vander是什么意思 vander的中文翻译、读音、例句

vander是什么意思 vander的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释方面:

Vander可以指人名,例如荷兰著名画家范德海登(Vincent van Gogh)的姓氏为van Gogh,意为“来自高地”的意思;也可以指缩写词,例如Vanderbilt University,指美国的范德比尔特大学。

2. 词源方面:

Vander起源于荷兰语“van der”,意为“来自……的”,常作为荷兰人的姓氏。在英语中,Vander常作为姓氏的一部分出现。

3. 用法方面:

Vander常用作人名的姓氏出现,也可以用作缩写词,例如Vanderbilt University。在实际应用中,Vander的用法相对较少。

4. 文化背景方面:

在荷兰文化中,Van Der在姓氏中很普遍,例如范德海登和范德伊克等。这些姓氏是荷兰文化的重要部分,也是荷兰历史、文化和艺术遗产的代表。


1. Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch post-impressionist painter who is among the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art. (文森特·梵高是荷兰的后印象派画家,是西方艺术史上最著名和最有影响力的人物之一。)

2. Vanderbilt University is a private research university in Nashville, Tennessee.(范德比尔特大学是田纳西州纳什维尔的一所私立研究型大学。)

3. The Van Der Valk Hotel near Amsterdam Airport is a perfect place to stay for business purposes.(阿姆斯特丹机场附近的范德瓦尔克酒店是商务旅行的理想住所。)

4. Hendrik van der Decken, also known as the Flying Dutchman, is a legendary ghost ship that is said to sail the seas forever.(亨德里克·范德戴肯,又被称为“飞翔的荷兰人”,是一个被认为永远在航行的传奇幽灵船。)

5. Van der Waals forces are weak intermolecular forces that exist between molecules.(范德华力是存在于分子之间的弱相互作用力。)





例句:So my baby, Vander, is eight years old now. (所以我的孩子,Vander, 现在xx岁了。)


例句:- Vander Hoek took him to Celia's room. (他在楼上 凡达霍克带他上楼看西莉亚的房间)


例句:Steve, Joan and Kyle Vander Ziels on the back porch of the Hatches'. (史蒂夫,琼和凯尔。万德。齐尔斯一家人在哈奇家的后门廊上。)


例句:Kyle Vander Ziel with one of their chickens in the back yard of the Hatches. (翻译:凯尔.万德.齐尔斯和他的一只鸡在哈奇夫妇的后院里。)


vander一般作为名词使用,如在Vander(n. 超机动员(桂正和创作的短篇动漫作品);范德(男子名))、ultimate vander([经] 最后卖主)、vander pol equation(凡德坡方程序)等常见短语中出现较多。

Vandern. 超机动员(桂正和创作的短篇动漫作品);范德(男子名)
ultimate vander[经] 最后卖主
vander pol equation凡德坡方程序
vander walls crystal[网络] 范德瓦耳斯晶体


1. Steve, Joan and Kyle Vander Ziels on the back porch of the Hatches'. (翻译:史蒂夫,琼和凯尔。万德。齐尔斯一家人在哈奇家的后门廊上。)

2. Kyle Vander Ziel with one of their chickens in the back yard of the Hatches. (翻译:凯尔.万德.齐尔斯和他的一只鸡在哈奇夫妇的后院里。)

3. Kyle Vander Ziel with one of their chickens in the back yard of the Hatches. (翻译:凯尔。万德。齐尔斯和他的一只鸡在哈奇夫妇的后院里。)

4. "That was the low point, " says Bob Vander Weide, Magic chief executive and DeVos' son-in-law. (翻译:“那是一点艰难的时刻”。球队老板德沃斯的女婿,魔术队首席执行官表示。)

5. Hydrogen bond and Vander Waals were deduced to be the major driving forces according to the thermodynamic parameters. (翻译:由热力学数据确定其作用力主要为氢键和范德华力。)

6. So my baby, Vander, is eight years old now. (翻译:所以我的孩子,Vander, 现在xx岁了。)

7. contains a connecting phrase or link used within a name but not regarded as part of it, such as "van der" or "of" . (翻译:包含在姓名中使用但不作为姓名一部分的连接性短语或者连接词,如“vander”或者“of”。)

8. Little as the Vander Luydens encouraged unannounced visits , he could count on being asked to dine . (翻译:尽管范德路易登家不大欢迎不速之客,但还是有可能请他吃顿饭。)

9. Axel Vander, distinguished intellectual and elderly academic, is not the man he seems. (翻译:阿克塞尔万德,尊敬老人的智慧和学术,是不是人,他似乎。)

10. Tom Vander Ark, managing partner, Learn capital. (翻译:“了解资本”公司的管理合伙人汤姆·范德·比尔·亚克。)

11. After a few weeks, I urge people recovering from loss to get back into a routine, "says psychiatrist and Boston University professor Bessel a ~ Vander Kolk." (翻译:精神病专家、波士顿大学教授巴塞尔·a·万德克说:“几周后,我鼓励人们从失落中恢复过来进入正常状态。” )



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