abrupt是什么意思 abrupt的中文翻译、读音、例句

abrupt是什么意思 abrupt的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词汇解释: "abrupt"是一个形容词,意思是突然的,意外的,粗鲁的,或者是断然的。

2. 词汇同义词: "abrupt"的同义词包括:sudden, unexpected, rude, blunt,或者是abruptive。

3. 词汇反义词: "abrupt"的反义词包括:gradual, steady, polite, tactful,或者是gentle。

4. 用法提示: "abrupt"通常用于描述事件或者行为的突然性质,尤其是一些负面的突然事件或者行为。在一些情况下,"abrupt"也可以用于形容一些物体的外观或者形态。

5. 词汇用例:








-She made an abrupt decision that caught us all off guard.

-His sudden appearance startled me.

-His attitude was extremely rude, it made me angry.

-His language is very blunt, he speaks without holding back.

-The city's central district has an abrupt skyscraper.



1. The storm caused an abrupt change in weather.(暴风雨引起了天气的突然变化。)

2. The meeting came to an abrupt end when the fire alarm went off.(火灾警报器响起时,会议突然结束。)

3. She spoke in an abrupt tone, making everyone feel uncomfortable.(她讲话的语气很生硬,让大家感到不舒服。)

4. There was an abrupt silence when he walked into the room.(他走进房间时,突然间静悄悄的。)

5. The project was cancelled abruptly, leaving us all disappointed.(项目突然取消了,让我们所有人都感到失望。)

6. The car came to an abrupt stop when it hit the wall.(车子撞到墙上时,突然停了下来。)

7. His abrupt departure from the company surprised everyone.(他突然离开公司,让所有人都感到惊讶。)

8. The tone of the letter was abrupt and rude.(这封信的语气很生硬、粗鲁。)

9. The teacher's abrupt explanation left us all confused.(老师的简短解释让我们所有人都感到困惑。)


读音: /əˈbrʌpt/


1. His abrupt departure left us all in shock. (他的突然离开让我们都感到震惊。)

2. The professor’s abrupt interruption of the student’s presentation was rude and unnecessary. (教授唐突地打断了学生的报告,很不礼貌也很不必要。)

3. The abrupt change in weather caught us off guard. (天气的突然变化让我们措手不及。)

4. She ended their relationship quite abruptly, leaving him with a broken heart. (她突然结束了他们的关系,让他伤透了心。)

5. The abrupt halt of the roller coaster made my stomach churn. (过山车的突然停车让我胃部不适。)




例句:Abrupt Biological Response to Hydrologic and Land-use Changes in Lake Apopka, Florida, USA (美国佛罗里达州阿波普卡湖水文和土地利用变化的生物突变响应)


例句:Francis Bacon Greatness is just like the summit of a mountain, the path to which is abrupt and rugged. (伟大就象一座山峰,向它的道路是陡峭而崎岖的。)


例句:adj. In the present instance he took no notice of my abrupt vocal response. (在目前这个情况下,他不去注意我那突兀的口头回答。)


例句:thinking is abrupt: Apparently look as similar as thinking burst, but it arises below severe recognizant obstacle case. (翻译:思维不连贯:表面上看与思维破裂相似,但它是在严重的意识障碍情况下产生的。)


abrupt一般作为形容词使用,如在hyper abrupt junction(超突变结)、near abrupt junction(近突变结)等常见短语中出现较多。

hyper abrupt junction超突变结
near abrupt junction近突变结


1. adj. In the present instance he took no notice of my abrupt vocal response. (翻译:在目前这个情况下,他不去注意我那突兀的口头回答。)

2. thinking is abrupt: Apparently look as similar as thinking burst, but it arises below severe recognizant obstacle case. (翻译:思维不连贯:表面上看与思维破裂相似,但它是在严重的意识障碍情况下产生的。)

3. The road makes several abrupt turnings. (翻译:这条路有几个急转弯。)

4. The driver stops plane firm quietly on an abrupt and open brae. (翻译:驾驶员把飞机稳稳地停在了一片陡峭而开阔的斜坡上。)

5. His abrupt change of subject left her floundering helplessly. (翻译:他突然改变话题,使她茫然不知所措。)

6. Because for the fear of beauty, I am not abrupt, they dare not profane, do not hate the slighted, they dare not meet. (翻译:因为对于美丽的畏惧,所以不敢唐突、不敢亵渎、不恨轻慢、不敢满足。)

7. My instincts tell me this crime wave is about to come to an abrupt end. (翻译:我的直觉告诉我这些犯罪活动 立马就会结束)

8. Agile development is often presented as an abrupt paradigm shift -- a scary proposition for many companies. (翻译:敏捷开发经常以范式转换的方式出现——对很多公司来说是一个令人恐慌的建议。)

9. We describe the case of a patient with an abrupt onset of psoriasis guttata and extensive palmoplantar involvement. (翻译:我们描述的情况下,患者突然出现牛皮癣虫和广泛掌参与。)

10. Now, here it comes. There's an abrupt jump from slow-wave sleep. (翻译:看,这里,这里平稳的曲线有一个突然的跳跃)

11. But due to the orbital dynamics of Earth and Jupiter, this particular disrobing was far more abrupt. (翻译:然而,从地球和木星轨道动力学的角度,这次消失是极端意外事件。)

12. Investigation of the impact of band offset perturbations on the performance of abrupt HBT with heavily doped base (翻译:基区重掺杂突变HBT带阶的扰动对电流影响研究)

13. Genevieve for me is still a child, and your abrupt request is somewhat unsettling. (翻译:热纳维耶夫 对我来说还只是一个小孩子... 你突然的请求让我很不安.)

14. You have the same faraway look, the same smile, the same abrupt laugh. (翻译:你仍然有梦想般的眼神 一样的微笑 一样的突然大笑一声)

15. The clinical picture is right. Diarrhea, abrupt cessation of breathing... (翻译:从临床的表现来看是的,腹泻 突然地停止呼吸...)

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