eggplant是什么意思 eggplant的中文翻译、读音、例句

eggplant是什么意思 eggplant的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:eggplant是茄子的意思,有时也会被缩写为aubergine。在英式英语中,使用aubergine比eggplant更为常见。


- Can you buy me some eggplants at the grocery store? (你能帮我在杂货店买些茄子吗?)

- The aubergine dish at that restaurant is amazing. (那家餐厅的茄子菜非常棒。)

2. 拼写与发音:eggplant的发音为/ˈɛɡˌplænt/,拼写较为简单,适合初学者练习。而aubergine的发音为/ˌəʊbəˈʒiːn/,拼写较长,可能需要更多的时间来记忆。


- How do you spell eggplant? (你怎么拼写茄子的单词?)

- I always forget how to spell aubergine. (我总是记不住怎么拼写茄子的法语单词。)

3. 营养价值:茄子是一种营养丰富的食物,含有维生素、矿物质和纤维素等各种营养成分。


- I like to use eggplants in my vegetarian lasagna. (我喜欢在素食千层面里使用茄子。)

- Grilled aubergine is a great addition to any salad. (烤茄子是任何沙拉的很好搭配。)

4. 文化背景:茄子在不同国家和地区具有不同的文化背景和象征意义。例如,在中国文化中,茄子象征着好运和生育;在意大利文化中,茄子是一种流行的食材,常用于制作传统的意大利菜肴。


- In China, giving someone a basket of eggplants is a way to wish them good luck. (在中国,给某人送一篮茄子是祝福他们好运的方式。)

- Ratatouille is a classic French dish made with aubergines. (莎莎酱烩菜是一道经典的法国菜,用茄子做成。)


1. I made a delicious eggplant Parmesan for dinner. (我做了一道美味的茄子帕尔马干酪烤菜作为晚餐。)

2. Eggplant is a versatile vegetable that can be used in many different dishes. (茄子是一种多用途的蔬菜,可以用于许多不同的菜肴。)




例句:I believe the proper slur for someone like myself... would be, uh, "eggplant. " (骂我这种人的字眼应该是... ...黑鬼)


例句:Do not plant in old vegetable gardens, or near tomatoes, eggplant or asters . (没有植物,在老菜园,或附近的番茄,茄子或灾。)


eggplant一般作为名词使用,如在eggplant purple(茄皮紫)、eggplant salad([网络] 茄子沙拉;茄子沙律;泰式茄子沙律)、garden eggplant([医]茄子)等常见短语中出现较多。

eggplant purple茄皮紫
eggplant salad[网络] 茄子沙拉;茄子沙律;泰式茄子沙律
garden eggplant[医]茄子
japanese eggplant[网络] 日本茄;日本茄子
mashed eggplant茄泥
scarlet eggplant【植物】全绿叶茄(Solanum integrifolium) [亦作 tomato eggplant]
snake eggplant[网络] 蛇茄;长茄类
tomato eggplant= scarlet eggplant
eggplant phomopsis rot茄褐纹病


1. Please look at our eggplant! (翻译:请看我们种的茄子! )

2. I didn't know if it was pot luck so I brought an eggplant. (翻译:我不知道是不是要带吃的 所以就拿了茄子来)

3. High grade rose eggplant is claret, petaline size close, configuration is even, light smell leaf has slightly sour sweet taste is beautiful. (翻译:优质的玫瑰茄是深紫红色的,花瓣大小相近,形态均匀,轻嗅花瓣有微微的酸甜味为佳。)

4. Entrees, such as eggplant fatte, are typically Damascene. (翻译:主菜,像eggplant fatte,是有着典型的大马士革特色的。)

5. To control this serious pest, which can devastate the entire eggplant crop in Bangladesh, Bangladeshi farmers spray insecticides two to three times a week, sometimes twice a day, when pest pressure is high. (翻译:为了控制这种可以摧毁 孟加拉国所有茄子作物的严重害虫, 孟加拉国的农民每个星期喷射 两至三次的杀虫剂, 有时候当虫害严重时一天两次。)

6. In Italy, where eggplant was suspected of causing insanity, it was called mala insana, "mad apple" . (翻译:在意大利,人们曾怀疑茄子会让人精神错乱,于是把它叫做malainsana,也就是“疯狂的苹果”。)

7. You couldn't fit an eggplant in there! (翻译:你夹不了茄子! 它太大了! 你会被撕成两半的!)

8. Braised ribbonfish, Fried eggplant, vegetable soup, rice. (翻译:红烧带鱼,酱爆茄丁,蔬菜汤,米饭。)

9. Apart from peppers and eggplant, many other vegetables grill well. (翻译:除了甜椒和茄子,许多别的蔬菜烤起来也不错。)

10. Deep fried tofu, steamed rib with chilly eggplant with diced pork... (翻译:西芹鸡柳红烧豆腐豉汁排骨 干炒牛河叉烧煎蛋鱼香茄子)

11. In the genetic approach, scientists cut the gene out of the bacteria and insert it directly into the eggplant genome. (翻译:在基因方法里,科学家从细菌里切出一个基因 然后把它直接放进茄子的基因组里。)

12. At least 320 guests are expected, dining on a largely vegetarian meal of red lentil soup, potato and eggplant salad, green curry prawns. (翻译:大约有320名宾客在出席宴会,宴会的菜谱包括一份有红豆汤、土豆和茄子沙拉的素食餐,另外还有咖喱虾。)

13. Coin shaped pasta, eggplant, tomato, mozzarella and baby Sicilian capers. (翻译:意大利贝壳面,配茄子,番茄,芝士和西西里马槟榔。)

14. Eggplant is also one of the ingredients in a Turkish recipe called imam bayaldi. Translated, this means "the priest has fainted. " (翻译:土耳其也有一道用茄子做的菜名叫imambayaldi,意思是“晕倒的牧师”。)

15. That looks kind of like an eggplant, what with that color and the way it's all swell up at the end. (翻译:看起来像茄子 那颜色 还有末端肿胀的程度)



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