maia是什么意思 maia的中文翻译、读音、例句

maia是什么意思 maia的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 它可能是一个人名或地名:

- Maia是希腊神话中普罗米修斯的女儿。

- Maia是一个位于巴西马托格罗索州的城市。

- Maia是一个位于葡萄牙的城市。

2. 它可能是一个缩写词:

- MAIA可以指代“马萨诸塞州独立保险代理协会”(Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents)。

- MAIA也可以是“机器学习人工智能协会”(Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Association)的缩写。

- MAIA还可以是“移民局互动应用程序”(Migration Agents Interactive Application)。

3. 它还可能是一个公司或品牌的名称:

- Maia Yogurt是一种非常受欢迎的优格品牌。

- Maia Sandu是摩尔多瓦的总统,她的姓为Maia。

- Maia Luxury Resort & Spa是一家位于塞舌尔的高端度假村。


- Have you heard of the Greek goddess Maia? (你听说过希腊女神Maia吗?)

- I'm planning a trip to visit Maia, the city in Portugal. (我计划去葡萄牙的Maia城市旅游。)

- MAIA offers a variety of services to insurance agents. (MAIA为保险代理提供多种服务。)

- The goal of MAIA is to promote the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence. (MAIA的目标是促进机器学习和人工智能的发展。)

- I love Maia Yogurt, it's so creamy and delicious. (我喜欢Maia优格,它又香又好吃。)



1. Maia nasceu em maio. (Maia出生在xx月。)

2. Maia é uma cidade no Norte de Portugal. (Maia是葡萄牙北部的一个城市。)

3. Esta é a casa da Maia. (这是Maia的房子。)

4. A Maia é muito simpática. (Maia很友善。)

5. A irmã da Maia é bonita. (Maia的姐姐很漂亮。)

6. A escola da Maia é famosa. (Maia的学校很有名。)

7. A mãe de Maia é grega. (Maia的妈妈是希腊人。)

8. O pai da Maia é português. (Maia的爸爸是葡萄牙人。)

9. A Maia gosta de ler. (Maia喜欢阅读。)




1. Maia was the mother of Hermes in Greek mythology. (在希腊神话中,Maia是赫耳墨斯的母亲。)

2. Maia is a beautiful name for a baby girl. (Maia是一个漂亮的女婴名字。)

maia在中文中有"玛雅、女子名"的意思,作为名词时有"希腊神话中女神"的意思,单词读音音标为['meijə; 'maiə],maia来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到26个与maia相关的句子。



例句:I can begin to understand... that day, Maia and I made a promise, a sort of pact: (我开始明白了... I can begin to understand... 那一天,马亚和我做了一个承诺,一种约定:)


例句:A retired Portuguese policeman was gunned down at Rotunda de Carlos da Maia. (一名退休葡籍头等警员于三盏灯闹市 遭遇枪手袭击)


例句:Your career is over, Maia. (你的职业生涯完蛋了,马亚。你的雄心... Your career is over, Maia.)


maia一般作为名词使用,如在el maia(麦亚)、genus Maia([网络] 马亚属)、macrocilix maia(刺哑铃带钩蛾)等常见短语中出现较多。

el maia麦亚
genus Maia[网络] 马亚属
macrocilix maia刺哑铃带钩蛾
Lomba de Maia[地名] 隆巴-德马亚 ( 葡 )


1. Your career is over, Maia. (翻译:你的职业生涯完蛋了,马亚。你的雄心... Your career is over, Maia.)

2. Maia wrapped him in swaddling bands, then resting herself, fell fast asleep. (翻译:玛雅把他包在用襁褓包的手臂上,然后自己休息,很快就熟睡了。)

3. Luis Prates Maia is one of them. (翻译:路易斯·普雷·特斯•玛亚就是其中一员。)

4. Maia, what happened in Africa? (翻译:马亚,在非洲发生了什么? Maia, what happened in Africa?)

5. Neither Maia, nor me could stop it. (翻译:无论是马亚,或是我... Neither Maia, nor me... ...可以阻止它。)

6. That is probably illegal; but so, Mr Maia points out, is the ranch. (翻译:这大概是不合法;不过玛亚先生说了,牧场也不是合法的啊。)

7. Captain Maia, commander of the troops in the Plaza. (翻译:马亚上尉,广场部队指挥官。Captain Maia, commander of the troops in the Plaza.)

8. I am deeply grateful for my wife, Eva, and my kids (Chloe, Justin, Rain, Maia, Seth and Noelle) …I love them all, overwhelmingly. (翻译:首先,我特别感谢我的妻子,伊娃,还有我的孩子们:克鲁、贾斯汀、瑞恩、玛雅、赛斯和诺埃。我爱他们每一个人。)



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