advert是什么意思 advert的中文翻译、读音、例句

advert是什么意思 advert的中文翻译、读音、例句

我将为您介绍关于 "advert" 这个单词或者缩写词的相关内容。

1. 词性:advert为动词,意为“做广告”;advert也可以作名词,“广告”。

2. 词源:来自拉丁语advertere,意为“注意”或“引起注意”。

3. 同义词:ads,advertisements,promotions,commercials。

4. 常见用法:advert to (指代),advertise (做广告)。

5. 应用范围:广告、商业营销、传媒等领域。


1. He decided to advertise his new business in the local newspaper.(他决定在当地报纸上做广告来宣传自己的新业务。)

2. The company's latest advert featured a well-known celebrity.(该公司最新的广告特邀了一位知名的名人。)

3. The poster advertises the upcoming theatre performance.(海报宣传了即将到来的剧院演出。)

4. Some websites receive a lot of revenue from displaying adverts.(有些网站靠展示广告获得很多收入。)

5. The sales team is brainstorming about how to make the advert more effective.(销售团队正在集思广告如何更加有效。)




1. The company placed an advert in the local newspaper to recruit new employees. (这家公司在当地报纸上刊登广告招聘新员工。)

2. She saw an advert for a new restaurant and decided to check it out. (她看到了一则新餐厅的广告,决定去看看。)

3. I don't pay attention to adverts on TV. (我不关注电视广告。)




例句:I felt like visiting the film setting of the Ferroro Roche advert. (仿若来到了费列罗巧克力的广告拍摄场景。)


例句:Alarmingly, my advert was not the only one of its kind: the London edition of Gumtree had four similar ones. (令人震惊的是,我这样的广告不是唯一的:在伦敦版的Gumtree有四个类似的。)


例句:He might as well have taken out an advert announcing that his celebrity was on the wane. (他不如干脆登广告直接宣布他的名气正在衰减算了。)


例句:And until this very moment, maybe you didn't think twice about it, and nor did I, until I answered a 20-word cryptic advert to become an intellectual property investigator. (翻译:直到此时此刻你也许 没再想起过这回事, 我也一样, 直到我回应了一个20个字 的神秘招聘广告, 成为了一个知识产权调查员。)


advert一般作为名词、动词使用,如在display advert([网络] 显示广告)等常见短语中出现较多。

display advert[网络] 显示广告


1. He might as well have taken out an advert announcing that his celebrity was on the wane. (翻译:他不如干脆登广告直接宣布他的名气正在衰减算了。)

2. And until this very moment, maybe you didn't think twice about it, and nor did I, until I answered a 20-word cryptic advert to become an intellectual property investigator. (翻译:直到此时此刻你也许 没再想起过这回事, 我也一样, 直到我回应了一个20个字 的神秘招聘广告, 成为了一个知识产权调查员。)

3. If you suppose near this, to regain the money to go, that individualBut advert him to artist the baals and made out of: vessel now! (翻译:如果你这个假设近,恢复钱去,他个人,但广告和巴力的艺术家出于:船吧!)

4. I saw an advert in a magazine and I was just calling to get some details. (翻译:我在一本杂志上看到一个广告,打电话来了解一些细节。)

5. When the flash goes off during the advert it just seems like standard flash and could be taken as being the headlights from the superbike. (翻译:在广告期间当闪光熄灭,它只是看来像标准闪光和可被接受,因为像是来自超级摩托车的大灯。)

6. Swissair Barley's Gigant Crop advert. (翻译:瑞士航空公司大麦的巨大庄稼广告。)

7. First half was nonsense, political correctness gone mad, and more like an advert for London Transport and what was the lollipop lady doing? (翻译:前半部分是荒谬的,政治的正确性也疯了,表演更像是一个为伦敦交通所做的广告,还有,那个糖果女士在那里是干什么的?)

8. Alarmingly, my advert was not the only one of its kind: the London edition of Gumtree had four similar ones. (翻译:令人震惊的是,我这样的广告不是唯一的:在伦敦版的Gumtree有四个类似的。)

9. He does one advert and he thinks he's Dustin Hoffman. (翻译:小兔崽子 拍了个广告就以为自己是达斯汀·霍夫曼了)

10. Advert: ising is important for production promotion. (翻译:广告对促进生产非常重要。)

11. I saw your advert on penpals China and fell in love with your pic. (翻译:我在中国笔友网上看到了你的广告,爱上了你的照片。)

12. Experts said the plans would likely end of the traditional "one size fits all" advert break. (翻译:专家表示,该计划有望打破传统的“一刀切”式的广告播放模式。)

13. And so what we also felt was that whatever we did we couldn't do a cheesy advert for Britain. (翻译:我们还觉得 无论我们做什么我们也不能用廉价的方式展示英国)

14. And so what we also felt was that whatever we did we couldn't do a cheesy advert for Britain. (翻译:我们还觉得 无论我们做什么我们也不能用廉价的方式展示英国 )

15. North Korean television recently broadcast an advert for Taedong River Beer. (翻译:朝鲜电视台最近播放了一段大同江啤酒的广告。)

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