feint是什么意思 feint的中文翻译、读音、例句

feint是什么意思 feint的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:make a feint (做出假动作);feint with the left and strike with the right (左手做出假动作,右手发起真正的攻击)。

短语:feint attack (假攻击);feint of surprise (假装惊讶)。

发音拼写: [feɪnt]


1. The boxer made a feint as if he would jab, but then punched his opponent in the jaw.


2. The general ordered his troops to make a feint to the enemy's left to draw their attention away from the right flank.


3. She raised her hand as a feint to slap him, then laughed and hugged him instead.


4. The defender saw through the striker's feint and blocked his shot.


5. The spy attempted a feint of surprise when he was caught but failed to fool his captors.



英 ['feɪnt] 美 ['feɪnt]



1. He made a feint of going to the door. (他假装走向门口。)

2. The boxer feinted to the left before throwing his uppercut. (拳击手在向上摆拳之前向左做了个假动作。)

3. The team used a feint to trick the defenders and score a goal. (球队用了一个花招欺骗了防守球员并得分。)




例句:The king believes it's just a feint, Gorlois. (葛洛斯 , 国王认为 这是他们声东击西之计)


例句:Then he followed up a feint, right and left, was fiercely countered, and felt his cheek laid open to the bone. (然后他左右开弓时一个假动作紧逼过去,却挨了狠狠一拳反击,感到面颊被扯破了,破到了骨头。)


例句:The aim was to spar, to feint and to strike mock blows rather than to fight in earnest. (目的在于轻击、佯攻、假装出拳攻击,而并非认真开打。)


例句:Actually, I don't have much to tell about my mother. I only have feint memories about her from I was little. (翻译:事实上,我对母亲没有多少记忆,只有一点点。)


feint一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在double feint(两次假动作)、dribbling feint(带球假动作)、feint against(佯攻)等常见短语中出现较多。

double feint两次假动作
dribbling feint带球假动作
feint against佯攻
preliminary feint(发球时的)假动作
starting feint起动假动作
double body feint两次身体假动作
feint cover formation掩护战术;假布局


1. The aim was to spar, to feint and to strike mock blows rather than to fight in earnest. (翻译:目的在于轻击、佯攻、假装出拳攻击,而并非认真开打。)

2. Actually, I don't have much to tell about my mother. I only have feint memories about her from I was little. (翻译:事实上,我对母亲没有多少记忆,只有一点点。)

3. But are they steps in the right direction, or a feint by Iran to dodge curbs on its suspect ambitions? (翻译:然而,这是否沿正确的方向前进了一步,亦或是伊朗为逃避对其备受怀疑的野心的制裁而阳奉阴违? )

4. -l shall make a feint to the northeast.... (翻译:- 我从东北方佯攻... - 不,等等!)

5. I make an inside cut, a feint, and take it again. (翻译:用身体吊钩一下 采取声东击西的办法 将球抢到自己脚下)

6. It could be a feint for an attack on the West Coast or here in Hawaii. (翻译:也许他们要引开我们的注意力 来攻击西海岸和夏威夷)

7. Softness and consideration is probably a temporary feint. (翻译:温柔体贴可能只是一时的假象。)

8. Could all that talk of the Golden Company sailing west have been a feint? (翻译:那些关于黄金团向西起航的传言难道是声东击西?)

9. Feint movement, created in defense and offense process is an essential skill to achieve strategy in basketball matches. (翻译:进攻假动作在篮球比赛攻守对抗中产生,是完成篮球技战术必不可少的动作方法。)

10. The sunset provision was just a feint to make them look affordable. (翻译:日落条款只是虚晃一枪,目的是让这些举措看起来负担得起。)

11. Neither Mukesh's new-found altruism nor his brother's religious feint look likely to sway the Court. (翻译:穆克什新的利他行为以及他兄弟的佯作虔诚看起来都没有影响到法庭。)

12. To divert the enemy he sent a detachment of cavalry to make a feint across the Vorskla south of Poltava. (翻译:为了诱惑敌人,他派了一支骑兵分队从波尔塔瓦以南佯渡沃斯卡拉河。)



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