1. 词义解释:Restrained意为“克制的、节制的、控制的”,是指在某些情况下,人们不会放纵自己的情感或行为,从而保持镇定和稳定的状态。
2. 用法:该词一般用作形容词,修饰人或事物的状态,表示其处于一种克制和节制的状态。
3. 同义词:restricted、controlled、moderate
4. 反义词:unrestrained、uncontrolled、immoderate
5. 衍生词:restraint (名词),restrain (动词)。
1. The employee showed restrained behavior during the crisis.
2. She spoke in a restrained tone of voice, trying to hide her emotions.
3. The athlete restrained himself from drinking alcohol before the competition.
4. The judge imposed a restrained sentence, taking into account the defendant's plea and background.
5. Despite the aggressive behavior of the other party, he remained restrained and avoided a physical altercation.
英 [rɪˈstreɪnd] 美 [rɪˈstreɪnd]
1. The dog looked angry, but it remained restrained.
2. A restrained diet is important for your health.
3. She spoke in a restrained tone and didn't show much emotion.
4. The police had to use restrained force to control the crowd.
例句:Because police are actually more restrained in the use of force than the military are. (因为警察们比军人们对使用 武器有更多的限制)
例句:I want dirt, a new beginning, nothing boxed or restrained. (我想要脏点 一个新的开始,以前的什么都不要)
例句:The emulsibility, producing bubble ability and the foam stability for PDPB are weaker, and it has definite effect on disappeared and restrained bubbles. (十六烷二甲基苯氧乙基溴化铵的乳化能力、起泡力和泡沫稳定性都比较弱,具有一定的消泡和抑泡作用。)
例句:The playful orangery in the back of the building opens up towards the garden as a restrained but elegant box. (翻译:建筑后面乐趣十足的甜橙温室和花园相连,就像一个低调优雅的棚屋。)
restrained一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在restrained beam(约束梁,钳制梁)、restrained beams(约束梁)、restrained breathing(遏止性呼吸)等常见短语中出现较多。
restrained beam | 约束梁,钳制梁 |
restrained beams | 约束梁 |
restrained breathing | 遏止性呼吸 |
restrained deformation | 束变形 |
restrained end | 约束端;固定端 |
restrained expansion | 抑制伸缩 |
restrained gyroscope | 约束陀螺(仪),框架陀螺(仪) |
restrained line | 约束管道 |
restrained motion | 受限运动 |
restrained pile | 约束桩 |
1. The emulsibility, producing bubble ability and the foam stability for PDPB are weaker, and it has definite effect on disappeared and restrained bubbles. (翻译:十六烷二甲基苯氧乙基溴化铵的乳化能力、起泡力和泡沫稳定性都比较弱,具有一定的消泡和抑泡作用。)
2. The playful orangery in the back of the building opens up towards the garden as a restrained but elegant box. (翻译:建筑后面乐趣十足的甜橙温室和花园相连,就像一个低调优雅的棚屋。)
3. On this purpose, the performence of free shrinkage of mortar and restrained shrinkage of concrete were studied. (翻译:为实现这一目的,作者研究了砂浆的自由收缩规律与混凝土的环形约束收缩规律。)
4. Aurora can be elegant and restrained, throwing her arms in independence from her suitors. (翻译:通过伸展手臂 而摆脱追求者这一动作, 显得奥罗拉公主优雅而内敛; )
5. And now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do. " (翻译:以后他们所要作的事... 就没有不成就的了)
6. He became more restrained with me because as I criticized him. (翻译:就是因为我批评了他, 我就一直受到他的掣肘)
7. The contents of Malondialdehyde rise, the activity of catalase is strengthened, the radication activity drops the growth of seedling is restrained. (翻译:丙二醛含量增加,过氧化氢酶活性增强。根系活力下降,幼苗生长受抑制。)
8. If you'd simply restrained yourself, none of this would be happening. (翻译:如果你当时能克制住自己 现在根本不会出现这种状况)
9. Ladies and gentlemen these are the rules of the Big Hunt the global moral institution, which moralised this century and which has restrained and legalised violence: (翻译:女士们先生们 大猎杀规则由 全球道德机构制订 旨在提高本世纪道德 限制暴力寓堵于疏)
10. With the RBM appreciation, the Chinese export has not been restrained but greatly increased. (翻译:随着人民币的升值,出口未受抑制反而大幅增长; )
11. Qixi and hundreds of other Chinese love stories from the ancient times have couched in euphemism and restrained expression_rs. (翻译:七夕和数以百计的其它的中国爱情故事却蕴涵着委婉与含蓄的表达方式。)
12. She had been restrained but it had not been confirmed if she had been threatened with a weapon or drugged . (翻译:她一直克制,但尚未得到确认,如果她受到了威胁与武器或麻醉。)
13. - And restrained them before they've... wandered through the garden of ideas. (翻译:- 什么? - 又压抑了它们 在它们漫步过主意花园之前)
14. Change of relative brain zone POMC gene expression and effect of Chinese medicine on chronic restrained stress model rats (翻译:慢性束缚应激模型大鼠相关脑区前阿黑皮素基因表达的变化及中药复方的影响)
15. The decor is tasteful and restrained. (翻译:该装饰有品位且不花哨。)