don't care what you say! It's certain that Minami did it! (翻译:你们听好了不管谁造什么谣言 凶手呢一定是阿南)

5. Minami Tori Island, East Wind, 12 knots. Fair. 15. 26 degrees. (翻译:南乌岛,东风,风速12节 晴天,最低12度最高26度)

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