repare是什么意思 repare的中文翻译、读音、例句

repare是什么意思 repare的中文翻译、读音、例句

'repare' 不是单词,可能是拼写错误。我猜测您想查询的单词是 'repair'。




- repair shop:修理店

- repairman:修理工

- repair costs:修理费用

- repair work:维修工作

短语:make repairs(进行修理)、in need of repair(需要修理)



1. The car needs to be repaired because the engine is not working properly.(这辆车需要修理,因为发动机工作不正常。)

2. The plumber will come tomorrow to repair the leaky faucet.(管道工人明天会来修理漏水的水龙头。)

3. The bike was so old that it was beyond repair.(这辆自行车年代太久了,已经无法修复。)

4. The company had to repair the damage caused by the earthquake.(公司不得不修复地震造成的损害。)

5. He repaired his relationship with his ex-girlfriend by apologizing.(他通过道歉修复了与前女友的关系。)

6. The computer technician repaired the broken screen on my laptop.(电脑技术人员修理了我笔记本电脑上破损的屏幕。)

7. The city government is responsible for repairing the roads and bridges.(市政府负责修建道路和桥梁。)



1. The mechanic is going to repair my car tomorrow. (那位技工明天要修理我的汽车。)

2. The company has a team of technicians to repair and maintain their machines. (公司有一支技术团队负责维修和保养他们的机器。)




例句:You sure we got to do all this work for me to be a sales rep? (你确定我们需要做的这一切工作 对我来说 成为一名销售人员?)


例句:So, whichever rep has the best sales for the quarter gets a trip for two to Hawaii. (季度销售冠军可以 So, whichever rep has the best sales for the quarter 获得夏威夷双人游 gets a trip for two to Hawaii.)

例句:We were in rep together 20 years ago at bournemouth. (我们xx年前 一起在伯恩茅斯当售货员 We were in rep together 20 years ago at Bournemouth.)


1. We were in rep together 20 years ago at bournemouth. (翻译:我们xx年前 一起在伯恩茅斯当售货员 We were in rep together 20 years ago at Bournemouth.)

2. So what, your actors studied guerrilla theater at the London Rep? (翻译:“难道你的演员们都是在伦敦培训机构学习的街头表演吗?” )

3. Trey Hannigan. Lilly's Prozac rep, top 10 nationally. The Devil. (翻译:特雷汉尼根,礼来公司全国十大 推销百忧解的代表,别名魔人)

4. This Corningstone business is really hurting our rep. (翻译:簈圭狥┮┮ 痷纥臫и打羘臕)

5. You know Hyun-soo Nam, the DJ? He's got a pretty bad rep. (翻译:那个DJ南贤秀 名声很差呢 听说人品不行)

6. The only reason that's my rep is 'cause you tell people that. (翻译:唯一的原因, 这是我的代表 是因为你 告诉人们这一点。)

7. So... why do you think you'd make a good pharmaceutical sales rep? (翻译:所以 你觉得自己为什么 能够胜任医药销售代表的工作呢)

8. Manufacturers are still free to use bisphenol a, but it has acquired such a bad rep that not many do. (翻译:厂商仍然可以使用双酚a,但是它已经获得了少见的坏名声。)

9. You're pretty famous around here / Yeah, but getting a bit of a teachers pet rep. (翻译:你在这里很出名啊/我想是的, 只是得到了一点上司的关心而已.)

10. I know your Lilly rep, Trey Hannigan? He asked Cindy to squeeze me in, so... (翻译:我认识礼来药业的特雷汉尼根 他叫仙蒂给我安排一点时间...)

11. Callers like to think they get the same service rep. (翻译:来电者希望每次接电话的 都是同一个客服代表)

12. The plastic yield condition of frame column is rep - resented in stress resultants. (翻译:用广义应力表达了框架柱的塑性屈服条件。)

13. You know I'm always surprised considering your rep what a little thing you are (翻译:久闻大名 我一直有些讶异 想不到你是这么娇小玲珑的)

14. (pOSTMAN) When I was in the Rep, Larry said to me, (翻译:我在伊斯特本剧院的时候 有一次Larry问我)

15. You wanna protect your prison rep? (翻译:you know? 你想保持在监狱里的声誉 {\3cH202020}You wanna protect your prison rep? 还是想离开这儿?)

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