thebes是什么意思 thebes的中文翻译、读音、例句

thebes是什么意思 thebes的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇含义:Thebes是一个古埃及的城市名,位于尼罗河西岸,曾是古埃及最重要的政治、文化和宗教中心之一。在语境中,Thebes还可以指代古希腊的同名城市。

2. 文化背景:在古埃及历史上,Thebes曾是古埃及新王国(约公元前xx年至公元前xx年)的首都,其繁荣时期也被称为“底比斯时代”。在这个时期,Pharaohs建造了大量的庙宇和宏伟的皇家墓地(Valley of the Kings)。

3. 文学作品:英国诗人约翰·基茨(John Keats)在他的长诗《致夜莺》(Ode to a Nightingale)中提到了Thebes这座城市。而古希腊悲剧作家索福克勒斯(Sophocles)所创作的《俄狄浦斯王》(Oedipus Rex)也发生在Thebes。

4. 当代用法:在现代英语中,Thebes这个词并不经常被使用,但它仍然是一个重要的历史和文化符号,可以用来描述古代文明的辉煌和灿烂。此外,Thebes也是一些组织和公司的名称,如Thebes Group,Thebes Academy等。


1. The city of Thebes was once known for its great wealth and beautiful architecture. (Thebes曾以其巨大的财富和美丽的建筑而闻名。)

2. Some of the most important religious and cultural centers of ancient Egypt were located in Thebes.(古埃及最重要的宗教和文化中心之一就是在Thebes。)

3. In John Keats' poem "Ode to a Nightingale," the speaker imagines traveling to the ancient city of Thebes.(在约翰·基茨的诗歌《致夜莺》中,诗人想象自己前往古城Thebes。)

4. According to legend, the Sphinx guarded the entrance to the Valley of the Kings near Thebes.(传说中,狮身人面像保护着靠近Thebes的国王谷的入口。)

5. The Thebes Group is a leading provider of IT services and solutions for businesses around the world.(Thebes Group是全球领先的企业IT服务和解决方案提供商。)


1. Η Θήβα ήταν ένας από τους σημαντικότερους πολιτιστικούς κόμβους της αρχαίας Ελλάδας.(Thebes是古希腊最重要的文化中心之一。)

2. Η θρυλική θεβαία παράδοση άνοιξε τον δρόμο για το έργο του Σοφοκλή.(The legendary Theban tradition paved the way for Sophocles' work.)

3. Ο θεβαίος βασιλιάς Κάδμος είχε την αρχαία πόλη στο παρελθόν.(The Theban King Cadmus had the ancient city in the past.)

4. Η νέα ανασκαφή αποκάλυψε πολλά μυστήρια της αρχαίας πόλης των Θηβών.(The new excavation revealed many mysteries of the ancient city of Thebes.)

5. Ο ελληνικός στρατός επίθεση στην πόλη των Θηβών κατά τη διάρκεια του Πελοποννησιακού Πολέμου.(The Greek army attacked the city of Thebes during the Peloponnesian War.)

6. Το θεατρικό έργο "Αντιγόνη" του Σοφοκλή ακολουθεί τα γεγονότα στην πόλη των Θηβών.(Sophocles' play "Antigone" follows the events in the city of Thebes.)

7. Ο μυθικός Βακχός ήταν θεβαίος θεός του κρασιού και των οργίων.(The mythical Bacchus was a Theban god of wine and revelry.)

8. Επικράτησε η θεβαία φαλακρότητα στην αρχαία Ελλάδα.(The Theban baldness prevailed in ancient Greece.)

9. Ο Οιδίπους Τύραννος ήταν ένας από τους πιο διάσημους βασιλιάδες των Θηβών.(Oedipus Tyrannus was one of the most famous kings of Thebes.)



例句:Thebes was the capital of Egypt during the Middle and New Kingdoms.(底比斯曾是中王国和新王国时期的埃及首都。)




例句:Thebes, the city of corpses, where we found a single child, still alive. (底比斯城的尸体 我们发现一个孩子 还活著)


例句:So Athens and Thebes went out to fight Philip of Macedon. (所以雅典人和底比斯人开始与马其顿的腓力战斗。)


例句:Tiresias, the blind seer of Thebes. (Tiresias, 失明的底比斯预言家.)


例句:Harshire crosses the river and defying all protocol, takes his allegations to Pawero's political rival, Paser, the mayor of Thebes. (翻译:哈什尔放弃原先的计划到河的对岸,他向帕维路的政敌底比斯市长巴瑟,报告了一切。)


thebes一般作为名词使用,如在Thebes(底比斯(埃及) )、Seven Against Thebes(希腊神话,七勇士远征底庇斯)等常见短语中出现较多。

Seven Against Thebes希腊神话,七勇士远征底庇斯


1. Tiresias, the blind seer of Thebes. (翻译:Tiresias, 失明的底比斯预言家.)

2. Harshire crosses the river and defying all protocol, takes his allegations to Pawero's political rival, Paser, the mayor of Thebes. (翻译:哈什尔放弃原先的计划到河的对岸,他向帕维路的政敌底比斯市长巴瑟,报告了一切。)

3. A prophet warned King Laius of Thebes that because he had married his cousin Jocasta, he would be killed by his son. (翻译:一个预言家警告底比斯国王拉伊俄斯,因为他他的表妹结了婚,他可能会被他的son。)

4. That is, until 1998, when one Yale professor John Coleman Darnell discovered these inscriptions in the Thebes desert on the limestone cliffs in western Egypt, and these have been dated at between 1800 and 1900 B.C., centuries before Mesopotamia. (翻译:直到xx年, 耶鲁教授John Coleman Darnell 在埃及西部底比斯沙漠 石灰岩悬崖上发现了这些碑文 它们被确认为是公元前18到19世纪 在美索不达米亚文明之前的古迹 )

5. Your soul is in a mortal body, renewed many times since we loved in Thebes of old. (翻译:汝魂灵居于一凡人之躯 自你我相爱于古底比斯城 你已轮回了多次)

6. Many smaller Greek states, moreover, took the side of the Persians, especially Thessaly, Thebes and Argos . (翻译:而且,许多较小的希腊城邦都站到了波斯人那一边,尤其是塞萨利,底比斯和阿哥斯。)

7. He didn't understand the same threats made in Thebes and Athens would not work here. (翻译:他不了解恐吓底比斯 和雅典的手法,在这并不管用)

8. BC - A solar eclipse on this date might mark the birth of legendary Heracles at Thebes, Greece . (翻译:公元前1251前,今日的日蚀被认为可能是传说中的希腊城市底比斯的英雄海格力斯诞生的标志。)

9. I once read in a Greek tragedy, a profane work of literature, that Thebes was struck by a calamitous plague because its king had committed some crimes. (翻译:我曾经读过一个希腊悲剧 是一个世俗的文学作品 故事里讲述底比斯 曾经遭受过一场瘟疫之灾 因为它们王国的国王干了一些坏事。)

10. But now his trial is a political battle between the three most powerful men in Thebes, the Vizier, Paser, and Pawero. (翻译:但他的审判却变成了政治对决,对决在底比斯三个最强大的人物之间展开,维兹尔、巴瑟还有帕维路。)

11. His uncle Shabaka had established a Nubian presence in Memphis and Thebes. (翻译:他的叔叔沙巴卡在古孟菲斯和底比斯建立了一个努比亚王朝。)

12. Standing today amid the hallowed clutter of the Karnak temple complex near Thebes is a lone 62-foot-high column. (翻译:如今在底比斯附近,神圣的卡纳克建筑群废墟里矗立着一根62英尺高的圆柱。)

13. - HERCULES: So what's in Thebes? (翻译:锡比斯[Thebes]希腊雅典西北维奥蒂亚州主要城市 古希腊重要城市和强国)

14. Niobe, the queen of Thebes, had indeed good reason to be proud of her herself . (翻译:底比斯王后尼俄伯的确该为自己感到骄傲。)

15. Until the Hellenistic period, when the power of Thebes was pulled down, Boeotia was united with true federal constitution; (翻译:直到希腊化时期,底比斯的强权被彻底摧毁,彼奥提亚地区才在联邦体制下实现统一;)



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