1. 词义解释
2. 相关领域
3. 例句
英文:Floppy disks are obsolete now, and most PCs no longer have floppy drives.
英文:He's feeling really down today and in a floppy mood.
中文:这个软件在Windows 10上运行不起来,我需要一个更新的版本。
英文:This software won't run on Windows 10, I need a newer, less floppy version.
英文:My computer was hit with a virus and the whole system went floppy.
英文:The speaker's delivery was floppy and uninspiring, and the audience soon lost interest.
1. My first computer had a floppy drive.
2. Remember when we used to save our documents on floppy disks?
例句:Forked from the now-discontinued SLS project, Slackware 1.0 came on 24 floppy disks and was built on top of Linux kernel version 0.99pl11-alpha. (从现在已经停止SLS计划项目,Slackware 1.0起始使用了24张软盘,并在Linux内核版本0.99pl11 -α之上。)
例句:That's the boot sector of an infected floppy, and if we take a closer look inside, we'll see that right there, it says, "Welcome to the dungeon." (这就是这个被感染软盘的引导区 如果我们仔细观察它的内部 我们会在那里发现, 它说:“欢迎来到地牢” )
例句:Yankee Doodle Floppy Disk, this is Foxtrot Zulu Milkshake. (北佬! 请注意 我是狐狸呼叫奶昔,请查700呎)
例句:My daughter loves that floppy-haired mope. I'm not sure exactly why, but she does. (翻译:我闺女爱死那个软不啦叽的拖把头了 虽然我不太明白 可她就是爱)
floppy一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在dual floppy(双面软盘)、floppy base(软盘基)、floppy bubble(软磁泡)等常见短语中出现较多。
dual floppy | 双面软盘 |
floppy base | 软盘基 |
floppy bubble | 软磁泡 |
floppy cap | 软帽 |
Floppy connector | [网络] 软磁盘接口;软驱接口 |
floppy device | [网络] 软驱设备;软碟机;软碟机装置 |
floppy disc | 柔性塑料磁盘,(软)塑料磁盘,软盘 |
floppy discs | 软性磁盘 |
floppy dise | 软盘 |
1. Yankee Doodle Floppy Disk, this is Foxtrot Zulu Milkshake. (翻译:北佬! 请注意 我是狐狸呼叫奶昔,请查700呎)
2. My daughter loves that floppy-haired mope. I'm not sure exactly why, but she does. (翻译:我闺女爱死那个软不啦叽的拖把头了 虽然我不太明白 可她就是爱)
3. This is a floppy disk -- five and a quarter-inch floppy disk infected by Brain.A. (翻译:这是个软盘 --5.25英寸的软盘 被Brain A 病毒所感染)
4. Soft tire body and lenient section ensure placidity and comfort when driving and riding, befitting using on floppy lawn. (翻译:柔软的胎体与宽大的断面能确保驾乘平稳舒适,适用于松软的草地行驶。)
5. In contast, Sony had previously announced that they will be ceasing all floppy disk production come March 2011 due to the lack of demand. (翻译:相比之下,索尼公司则不久前表示由于产品需求量极低,因此他们将于xx年xx月份停产软盘。)
6. That's the boot sector of an infected floppy, and if we take a closer look inside, we'll see that right there, it says, "Welcome to the dungeon." (翻译:这就是这个被感染软盘的引导区 如果我们仔细观察它的内部 我们会在那里发现, 它说:“欢迎来到地牢”)
7. There is a small door at the rear part, which can expose optical drive , floppy disk drive; ATX switch and audio switch . (翻译:后开小门,打开后可露出光驱,ATX开关及音响调节开关。)
8. And we got more productive because we didn't have to exchange floppy disks; we could update each other more often. (翻译:由于不需要交换软盘,我们变得更有效率, 相互交流也更为频繁。)
9. When we synthesize it, it comes single-stranded, so we can take the blue strand in one tube and make an orange strand in the other tube, and they're floppy when they're single-stranded. (翻译:当我们合成的时候,我们先合成单股的 这样我们可以在一个试管里合成这股蓝色的 而在另一个试管里合成这条橙色的 它们在单股的时候是松软的 )
10. MacDonald could see the female as she flickered a light. She had long, stringy, blond hair, boots, a floppy hat and said what sounded like. (翻译:因为那个女的拿着一个手电筒,所以麦克唐纳可以看清楚她。她的头发很长,金色,穿着靴子,戴着一个邋遢的帽子,说话粗鲁。)
11. Uh, they could have put it, on, on a old three and a half inch floppy disc. (翻译:嗯,他们可能已经把它, 上的旧xx年半 英寸软盘。)
12. In contast, Sony had previously announced that they will be ceasing all floppy disk production come March 2011 due to the lack of demand. (翻译:相比之下,索尼公司则不久前表示由于产品需求量极低,因此他们将于xx年xx月份停产软盘。)
13. Every computer is different, every floppy disk drive is different every hard disk is different, every video controller is different... (翻译:每部电脑都不一样,每个软盘、硬盘 视频控制器都不一样)
14. How many of you even have a disk drive in your laptop, never mind a floppy drive? (翻译:你们还有多少人的 笔记本电脑中有磁盘驱动器, 或者软盘驱动器? )
15. What you'll notice very delicately is that there's not all that much to this so-called floppy disk. (翻译:你会很细微地注意到所谓的软盘其实并没有那么多。)