kenko是什么意思 kenko的中文翻译、读音、例句

kenko是什么意思 kenko的中文翻译、读音、例句

作为 AI 语言模型,以下是关于“kenko”的解释:

Kenko 可以指以下几个方面:

1. 健康:Kenko 是日语中“健康”的意思。在英语中,可以用“health”来表达此意。


- I have been trying to improve my kenko by exercising regularly.

- The government has launched a new campaign to promote kenko in schools.

2. 健康食品:Kenko 也可以指“健康食品”。在英语中,可以用“health food”来表达此意。


- Our store specializes in selling kenko such as organic vegetables and whole-grain bread.

- The restaurant offers a variety of kenko options, including salads and smoothies.

3. 缩写词:Kenko 也是一种缩写词,如“Kanto Earthquake Notification”(关东地震通知)和“Kenya National Qualifications Authority”(肯尼亚国家资格认证机构)等。


- The Kenko site provides up-to-date earthquake notifications for the Kanto region.

- If you want to study in Kenya, you need to have your qualifications assessed by the Kenya NQA.

4. 品牌名称:Kenko 也是一家日本代表性健康品牌的名称,主要生产健康产品,如保健品、医疗器械和健身器材等。


- I bought a Kenko massage chair for my parents' anniversary gift.

- The Kenko brand is well-known for its high-quality health supplements and vitamins.


kenko 的中文翻译为“健康”,读音为jiàn kāng。


1. 健康是一切的基础,我们要保持身体健康。 (Health is the foundation of everything, we need to keep our body healthy.)

2. 不良的生活习惯会影响健康。 (Bad lifestyle habits will affect health.)

3. 医生告诉他要多锻炼身体,才能保持健康。 (The doctor told him to exercise more to maintain his health.)




例句:I'm an editor at Random House, and I just read your blog and it's great. (我是ken dryer 我是居家杂志的编辑)


1. One of the most impressive knowledge workers in recent memory is a guy named Ken Jennings. (翻译:最近最令人印象深刻的 知识型人才名叫Ken Jennings。)

2. - Ken, I have to be at work at 8.30. (翻译:―摩根 ―肯,你知道我明早八点半 还要上班)

3. Ken, if I had killed a little kid, accidentally or otherwise, (翻译:Ken 如果我杀了个小孩 不论是意外还是故意)

4. Don't forget Ken Takakura! (翻译:就像菅原文太和渡哲也一样 不要忘了高仓健)

5. He represents Ko Shun Advertising. (翻译:the principal of Ko Shun Advertising)

6. This limited supply explains the reserved interest in ko-sometsuke and ko'akae on the part of Chinese collectors and specialists. (翻译:供应量有限解释了中国收藏者和专家为何对青花瓷和青花五彩瓷兴趣保守。)

7. Except for, uh, you, Ken Fletcher, senior teller. (翻译:除了你 Ken Fletcher 高级出纳 Except for, uh, you, Ken Fletcher, senior teller.)

8. That's why he handed over to people like Thura Myint Aung and Ko Ko. (翻译:这就是为什么他交给像杜雅敏昂及顾古这样的人。)

9. My wife gave it to my daughter my wife gave it to my daughter when she and Ken first got when she and Ken first got married. (翻译:我的妻子给了我的女儿 我的妻子给了我的女儿 当她和Ken第一次得到 当她和Ken第一次得到 结婚了。)

10. Guo Moruo "Yong-marble" Poetry: Ko Ko Jin three towers, to think of Zhenguan years. (翻译:郭沫若有《咏大理石》诗:三塔矜高古,回思贞观年。)

11. The winner by a KO World heavyweight champion (翻译:打倒对手而保住... 重量级的冠军的那人就是...)

12. There was a great TED moment -- I think it was Sir Ken Robinson, was it? (翻译:有一个TED瞬间, 我想他是Ken Robinson,对吗? )

13. "If Hatton stands toe-to-toe with us, we'll knock him out, " said Roach. (翻译:“如果哈顿敢于和我们硬碰硬,我们就KO他,”罗奇说。)

14. - It was great meeting you, Miles. (翻译:- 很高兴见到你,Miles. - Ken.)

15. This at the conference "KEN" in "El Paso". (翻译:{\1cH00FF00}她正在于肯的会议, 在埃尔帕索。)

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