regroup是什么意思 regroup的中文翻译、读音、例句

regroup是什么意思 regroup的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:'regroup' 的主要意思是重新组合或重新编组,使之更有效或更有序。



1. regroup troops:重新组织军队

2. regroup thoughts:重新思考,整理思路

3. regroup resources:重新整合资源

4. regroup after a setback:经历挫折后重新打起精神

5. regroup for a counterattack:筹划反击的计划




1. The team regrouped and developed a new strategy to win the game.(团队重新组合并制定了新的赢得比赛的策略。)

2. After the defeat, the army regrouped and prepared for a rematch.(在失利后,军队重新编组,准备再战。)

3. The company had to regroup its employees due to the financial crisis.(由于财经危机,公司不得不重新调配其员工。)

4. After the storm, the rescue team regrouped to search for any survivors.(暴风雨过后,救援队重新组合以搜寻生还者。)

5. The political party regrouped its members to form a new coalition.(政党重新组织其成员以形成新的联盟。)

6. The band took a break to regroup and write new songs for their next album.(乐队休息了一段时间以重新组合,并为他们的下一张专辑创作新歌。)

7. The soccer team regrouped during halftime and came back stronger in the second half.(足球队在中场休息时重新整合,下半场凭借更强的实力取得了胜利。)


The team needs to regroup and come up with a new strategy. (团队需要重新整合,制定新的战略。)

The army was forced to regroup after the initial attack failed. (军队在初始攻击失败后被迫重新编队。)





例句:After its election defeat, the party needs to regroup. (选举失败后,这个党需要改组。)


例句:Probably best to relax and regroup. (Probably best to relax and regroup.)


例句:Blair needs to regroup, so you need to bid adieu. (我和Blair要闺蜜重聚 所以你还是和她说再见吧)


例句:- I need to regroup with my team. (翻译:- 我要和我的队员汇合 - 不行 不好意思 - I need to regroup with my team.)


regroup一般作为动词使用,如在regroup airfield(【军事】再集结机场)等常见短语中出现较多。

regroup airfield【军事】再集结机场


1. Blair needs to regroup, so you need to bid adieu. (翻译:我和Blair要闺蜜重聚 所以你还是和她说再见吧)

2. - I need to regroup with my team. (翻译:- 我要和我的队员汇合 - 不行 不好意思 - I need to regroup with my team.)

3. Most of the evacuation transports were able to escape Imperial pursuit and regroup elsewhere, ensuring the Rebellion's survival. (翻译:大多数撤离运输船都躲开了帝国的追击,在别处重新集结,保证了起义军的生存。)

4. I know you're all expecting a regroup with the fleet, but I'm ordering a pursuit course of the enemy ship to Earth. (翻译:我知道你们希望能够重组星舰战队 命令立即追赶正在前往地球的敌舰)

5. The Taliban, routed by U. S. -led and Afghan forces following the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, have been able to regroup. (翻译:塔利班已经进行重新整编,美国领导的联军和阿富汗军队在xx年美国遭到恐怖袭击以后击败了塔利班。)

6. The truth is even a moment or two a couple of times a day will allow the mind a chance to regroup. (翻译:事实上,每天进行一两个片刻的冥思会让你的思维有机会重新组织起来。)

7. We need to climb up and regroup. (grunts) (翻译:我们得爬出去重新计划 We need to climb up and regroup. 沃特 Walter.)

8. Sometimes if I'm losing creative steam, I leave the office early so I can regroup and come back fresh the next day. (翻译:有时候,如果我丧失了创新的灵感,我会早早离开办公室,因此我可以整理思绪,并且在第二天带着新鲜回到这里。)

9. It would regroup and reappear in the rear. (翻译:他们会在后方重新组合出现。)

10. Where you failed utterly to either protect your fellow soldiers or regroup according to your instruction? (翻译:你完全搞砸了 搞砸了保护你的袍泽的工作 或是根据你的状况重新说明?)

11. I just think they went back into that fire... sort of to regroup. (翻译:我只是觉得 他们回到了那团火... 排序的重新组合。)

12. We'll Ford it here and regroup across the river, then backtrack and pick up the trail. (翻译:我们这儿会设计到, 重新穿过那条河 任何原路返回去跟踪火车)

13. At 18 km downstream of the tunnel is a playground. There we stop to regroup. (翻译:隧道下游18公里处有一个操场 我们会在那儿集结重组)

14. The world-bestriding hyperpower of ten years ago has lost its self-confidence and craves a chance to regroup. (翻译:xx年前的凌驾于世界之上的超级大国,到如今已经丧失了自信,渴望一次重组的机会。)

15. They say Hamas would use a truce to regroup and rearm for the next round of violence. (翻译:他们说,哈马斯将利用停火的机会进行重整,并为发动新一轮暴力袭击重新武装。)



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