jxc是什么意思 jxc的中文翻译、读音、例句

jxc是什么意思 jxc的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义和用途:JXC一般指进销存,是商业行为中的一种管理形式,涉及到物品的进货、销售、库存等方面。在企业中,JXC管理对于保证商品供应链的高效性、减少库存成本等方面非常重要。


- Our company has implemented a JXC system to better manage our inventory and improve our supply chain.

- The JXC software allows us to track our sales and stock levels in real-time.

- The JXC manager is responsible for overseeing the procurement, sales and stock control activities of the company.

- The JXC report showed that our sales had increased by 20% in the second quarter.

2. JXC的实施:实施JXC管理需要使用专门的软件,这些软件可以帮助企业进行进货和销售记录、库存管理以及财务报告等方面。


- We need to purchase a JXC software package to improve our inventory management.

- The JXC implementation process will take approximately 3 months to complete.

- Our IT department is responsible for setting up the JXC system on all of our computers.

- The JXC training program will ensure that all employees can use the new system effectively.

3. JXC对于企业的益处:通过实施JXC管理,企业可以更好地掌控产品的库存,减少库存损失,提高工作效率,从而增加利润。


- The JXC system has helped us to reduce our inventory carrying costs by 15%.

- Implementing JXC has allowed us to streamline our order processing system and improve customer satisfaction.

- The JXC management team has identified several areas for improvement, which will help us to increase profitability.

- The JXC system has provided us with valuable data on our customers' buying habits and preferences.

4. JXC与其他商业软件的关系:JXC管理很多时候需要和其他商业软件进行连接,例如ERP、CRM等。这些软件可以帮助企业更好地管理客户信息、财务数据等方面。


- Our JXC system is fully integrated with our ERP system, allowing us to manage our finances and inventory in one place.

- By combining JXC and CRM software, we can better understand our customers' needs and preferences.

- The JXC manager and the IT department are working together to connect our JXC system with our accounting software.

- We use a combination of JXC, CRM and project management software to manage our business processes efficiently.





例句:- "I, Francis J. Underwood..." (- 我 Francis J. Underwood)


例句:Okay, but just until the border? (but j -just until the border?)


例句:It comprises XC polymer, YDC LN additive and water soluble weighting agent. (该体系主要由X C聚合物和YDC - LN助剂以及可水溶性加重剂组成。)


例句:It describes the XC4000 LCA device Readback capability and its use. (翻译:论述了XC 4000系列L CA器件的回读功能和使用。)


1. It comprises XC polymer, YDC LN additive and water soluble weighting agent. (翻译:该体系主要由X C聚合物和YDC - LN助剂以及可水溶性加重剂组成。)

2. It describes the XC4000 LCA device Readback capability and its use. (翻译:论述了XC 4000系列L CA器件的回读功能和使用。)

3. Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for (STAMMERING) Jasmine. (翻译:女士们先生们 请热烈鼓掌 有请J -J -J)

4. Sincerely, William J. Bowerman. (翻译:谨启 William J. Bowerman.)

5. J.J. wants to talk to you before that. (翻译:硂ㄇㄆ薄ぇ玡J. J. Τ杠璶倒量.)

6. We are, of course, mindful of the O.J. Simpson situation, and we will apprise you of any new developments. (翻译:当然 我们不会忘了O·J·辛普森事件 We are, of course, mindful of the O. J. Simpson situation,)

7. O.J., O.J., we got to talk. (翻译:O·J 我们需要谈谈 O. J. , O.)

8. And finally, I get a call last year, and then I have to go up after J.J. Abrams. (翻译:到了去年我终于接到了一个电话 可是我又得排在J.J. Abrams 后面)

9. Did she know that O.J. was out there? (翻译:那她知道O·J就在外面么 Did she know that O. J.)

10. - All right, see you later, J. (翻译:- 好 回见 J - 晚安 比利 - All right, see you later, J.)

11. O.J., these things happen. (翻译:O·J 这样的事情是常有的 O. J. , these things happen.)

12. - I gotta - I gotta stop this. - No no no, sit down, sit down. (翻译:我苛早把他行〕俩分开 兄.J兄.j兄小 坐召砰.L看成)

13. It's standard on both XC60 models and is active up to 19 MPH. (翻译:它的标准上都XC60的模式,并积极高达19英里。)

14. O.J. Simpson is sitting in the backseat (翻译:O·J·辛普森正坐在车后座 O. J. Simpson is sitting in the backseat)

15. The Volvo XC60 is the least expensive of these luxury crossovers. (翻译:沃尔沃xc60的是这些豪华交叉最便宜的。)

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