diluted是什么意思 diluted的中文翻译、读音、例句

diluted是什么意思 diluted的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. Diluted solution 稀释溶液

2. Diluted earnings per share 稀释每股收益

3. Diluted shareholding 稀释股权


1. Dilute down 带水、稀释

2. Dilute acid 稀酸

3. Diluted color 淡化颜色






1. The flavor of the soup was too strong, so I diluted it with some water.


2. The company's profits were diluted by the addition of new shareholders.


3. The message he conveyed was so diluted that the original meaning was lost.


diluted的中文解释是"的过去分词、使减低",在英美地区还有"无力的"的意思,发音音标为[dai'lju:tid. di-],diluted常被用作形容词,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到12个与diluted相关的句子。



例句:The chef collects the so-called sea-urchin jus in a bowl and washes the individual sacs inside the water so the flavors are not diluted. (这位主厨将他说的这些海胆汁液搜集在一个碗里,将卵囊单独放在水里清洗,以使味道不被冲淡。)


例句:Results Isosorbide Mononitrate and Glucose injection did not interfere with limulus agent in two-fold diluted concentrations. (结果单硝酸异山梨酯葡萄糖注射液2倍稀释后无干扰作用。)


例句:Trial materials (Prunus persica) were pretreated with diluted 2000times 70% thiophanate-methyl, the survival rate of inoculation has risen greatly. (用稀释2000倍的70%甲基托布津预处理桃树可以提高接种成活率。)


例句:But of course it's not the real thing, it's either diluted or it's completely inert. (翻译:但当然它们是不一样的, 它要么是稀释的, 或者是完全没有用的。)


diluted一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在diluted acid(稀酸)、diluted alcohol([医] 稀醇)、diluted colour(淡色)等常见短语中出现较多。

diluted acid稀酸
diluted alcohol[医] 稀醇
diluted colour淡色
diluted concentration稀释浓度
diluted core释堆芯
diluted developer稀释显影液
diluted exhaust[动力] 稀释排气
diluted gasket水隔板
diluted material被稀释的物质


1. Trial materials (Prunus persica) were pretreated with diluted 2000times 70% thiophanate-methyl, the survival rate of inoculation has risen greatly. (翻译:用稀释2000倍的70%甲基托布津预处理桃树可以提高接种成活率。)

2. But of course it's not the real thing, it's either diluted or it's completely inert. (翻译:但当然它们是不一样的, 它要么是稀释的, 或者是完全没有用的。)

3. High rates of straying can be problematic because misdirected fish may interbreed with the existing stock to such a degree that any local adaptations that are present become diluted. (翻译:高偏离率可能是一个问题,因为被误导的鱼可能会与现有种群杂交,而这种杂交的程度会稀释现有的任何当地适应能力。)

4. Dark matter and baryonic matter, on the other hand, don't expand with the universe and become more diluted. (翻译:然而暗物质和重子物质, 从另一方面来看, 则不会随宇宙而增长 反而他们会不断地减弱。)

5. For mannitol, a significant "coating" period followed by a slow granule growth was observed for the case with the diluted 5% binder. (翻译:对于甘露醇,在使用5%的黏合剂溶液时,有效的“包衣”过程后是缓慢的颗粒增长。)

6. It's helpful to pre-adapt the finishing yeast to a small diluted portion of the sluggish fermenting must before adding it to the main fermenter. (翻译:它有助于预适应酵母整理一小部分呆滞稀释发酵前必须加入发酵罐为主体。)

7. Just a half a millionth of a liter of a venom, diluted 10,000 times, is still capable of killing most bacteria that are resistant to any other kind of antibiotics. (翻译:即使是一升毒液的50万分之一, 再稀释1万倍, 仍然能够杀死大部分 对其他任何抗生素都有耐药性的细菌。)

8. And all that fresh water came rushing out, ripping open the St. Lawrence there, and it diluted the salty, dense, cold water, made it fresher and lighter, so it stopped sinking. (翻译:水将盐份较浓的冷水冲淡 它变清、变轻,不再下沉 有如关掉水泵)

9. The liquid is then diluted. (翻译:然后液体就变稀了。)

10. Even diluted by the terrestrial material excavated from the crater, this component of meteorites is easily identified. (翻译:即使被从陨石坑中挖掘出的陆地物质稀释,这种陨石成分也很容易识别。)

11. We want to bring back the aspect of ritual that's been diluted over the past hundred years as cremation rates have risen and religious affiliation has declined. (翻译:回到仪式方面 随着火葬率的上升 宗教信仰的衰弱 在过去的几百年里,仪式被时间冲谈 )

12. Impounded food is buried, and tainted milk is diluted to acceptable levels of radioactivity and sold to consumers, she says. (翻译:没收来的食品会被埋起来,被污染的牛奶需要被稀释到可接受的放射水平再卖给消费者。)

13. I've been studying him, and I'm pretty sure that his venom could be quite useful if properly diluted. (翻译:我一直在研究它 我很肯定它的毒液 相当有用 只要适当稀释)

14. Some can be diluted in the blood, slow down the lungs and virtually stop the heart. (翻译:而药物会溶解在血液里 扩散到肺部,直至停止心脏跳动)

15. Results: Xuesaitong Injection diluted by 40 times to eliminate interference. (翻译:结果:血塞通注射液经40倍稀释后可消除干扰。)



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