irritant是什么意思 irritant的中文翻译、读音、例句

irritant是什么意思 irritant的中文翻译、读音、例句




- skin irritant: 皮肤刺激物

- eye irritant: 眼睛刺激物

- respiratory irritant: 呼吸道刺激物

- irritant contact dermatitis: 刺激性接触性皮炎

- irritant effect: 刺激效应

短语:no irritant



1. Some cleaning products can be irritants to the skin. 一些清洁产品可能会对皮肤产生刺激。

2. The smoke from the fire was an irritant to my eyes. 火的烟让我的眼睛受到刺激。

3. The chemical is a potent irritant to the respiratory system. 这种化学物质对呼吸系统有强烈的刺激性。

4. The soap was an irritant contact dermatitis for me. 这种肥皂对我是刺激性接触性皮炎。

5. The constant noise from the construction site was an irritant to the nearby residents. 施工现场持续的噪音让附近的居民感到不快。

6. The repetitive questioning was an irritant to the speaker. 不停地问同一个问题让演讲者感到很烦。

7. The politician's behavior was an irritant to the voters. 政治家的行为让选民感到不满。


1. Chemical irritants like pepper spray can cause temporary blindness and respiratory problems.(像胡椒喷雾这样的化学刺激物可以导致暂时性失明和呼吸问题。)

2. The constant buzzing of the fly was an irritant to her as she tried to work.(苍蝇不停地嗡嗡作响,对她工作造成了干扰。)

3. Some people may be allergic to certain irritants, such as pollen or animal dander.(有些人可能对某些刺激物,如花粉或动物皮屑过敏。)




例句:Test conclusion: No irritant reactions observed after the medicines of that lot are injected into the subcutaneous coercing of rabbit ears. (实验结论:家兔耳皮下注射该批药物后未见到刺激反应。)


例句:People here chew betel nut all the time. The seed itself is an irritant. Most of the patients suffer from oral fibrosis of mucous membrane. (这边的人习惯吃槟榔,槟榔本身就是刺激,病人嘴巴看起来大部分都是黏膜纤维化。)


例句:It may be that the itching is caused by contact with irritant material. (那儿的痒也许是由于接触刺激物而引起的。)


例句:There are a large number organic substance and humic acid in the product. It is a good fertility synergist and a good crops growth irritant. (翻译:该产品含有大量有机质和腐植酸,具有很好的肥力增效作用和作物生长刺激作用。)


irritant一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在nose irritant([毒物] 喷嚏性毒气)等常见短语中出现较多。

nose irritant[毒物] 喷嚏性毒气


1. It may be that the itching is caused by contact with irritant material. (翻译:那儿的痒也许是由于接触刺激物而引起的。)

2. There are a large number organic substance and humic acid in the product. It is a good fertility synergist and a good crops growth irritant. (翻译:该产品含有大量有机质和腐植酸,具有很好的肥力增效作用和作物生长刺激作用。)

3. The addition of an anti-irritant complex minimizes the irritation of the Glycolic and Retinol combination. (翻译:额外添加的抗刺激合成使乙醇和视黄醇混合的刺激性降低到最低。)

4. Now, this malpractice suit is an irritant, but it can't slow us down unless we let it slow us down, do you understand? (翻译:这个玩忽职守的案子是有争议 但它不能成为我们的阻碍 除非我们自己放慢脚步 听明白了吗?)

5. Public opinion is untroubled, or sees them as a mere irritant: an obscure, geeky sort of prankster. (翻译:舆论并未对此表示忧虑,或者将其视为一项纯粹刺激:一类看不见的、讨人嫌的恶作剧者。)

6. I then started to feel a burning feeling inside my body in the organs area as if patches of me had an irritant attacking my organs. (翻译:接着我就感受到在我的身体里各个器官的部位有燃烧的感觉,就好象有块东西在打击我的器官。)

7. The law, a relic of the Cold War, has no practical effect but is a serious irritant in relations between the two countries. (翻译:该法令是冷战的产物,虽已没有任何实际作用,却是影响两国关系的一个刺激物。)

8. Some sort of external irritant the unsub introduced. (翻译:- 他耳朵后面有伤痕 不明人物制造的外部刺激)

9. Acute diarrhea is often self-limiting with symptoms continuing until the irritant or causative agent is excreted. (翻译:急性腹泻通常是自限性的,在刺激物或病原体清除后症状就可消失。更详细。)

10. Bolivia may have been an irritant and an obstruction but the other negotiators knew it was right about this. (翻译:玻利维亚也许已经成为了一个刺激因素和障碍物,胆识其他的协商人心里知道这就是事实。)

11. This product contains Willow Herb, a unique anti-irritant, and Jojoba Leaf, a strong and effective antioxidant. (翻译:该产品含有柳兰,一个独特的抗刺激,霍霍巴叶,一个强大和有效的抗氧化剂。)

12. Today, for people not accustomed to entomophagy, bugs are just an irritant. (翻译:而现在,对于那些不习惯吃虫子的人 虫子成了令人讨厌的东西。)

13. If feels thirstily , may drink the plain boiled water and some does not have the irritant tea. (翻译:如果感觉口渴,可饮用白开水及一些没有刺激性的茶水。)

14. Conclusion: Eleven Formula Medicinal Liquid has no acute toxic and irritant effects in rabbits, and no allergic reactions in guinea pigs. (翻译:结论:十一方药酒对家兔皮肤无急性毒性和刺激作用,对豚鼠皮肤无致敏作用。)

15. This gave the false impression that it enjoyed official backing. Instead, it became an irritant that Beijing had to put in its place. (翻译:这些会让人感觉到其后是中国政府的支持,而相反,这些实际上在刺激中国政府被迫采取相应的措施。)



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