mericle是什么意思 mericle的中文翻译、读音、例句

mericle是什么意思 mericle的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:miracle一般解释为"奇迹",是指一种超出常规经验的神奇事件或事情的发生。此外,miracle也可以用来表示某种特殊的成就或者特别的表现。

2. 用法:miracle可以用作名词或者动词,常见的搭配有perform/produce a miracle, witness/see a miracle, a miracle cure, a miracle worker等。

3. 文化内涵:miracle在许多文化和宗教中都有着特殊的意义,例如基督教中的圣迹、佛教中的神通等等。此外,在体育比赛中,miracle也可以用来形容一支原本不被看好的球队在比赛中完成逆转胜利的场景。


1. It is a medical miracle that the patient survived such a severe car accident. (医学奇迹:患者从如此严重的车祸中幸存下来了。)

2. The football team's victory was nothing short of a miracle. (足球队的胜利简直是个奇迹。)

3. The magician amazed the audience with his miraculous performance. (那位魔术师以他神奇的表演惊艳了观众。)

4. The community came together to celebrate the miracle of a lost child being found. (社区为失踪的孩子被找到而庆祝这一奇迹。)

5. The rescue workers performed a miracle by saving the survivors from the collapsed building. (救援人员的奇迹:从倒塌的建筑中救出了幸存者。)



例句:The recovery of the patient was nothing short of a miracle. (病人的康复简直是一个奇迹。)




例句:These images are only renderings for the time being, but expect Hublot to roll out a lot more news about their La Cle Du Temps Watch at the trade circuit this year. (这些图片是暂时的效果图,希望恒宝在本年度交易周期内推出“时光之钥”的更多信息。)

例句:However, only on the condition that we move from our presently proposed location behind the beach forward to the beach front itself which will have to be completely cle_red, (但政府要求 将原来的地区搬到前面沙滩 再把沙滩夷为平地)


1. Matti Meri, a teacher-trainer at Helsinki University, was a teacher at the time. (翻译:赫尔辛基大学的教师训练师MattiMeri,那时曾经是一名老师。)

2. This thesis studies compliment response (CR) strategies of Chinese Learners of English (CLE). (翻译:本文研究了中国英语学习者恭维语回应策略。)

3. CLE prefer to accept compliments to appearance and performance rather than accept compliments to possession and personality. (翻译:中国英语学习者更愿意接受对外表与能力的恭维,而对财物与个人品质方面的恭维接受的要少。)

4. They cut off her head and threw her into the Cle Elum River. (翻译:他们把她的头割了下来,然后把她扔到克莱勒河里。)

5. Donc vers le milieu de la troisieme, tu descends, tu fermes la salle a cle, t'attends mon signal et a mon signal... tu mets le feu. (翻译:我们做的胶片在第四卷里 紧接着第三卷 你下去把观众厅的门锁上)

6. Insulin tissue, white blood cells and microthrombosis could not be observed through CLE. (翻译:CLE未能观察到确切的胰岛组织,难以辨识白细胞,不能判断是否有微血栓形成。)

7. Then Bush tried it, "Nu-cle-ar pro-boblieration. " (翻译:接着,布什试了试:“Nu-cle-arpro-boblieration。”)

8. My friend, former president Lennart Meri, was at the speech and did some quick research for me. (翻译:我的朋友、前总统伦纳特·梅里也在演讲现场,他迅速帮我做了一些调查。)

9. The clinical learning environment (CLE) is an interactive network of forces influencing students' learning outcomes in the clinical setting. (翻译:临床学习环境是临床环境中影响学生学习效果的各种因素的总和,是影响学生学习经历的一个重要因素。)

10. Our c, CL, CLE series of genset adopt half open structure which will reduce noise much. (翻译:我们的C, CL, CLE系列发电机组采用半开口式结构,降噪性能优异。)

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