ridding 既不是一个常见单词,也不是一个英语词汇的标准形式。在一些特定的语境下,这个词可能会出现,但通常情况下,它应该是一个拼写错误。
然而,在一些方言或俚语中,ridding 可以被理解为 “get rid of”(摆脱、除去)的现在分词形式。因此,下面给出的例句均基于这种理解。
词义:ridding(过去分词 rid)表示摆脱或除去某物。
词性:ridding 可以被视为动词的现在分词形式,也可以被视为过去分词形式。
词组搭配:get ridding of (摆脱、除去)。
下面是七个 ridding 的例句:
1. She is ridding herself of bad habits.(她正在去除自己的坏习惯。)
2. He realized that he needed to start ridding himself of negative thoughts.(他意识到需要开始摆脱消极的想法。)
3. The company is ridding itself of unprofitable divisions.(公司正在除去不盈利的部门。)
4. The medicine is effective at ridding the body of toxins.(这种药物可以有效清除体内的毒素。)
5. The government is working on ridding the city of trash.(政府正在努力清除城市垃圾。)
6. The school is ridding itself of outdated teaching methods.(学校正在除去过时的教学方法。)
7. She's been ridding houses of ghosts for years.(她多年来一直在消除房屋中的鬼魂。)
1. 清除,摆脱
2. 骑马
1. He was ridding himself of his bad habits.(他正在摆脱自己的坏习惯。)
2. She was ridding her garden of weeds.(她正在清理花园里的杂草。)
3. They went ridding together.(他们一起出去骑马。)
例句:Fern was up before dawn, ridding the world of injustice. (菲恩黎明前就起来,救助这世上不公平待遇了)
例句:It was all about cleaning up Germany, and the West, and the world, and ridding it of anything unglamorous. (主要内容是赶走德国人,西方世界,乃至全世界,并且去掉任何单调乏味的东西。)
例句:I am almost grateful to you for ridding me of the traitor. (我感激你让我摆脱叛徒的名声 我感激你让我摆脱叛徒的名声)
例句:Ridding the hemisphere of Castro, freeing the Cuban people from the oppression of communism is clearly legitimate. (翻译:把卡斯特罗赶出西半球 从共产主义暴政下 解放古巴人民 是完全正当的)
ridding一般作为动词使用,如在ridding of(除去,摆脱)等常见短语中出现较多。
ridding of | 除去,摆脱 |
1. I am almost grateful to you for ridding me of the traitor. (翻译:我感激你让我摆脱叛徒的名声 我感激你让我摆脱叛徒的名声)
2. Ridding the hemisphere of Castro, freeing the Cuban people from the oppression of communism is clearly legitimate. (翻译:把卡斯特罗赶出西半球 从共产主义暴政下 解放古巴人民 是完全正当的)
3. I washed Cappy repeatedly, but this was no use in ridding his fur of the stink. (翻译:我反复冲洗卡比,但无法去掉它毛上的臭味。)
4. But ancient astronaut theorists believe the flood was actually a means of ridding the Earth of biological imperfections. (翻译:洪水实际上是清理地球生物缺陷的措施 通过诺亚和他的家人 他们可以重建地球)
5. Recognizing the priority for ridding ourselves of the Jews... (翻译:承认我们在处理自己手上的犹太人时的 优先权... .)
6. The world will say I did right ridding it of a rotten gypsy beggar! (翻译:世界将会说我做了好事... 杀死一个腐烂的吉普赛乞丐)
7. It was believed that the chief production problem was ridding the dextran of the small molecule, to reduce the rate of excretion. (翻译:人们认为,生产的主要问题是消除小分子的葡聚糖以减少排泄率。)
8. The swallows hunt along the forested hillsides and rice fields for food, ridding the countryside of crop pests and biting insects. (翻译:燕子沿森林山坡和稻田狩猎寻找食物 消除农村的农作物害虫和叮咬类昆虫)
9. Look, Red John was an accomplished killer, no doubt, and I applaud you for ridding us of him. (翻译:血手约翰无疑是个卓有成就的杀手 你为我们除去他 我衷心感谢)
10. Trying to repair your family's tainted name by ridding the Glades of guns. (翻译:想通过取缔贫民区地区的枪支 来重塑你污浊不堪的家族名声)
11. Ridding the world of people like Viktor is the one thing I'm good at. (翻译:解决掉世界上像Viktor的人 是我擅长的一件事)
12. We're simply ridding society of killers that would be caught... and sentenced anyway if our courts worked properly. (翻译:我们想把那些应该被法院判定入狱 或是被判死刑的坏蛋除掉)
13. It was all about cleaning up Germany, and the West, and the world, and ridding it of anything unglamorous. (翻译:主要内容是赶走德国人,西方世界,乃至全世界, 并且去掉任何单调乏味的东西。)
14. She has this grandiose idea about integrity and ridding the world of bad friends. (翻译:她有这个宏伟 一无所知的完整性 而摆脱了坏朋友的世界。)
15. The country is ridding itself of its disgraced prime minister in a veil of secrecy. (翻译:该国正在暗地里将其名誉扫地的首相赶下台。)