1. 词义:bcu是一个没有明确定义的缩写词,可能表示某个组织、学院或机构等。在不同的上下文中,其含义可能不同。
2. 词性:bcu是一个缩写词,常用作名词。
3. 词组搭配:由于bcu的含义不确定,其常用的词组搭配也不确定。可能会出现类似于“BCU学院”、“BCU组织”等。
4. 短语:无相关短语。
5. 发音拼写:bcu的发音为[bɪˈsiːjuː],拼写为BCU。
1. I am attending BCU to study economics.
2. The BCU organization provides mentorship opportunities for young entrepreneurs.
3. The BCU conference will be held virtually this year due to the pandemic.
4. BCU has a strong reputation in the field of computer science.
5. The students at BCU are highly motivated and passionate about their studies.
bcu 的中文翻译是“微软计算机学院”(The Microsoft Computer University),读音为“bi-si-yu”。
1. bcu 是微软公司开设的一所高等学府,专门培养计算机领域的人才。
2. 我曾经在 bcu 学习过人工智能相关的课程,收获颇丰。
例句:BC, it was later added on to and used by the Toltecs and the (金字塔后来补建 并被托尔科特人以及阿兹特克人)
例句:By about 420 BC there were four Quaestors, elected each year by the Comitia Tributa, and after 267 BC there were ten. (大约公元前xx年之后,有四位财务官,选出各自的年度,而且公元前xx年之后,有十位。)
例句:Tompkins Square U. Plenty of guys. (Tompkins Square U. 男生很多)
例句:There is sparing of gray matter and subcortical U-fibers. (翻译:灰质和皮质下u形纤维尚正常。)
1. Tompkins Square U. Plenty of guys. (翻译:Tompkins Square U. 男生很多)
2. There is sparing of gray matter and subcortical U-fibers. (翻译:灰质和皮质下u形纤维尚正常。)
3. A blue team represents the U.S. (翻译:蓝队代表美国 A blue team represents the U.)
4. Of course, that never happened before the year 2700 BC (翻译:我所知道的就是将进入水瓶座时代. 当然,公元前xx年前, 不会进入水瓶座时代)
5. Lost power supply redundancy. Check PSU cables. (翻译:丢失电源设备冗余。请检查PS U电缆。)
6. Quotes and online orders are available through the QBC online store. (翻译:报价和网上订单可通过Q BC网上商店。)
7. Cloning of BC-48 gene of Babesia caballi Jilin strain and its expression in Escherichia coli (翻译:驽巴贝虫BC-48基因的克隆及其在大肠杆菌中的表达)
8. When laminarin as an immune activator was present, phenoloxidase (PO) activities in cell debris, hemocyte lysate solution and plasma were measured as 26.80, 16.68, and 2.53 u, respectively. (翻译:在免疫激活剂昆布多糖存在下,分别测得小菜蛾幼虫血细胞碎片、血细胞裂解液和血浆的酚氧化酶活性为26.80 U, 16.68 U和2.53 U。)
9. The brooch dates back to the fourth century BC. (翻译:胸针可追溯至公元前4世纪。)
10. Preparation and Use of High-Molecular Amphipathic Demulsifier BC-068 for Dehydration of Heavy Crude Oils (翻译:用于稠油脱水的油水两亲破乳剂BC-068的研制与应用)
11. The U.S. military waited until the friendly Cheyenne Braves had all gone hunting. (翻译:美军趁着 The U. S. Military waited until)
12. BC: Earth and Mars are so far apart that it takes over ten minutes for a signal from Mars to get to Earth. (翻译:BC:地球和火星之间的距离很遥远,需要10分钟 火星发的信号才能抵达地球。)
13. Program ueitan, boat will again skoeiti. (翻译:计划uèitan, 船将再次skoèiti。)
14. Video forensics company sent back your U-matic tape. (翻译:视频取证公司 发回你的U -MATIC磁带。)
15. Like ancient Rome around 100 BC, to where Simon Magus arrived, from some far corner of the empire... (翻译:Like ancient Rome around 100 BC,to where Simon Mágus arrived from some far corner of the empire...)