1. 词源
2. 植物学
3. 地理位置
4. 文化
1. The Yucca is a popular plant in desert regions due to its tolerance for hot, dry conditions.(Yucca是沙漠地区的受欢迎的植物之一,因为它对炎热、干燥的条件有很高的耐受性。)
2. Yucca is not only a popular ornamental plant, but also a source of natural fiber for making ropes and baskets. (Yucca不仅是一种受欢迎的观赏植物,还是制作绳索和篮子的天然纤维的来源。)
3. The town of Yucca is located in the northeast corner of the Mojave Desert, surrounded by rugged mountains.(Yucca镇位于莫哈维沙漠的东北角,被崎岖的群山所环绕。)
4. Yucca root has been used in traditional Native American medicine to treat a variety of ailments.(Yucca根在传统的美洲原住民草药中被用来治疗各种疾病。)
5. The Yucca Mountain nuclear waste storage project was controversial due to concerns about radiation leakage and environmental impact.(由于担心辐射泄漏和环境影响,Yucca山核废料储存项目引发了争议。)
1. Yucca是西班牙语中的单词,意为“裸葵”。
2. Yucca常见于植物学中,是指北美洲和南美洲的某些植物,通常有长长的叶子和高大的花杆。
3. Yucca的常见翻译包括“裸葵”、“丝兰属”等。
4. 今天我去花园摘了一些yucca叶子做沙拉。 (西班牙语:Hoy fui al jardín y arranqué algunas hojas de yucca para hacer ensalada)
5. 这些yucca的花都开得很美丽。 (西班牙语:Las flores de estas yuccas son muy hermosas)
6. 在这个屋子里,有一个yucca植物放在窗台上。 (西班牙语:En esta habitación, hay una planta de yucca en el alféizar de la ventana)
7. 我想在我的花园里种一些yucca。 (西班牙语:Quiero plantar algunas yuccas en mi jardín)
8. 这个国家的荒漠地区常常能看到许多yucca。 (西班牙语:En las regiones desérticas de este país, se pueden encontrar muchas yuccas)
9. Yucca也可以用来制作化妆品和药物。 (西班牙语:Las yuccas también se pueden utilizar para hacer cosméticos y medicamentos)。
yucca的中文翻译是“丝兰”,读音为yú cǎ。
1. This desert landscape is dotted with yucca plants.
2. The yucca is a hardy plant that can thrive in dry conditions.
例句:Yucca was used by the Southwest Native Americans for washing their hair. (西南部的印第安人曾用丝兰来洗头发。)
例句:This is the clonal Mojave yucca, it's about a mile away, and it's a little bit older than 12,000 years. (这是一株无性繁殖的莫哈韦丝兰,离开大概一英里远, 它略大于一万两千岁。)
例句:This is the clonal Mojave yucca, it's about a mile away, and it's a little bit older than 12,000 years. (这是一株无性繁殖的莫哈韦丝兰,离开大概一英里远, 它略大于一万两千岁。)
4.丝兰 、常种于室内
例句:I brought 120 chickens, with yucca and with rice, and we went back to that broken bridge, we crossed the river, water up to everywhere. (翻译:于是我就带着 120 只鸡, 一些丝兰和米饭, 重新回到断桥那里, 渡过小河, 水漫得到处都是。)
yucca一般作为名词使用,如在genus Yucca([网络] 丝兰属)、spoonleaf yucca([网络] 丝蓝匙叶)、tree yucca(= joshua tree)等常见短语中出现较多。
genus Yucca | [网络] 丝兰属 |
spoonleaf yucca | [网络] 丝蓝匙叶 |
tree yucca | = joshua tree |
Yucca aloifolia | [网络] 芦荟叶丝兰;金棒兰;王兰 |
yucca aloifolias | [网络] 芦荟叶丝兰;金棒兰;王兰\n(yucca aloifolia 的复数) |
Yucca baccata | [网络] 纳瓦霍丝兰 |
yucca baccatas | [网络] 纳瓦霍丝兰\n(yucca baccata 的复数) |
yucca borer | 丝兰蝶 |
yucca borers | [网络] 丝兰蛀虫 |
1. This is the clonal Mojave yucca, it's about a mile away, and it's a little bit older than 12,000 years. (翻译:这是一株无性繁殖的莫哈韦丝兰,离开大概一英里远, 它略大于一万两千岁。)
2. I brought 120 chickens, with yucca and with rice, and we went back to that broken bridge, we crossed the river, water up to everywhere. (翻译:于是我就带着 120 只鸡, 一些丝兰和米饭, 重新回到断桥那里, 渡过小河, 水漫得到处都是。)
3. Some characteristics of vegetative organs of Yucca gloriosa are relative to drought resistance. (翻译:凤尾兰营养器官某些特征与抗旱性有关。)
4. And both of these, the yucca and the Creosote bush, live on Bureau of Land Management land, and that's very different from being protected in a national park. (翻译:而它们两个,丝兰和石灰酸灌木, 都生活在国土管理局的土地上, 这与生长在受保护的国家公园中有很大的不同。)
5. He wants to avert climate change, but stymies the expansion of nuclear power by blocking plans to store nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain, Nevada. (翻译:他想防止气候变暖,但是又阻止nevada州yuc ca山存放核废料的计划,这完全妨碍了核能源的扩展。)
6. The US will have to look for a new site, having abandoned its Yucca Mountain repository where a crack has appeared. (翻译:美国将不得不放弃已经出现裂纹的亚卡山储存库,寻找新的存放地点。)
7. The Taiwanese palate had not yet been introduced to the intoxicating charms of the sour yucca beer called Masato. (翻译:台湾朋友也还没见识过马莎多酸丝兰啤酒的醉人魅力。)
8. Instead, the Department of Energy had made plans to store the waste underground at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. (翻译:相反,美国能源部也计划了在内华达州的尤卡山的地下,存放这些核废料。)
9. For political reasons, Yucca Mountain was not opened, and will probably never be opened. (翻译:出于政治原因 Yacca山未打开, - 它可能永远不会知道。)
10. Yucca and devil's claw are common herbal anti-inflammatories. (翻译:丝兰和魔鬼爪是常见的草药消炎药。)
11. The Aguaruna mainly grow plantain, maize, and yucca. (翻译:阿瓜鲁纳主要生产大蕉、玉米和丝兰。)
12. America's Yucca Mountain repository, for example, was due to begin accepting waste in 1998. (翻译:例如,美国的Yuc ca山掩埋地原定应该从xx年开始接收废料。)
13. Zoc do you have any yucca SAP? (翻译:佐克,你那里还有丝兰的树液吗? )
14. And both of these, the yucca and the Creosote bush, live on Bureau of Land Management land, and that's very different from being protected in a national park. (翻译:而它们两个,丝兰和石灰酸灌木, 都生活在国土管理局的土地上, 这与生长在受保护的国家公园中有很大的不同。)
15. Half-time refreshment is a bowl of masato, a festive tipple made from the fermented juice of the yucca plant. (翻译:中场休息时,提神用的是一碗masato。这是用某种丝兰属植物的发酵汁液酿制的一种节日用的烈酒。这就好比是曼联队的马提尼酒。)