river是什么意思 river的中文翻译、读音、例句

river是什么意思 river的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义和概念: River是指自然形成的在地表流动的水体,通常有其源头和流向,可以是自然河道,也可以是人工修建的河道。河流是地球上最重要的水资源。

2. 地理和环境: River是地球上最重要的地貌特征之一。它们可以在全球范围内发现,流经不同的地理和环境地区。河流对于环境的影响也非常重要,如洪涝、河流侵蚀等等。

3. 文化和历史: River在世界各地都有重要的文化和历史意义,如尼罗河、恒河等。很多文化和城市都建立在河边,例如伦敦的泰晤士河和巴黎的塞纳河。

4. 生态系统和生物多样性: River是一个复杂的生态系统,提供了许多不同类型的自然环境。河流的水生生物多样性也非常重要,如鲑鱼、鲤鱼、鳟鱼等。

5. 经济和社会作用: 在全球范围内,河流被广泛利用,包括农业、工业、能源生产和运输等。许多城市和经济中心都建立在河边,使得河流在经济和社会发展中具有重要作用。


1. The Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia. 长江是亚洲最长的河流。

2. The Nile River flows through Egypt, Sudan, Uganda, and Ethiopia. 尼罗河流经埃及、苏丹、乌干达和埃塞俄比亚。

3. The Thames is a famous river in London. 泰晤士河是伦敦著名的河流。

4. The Amazon River has the largest volume of water of any river in the world. 亚马逊河是世界上水量最大的河流。

5. The Colorado River provides water for irrigation and hydroelectric power for the southwestern United States. 科罗拉多河为美国西南部提供灌溉和水电。




1. The river flows through the city, providing water and transportation for the locals.(这条河流从城市流过,为当地人提供水和交通。)

2. The fish in the river are so plentiful that we can catch them easily.(河里的鱼非常丰富,我们可以轻松地捕到它们。)

3. The bridge over the river is a popular spot for tourists to take pictures.(河上的桥是游客拍照的热门景点。)




例句:The Analysis Group, Charles River Associates, (著名的分析集团 Charles River 顾问)


例句:I don't want to have to go where you don't follow ♪ (♪Jump in the river and cool ourselves♪)


例句:And that won't happen until you're back in Fox River, so sit tight. (在你回Fox River监狱前打不了电话 所以给我老实呆着)


例句:I'm here with Ed Pavelka, the new warden of Fox River Penitentiary where Lincoln Burrows and Michael Scofield are scheduled to be returned to some time tomorrow. (翻译:Joliet 伊利诺斯州 Fox River国家监狱 我现在在Fox River国家监狱 与新任监狱长Ed Pavelka在一起 Lincoln Burrows和Michael Socfield 计划将于)


river一般作为名词使用,如在in the river([网络] 在河里;其中河;它在河里)、on a river(在河边)、on the river([网络] 在河面上;在河上;在河边)等常见短语中出现较多。

in the river[网络] 在河里;其中河;它在河里
on a river在河边
on the river[网络] 在河面上;在河上;在河边
the river[电影]大河
Yangtze River长江(中国)
Yellow River黄河(中国)
Digul River[网络] 迪古尔河
disappearance of river伏流
drowned river沉溺河


1. And that won't happen until you're back in Fox River, so sit tight. (翻译:在你回Fox River监狱前打不了电话 所以给我老实呆着)

2. I'm here with Ed Pavelka, the new warden of Fox River Penitentiary where Lincoln Burrows and Michael Scofield are scheduled to be returned to some time tomorrow. (翻译:Joliet 伊利诺斯州 Fox River国家监狱 我现在在Fox River国家监狱 与新任监狱长Ed Pavelka在一起 Lincoln Burrows和Michael Socfield 计划将于)

3. You have a suggestion for getting around the river? (翻译:你有什么渡河的建议么? You have a suggestion for getting around the river?)

4. - Beaver Creek, off the Route 10. (翻译:在 River Creek,在10号公路边。)

5. I've worked at fox river since I was 18 years old. (翻译:我xx岁起就在Fox River监狱工作了.)

6. They fetched the water from the Chubut river. (翻译:他们从丘布特河取水 They fetched the water from the Chubut river.)

7. If this thing doesn't work out and you end up going back to fox river, (翻译:如果不成功 最后你会回到Fox River监狱)

8. They pulled this girl out of the river. (翻译:Flood in Abbeville. They pulled this girl out of the river.)

9. All this way to hide a submarine in a river. (翻译:长途跋涉来 把潜艇藏在河里 All this way to hide a submarine in a river.)

10. There's a dealer about 20 minutes outside Rogue River. (翻译:在Rogue River外 20分钟车程有个药贩子)

11. # We'll gather at the river # (翻译:我们相聚河畔 ? Gather at the river)

12. You and me on the Charles River. (翻译:You and me on the Charles River.)

13. I'll have Rogue River waiting. (翻译:我会让Rogue River车队 的人在那里等他)

14. There are two towns in the U.S. named Rivergrove. (翻译:全国只有两个叫River Grove的小镇)

15. There's nowhere to hide ♪ f2 (mAºsica)♪ (翻译:把手举起来 ♪Down by the river in the full moonlight♪)



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