deena是什么意思 deena的中文翻译、读音、例句

deena是什么意思 deena的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Deena是一个名字,通常用于女性。

2. 词性:Deena是一个名词。

3. 词组搭配:无特殊搭配。

4. 短语:无特殊短语。

5. 发音拼写:[dina]


1. Deena is a talented musician who plays the violin in a local orchestra. (Deena是一位才华横溢的音乐家,她在当地的管弦乐团中演奏小提琴。)

2. My best friend's name is Deena and she loves to read mystery novels. (我的最好朋友叫Deena,她喜欢读侦探小说。)

3. Everyone in our family thinks that Deena is a very kind and gentle person. (我们家每个人都认为Deena是一个非常善良温柔的人。)

4. Deena's favorite color is purple and she always wears something purple, like a scarf or a hat. (Deena最喜欢的颜色是紫色,她总是穿紫色的衣服,比如围巾或帽子。)

5. When Deena was a little girl, she dreamed of becoming a famous actress and performing on Broadway. (当Deena还是个小女孩的时候,她梦想成为一名著名的演员,在百老汇上演出。)

Deena的中文翻译为迪娜,读音为“dē nà”,例句:

1. Deena是我的好朋友,我们一起上学。

2. 迪娜非常聪明,她在学校里总是取得很好的成绩。

3. 我们和迪娜一起去了海边,她非常喜欢沙滩和阳光。

4. 迪娜是一个善良的人,她总是乐于助人并且关心别人的感受。

5. 我们今晚要和迪娜一起去看电影,她是我们团队中的一个很好的成员。




例句:If you and the other CEOs didn't believe that Deena would follow through with her end of the deal, then there was never a valid acceptance. (要是你和其他CEO不相信Deena会一直履行这项协议 那么就不会存在什么义务)


例句:But for Deena Jones, none of these exciting events compare to the day she became Mrs. Curtis Taylor, Jr. (但对蒂娜·琼斯来说 最令她兴奋的事是 她成庶君特·泰勒的太太)


deena一般作为名词使用,如在Deena(蒂娜 人名)等常见短语中出现较多。

Deena蒂娜 人名


1. You don't like Deena Lampard, do you, Mr. Edelstein? (翻译:你不喜欢Deena Lampard女士吧 对吗 Edelstein先生)

2. Deena, I'm so happy for you and your success, and I adore you. (翻译:蒂娜,我为你感到高兴, 您的成功,我爱你。)

3. We finally get the chance to have our own act and Deena's doing lead? (翻译:我们千辛万苦 才挣取到独唱机会 蒂娜突然成为主音?)

4. Deena Hoagland, a licensed social worker and executive director of Island dolphin Care, says that dolphins don't have magical powers. (翻译:蒂娜·霍格兰是一位有执照的社会工作者,也是海豚关爱岛的执行理事,她认为海豚没有什么神奇的力量。)

5. So if you didn't believe that Deena would do what she said, then there was no agreement, (翻译:要是你不相信Deena会言出必行 那这协议就等于不存在了 对吧)

6. In her first plyometrics workouts, Deena hit the ground like this big, flat-footed person, but we kept emphasizing, 'Get your feet up fast.Get your feet up fast. (翻译:他说,“在她的第一次肌肉增强训练中,Deena在跑步过程接触地面时,就像这个高大宽脚的人,们一直强调,“把你的脚抬高一点,跑快一点。”” )

7. Because, Deena, believe it or not, there are certain things that I can't get from you. (翻译:因为,蒂娜, 无论你相信与否, 有一些事情 我不能从你那里得到,)


9. Carey, could you take Deena through our strategy? (翻译:Carey 能和Deena描述下我们取证的策略吗)

10. Defending champion Rita Jeptoo of Kenya came fourth, while U. S. Olympic bronze medallist Deena Kastor, the women's favourite, finished fifth. (翻译:肯尼亚的卫冕冠军丽达·杰普图位于第四,而妇女喜欢的美国奥林匹克古铜色奖章获得者邓娜·卡斯特,以第五名跑完了全程。)

11. Nicky, Julie, Deena and you know Gay (翻译:Nicky、Julie、Deena,Gay你已认识)

12. Lycon, a longtime dope peddler in the Sprawl back when Deena was a junkie. (翻译:他叫Lycon 当年Deena还吸毒时 Lycon, a longtime dope peddler in the Sprawl 他常驻贫民区卖兴奋剂 back when Deena was a junkie.)

13. That's great, Deena. I bet that feels really good. (翻译:这是伟大的,蒂娜,我敢打赌 感觉真的很不错。)

14. That's why Deena was meeting with Lockhart/Gardner. (翻译:所以Deena跟Lockhart/Gardner会面了)

15. Deena, I don't think any of us would protest if you unexpectedly took off your shirt. (翻译:狄娜 我不认为脱掉上衣 可以达到抗争的诉求)

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