omc是什么意思 omc的中文翻译、读音、例句

omc是什么意思 omc的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 意义


- OMC:意为“组织自贸区”,全写为Organization of the Mediterranean Countries。该组织成立于xx年,是由欧盟与非欧盟地中海国家组成的一个区域合作机构,旨在促进贸易和经济发展。

- OMC:意为“原始媒介交互”,全写为Original Media Interaction。该词组常用于描述传统媒体与新兴数字媒体的交互方式,例如电视广告与互动社交媒体广告的结合。

- OMC:意为“外科医学中心”,全写为Orthopedic Medical Center。该词组用于指代专门从事骨科医疗服务的医疗机构或医疗部门。

2. 例句


- OMC 由 44 个成员国组成,旨在增强地中海沿岸国家的经济和政治合作。(OMC means "Organization of the Mediterranean Countries", consisting of 44 member states to enhance economic and political cooperation among the Mediterranean countries.)

- 许多品牌已经开始探索 OMC 模式,寻求将传统广告与社交媒体结合使用。(Many brands have started exploring the OMC model, seeking to combine traditional advertising with social media.)

- 病人可以通过 OMC 预约骨科手术并获得优质医疗服务。(Patients can make an appointment for orthopedic surgery at the OMC and receive high-quality medical care.)

- OMC 理念已经在数字媒体领域发挥出其优势,例如引入更生动形象的广告形式。(The OMC concept has proven its advantages in the digital media field, such as introducing more vivid and visual advertising formats.)

- OMC 成立至今已经促进了地中海沿岸国家的跨国合作、贸易和投资。(OMC has promoted cross-border cooperation, trade and investment among Mediterranean countries since its establishment.)

3. 参考来源


OMC是英语缩写,全称为“World Trade Organization”(世界贸易组织),是一个国际性的经济组织。它的主要职责是促进全球贸易自由化、监督成员国贸易政策、解决贸易争端等。




1. The OMC promotes free trade among its member countries.(OMC促进其成员国之间的自由贸易。)

2. The OMC has established a system to regulate international trade.(OMC已经建立了一个规范国际贸易的体系。)

3. The United States has filed a complaint against China with the OMC.(美国向OMC投诉了中国。)

4. Many developing countries face difficulties in entering the markets of developed countries, and the OMC is working to address this issue.(许多发展中国家面临进入发达国家市场的困难,OMC正在努力解决这个问题。)

5. The OMC has successfully negotiated trade agreements among its member countries.(OMC已经成功地在其成员国之间协商了贸易协议。)

6. The OMC plays an important role in promoting global economic growth.(OMC在推动全球经济增长方面发挥着重要作用。)

7. The OMC's dispute settlement mechanism is an important tool for resolving trade disputes.(OMC的争端解决机制是解决贸易争端的重要工具。)

8. The OMC's mission is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.(OMC的使命是尽可能确保贸易顺畅、可预测和自由。)

9. The OMC's technical assistance program helps developing countries build the capacity to participate in and benefit from global trade.(OMC的技术援助计划帮助发展中国家建立参与和受益于全球贸易的能力。)

omc,指的是“Outboard Motor Corporation”的缩写,中文翻译为“船外机公司”。

读音为 [aʊtˈbɔːd ˈmoʊtər kɔrpəˈreɪʃən]。


1. 他的船买的是omc的船外机,很稳定也很省油。

2. omc公司在船外机领域拥有很高的市场占有率。




例句:After the commercial, OMC's statistical report provides supplementary information to better optimize the network. (开网后,OMC的统计报告可以提供辅助信息,从而更好的优化网络。)


例句:OMC World Supreme Champion YES! (OMC世界超级冠军是的! )



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