- down and out: 穷困潦倒、一蹶不振
- be down on one's luck: 时运不济、倒霉透顶
- down in the dumps: 情绪低落、郁郁寡欢
- down the drain: 白费、流失
- down the road: 未来、将来
- down to earth: 朴实无华、务实
- upside down: 倒置、颠倒
- go down: 下去、降低
- bring down: 降低、使落下
- let down: 放下、让人失望
- get down: 降下来、开始进行
- put down: 放下、镇压
- be down with: 患病、落伍
- step down: 辞职、下放
1. The sun is going down. (太阳正在下落。)
2. The plane is beginning to descend now. (飞机现在开始下降了。)
3. The vase slipped from my hand and fell down to the floor. (花瓶从我手中滑落,掉到了地上。)
4. I'm feeling a bit down today. (今天我感觉有点低落。)
5. All my hopes and dreams came down to nothing. (我所有的希望和梦想都化为乌有。)
6. The stock prices are going down rapidly. (股票价格正在迅速下降。)
7. He stepped down from his position as CEO. (他辞去了CEO的职位。)
例句:I think you won pretty big, Billy. (I think you won pretty big, Billy. 我觉得你已经赢了,比利)
例句:We won the case, based on a lie. (我们所做的 都是基于一个谎言 We won the case, based on a lie.)
例句:Because Bateman won't give the maitre d' head. (我们干嘛不在多美餐厅吃呢 因为贝文不喜欢那个餐厅领班)
dwon一般作为名词使用,如在scale dwon([法] 缩减, 降低)等常见短语中出现较多。
scale dwon | [法] 缩减, 降低 |
1. Because Bateman won't give the maitre d' head. (翻译:我们干嘛不在多美餐厅吃呢 因为贝文不喜欢那个餐厅领班)
2. We won three championships. (翻译:我们拿了三次冠军呢 We won three championships.)
3. d You wanna fly Don't want your feet on the ground d d You stay up, you won't come down d (翻译:[歌声]你想要飞,想双脚离地 你不睡觉,却不倒下)
4. I do that, I send a message to my people that Dominic has won. (翻译:I send a message to my people that Dominic has won.)
5. These fractions were made from D-xylose, D-glucose, D-mannose, D-idose in different proportions. (翻译:三种组分都是由D -木糖、D -葡萄糖、D -甘露糖、D -艾杜糖以不同的比例所组成。)
6. A little gossip won you some points. (翻译:啊 花边新闻可以给你加分 Ah. A little gossip won you some points.)
7. I had a close encounter, Sam... and I won. (翻译:Sam. 而且我赢了 {\3cH202020}And I won.)
8. Waterloo, I was defeated, you won the war (翻译:Waterloo, I was defeated, you won the war)
9. L-I, two D's... double D... two D's... (翻译:LI两个D... 两个D... 两个D...)
10. You laugh, but I won $500. (翻译:-pee. 你们笑了 赢了五百美元 You laugh, but I won $500.)
11. But that was before you people won. (翻译:但那是在你们胜利之前 But that was before you people won.)
12. Oh... yeah, it is, and you won. (翻译:就是比赛 而且你赢了 Oh... yeah, it is, and you won.)
13. -Well, looks like you won again. (翻译:看来你又赢了 Well, looks like you won again.)
14. D Block prom queen. - That's it? (翻译:D区的舞会皇后 D block prom queen.)
15. I won the place in the divorce. (翻译:我在离婚时赢了他 I won the place in the divorce.)