fennec fox是什么意思 fennec fox的中文翻译、读音、例句

fennec fox是什么意思 fennec fox的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:fennec fox是一种小型狐狸,生活在非洲撒哈拉沙漠的荒地上。


词组搭配:fennec foxes(复数形式)


发音拼写:/ˈfɛn.ɪk fɑːks/


1. The fennec fox has large ears that help it to dissipate heat and hear prey in the sandy desert.

2. Fennec foxes are omnivorous animals that mainly feed on insects, small rodents, fruits, and eggs.

3. These tiny fennec foxes have developed the ability to survive in the harsh desert environment.

4. The fennec fox is a nocturnal animal that sleeps in underground burrows during the day.

5. Due to their small size and cute appearance, fennec foxes are often kept as pets in some countries.

6. Fennec foxes are known for their unique vocalizations, which sound like a combination of a bark and a yelp.

7. The population of fennec foxes is decreasing due to habitat loss and illegal pet trade.


读音:fennec fox,[ˈfɛnɪk fɑks]

例句:The fennec fox is a small nocturnal animal that lives in the desert.(沙漠狐狸是一种生活在夜晚、体型较小的动物。)

fennec fox通常被翻译为"耳廓狐、大耳小狐狸"的意思,还有沙漠狐狸的意思,发音音标为[fennecfox],fennec fox在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到23个与fennec fox相关的句子。

Fennec fox的释义


例句:Mr. Fox, but I-I'm not gonna give you any details here. (Fox先生 节哀顺变 我现在还不能告诉你更多细节)


例句:Adam King, you're under arrest for the murder of Daycia Fox. Put your hands behind your back. (Adam King 你因涉嫌谋杀Daycia Fox被捕)


例句:After installing the package, I was able to launch Fennec from the application menu. (安装完成后,我可以从程序菜单启动Fennec。)


例句:I already committed to Fox, and no offense, but it's a bigger audience. (翻译:我已经答应FOX台了 无意冒犯 但他们的观众更多)


fennec fox一般作为名词使用,如在fennec(北非大耳小狐 )、fennec foxes([网络] fennec狐狸)、the fox(狐狸)等常见短语中出现较多。

fennec foxes[网络] fennec狐狸
the fox狐狸
dog fox【动物】;雄狐;沙狐,鞑靼狐
flying foxn. 狐蝠, 果蝠
fox and geese(棋戏)狐入鹅群
fox away已经发射(空对空飞弹;军语), 已经发射(空对空飞弹,军语)
fox batn. 狐蝠式战斗机
fox berry灌木悬钩子


1. After installing the package, I was able to launch Fennec from the application menu. (翻译:安装完成后,我可以从程序菜单启动Fennec。)

2. I already committed to Fox, and no offense, but it's a bigger audience. (翻译:我已经答应FOX台了 无意冒犯 但他们的观众更多)

3. Today, we're feeding CNN and Fox, so... (翻译:今天我们会把报道提供给CNN和FOX台。)

4. This will likely deliver a much better experience with Fennec and remove some of the performance limitations. (翻译:这将为Fennec带来更好的体验,并解决部分性能上的限制。)

5. And the rabbit in the fox, (翻译:再把兔子塞到狐狸肚子里 and the rabbit in the fox,)

6. Fox: two. CNN: two. CBS: zero. (翻译:FOX:两个;CNN:两个;CBS:零个。)

7. The blonde, Marcie Fox, a legend in her own little mind. (翻译:金发碧眼那个, Marcie Fox, 她的偶像是她自己)

8. Fennec foxes can be kept as pets, believe it or not, and are very sociable creatures. (翻译:大耳狐也可以成为你的宠物。信不信由你,它们是非常喜欢交际的动物;)

9. Didn't Fox River teach you anything, man? (翻译:伙计 你从FOX River里还没学到这个吗?)

10. When you came to fox river... remember what you said? (翻译:当你刚到Fox River的时候... 还记得你跟我说了什么吗?)

11. ¶ were you hare when I was fox? (翻译:# were you hare when I was fox?)

12. This is Senator Santorum speaking to Fox News. (翻译:以下是桑托勒姆议员在FOX台的发言 {\3cH202020}This is Senator Santorum speaking to Fox News.)

13. - I put some snacks in there. (翻译:- I put some snacks in there. - This is fox deterrent.)

14. A wolf that looks like a fox. (翻译:A wolf that looks like a fox. 看起来很像狐狸)

15. -May I introduce Marcie Fox? (翻译:-我能介绍Marcie Fox吗? -Foxy.)

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