例句:You didn't take the rope and climbing gear from the Japanese team on Trango Tower- (你在Trango Tower - -Trango II时)
例句:Concerto for Flute and Harp in C major, K. 299: II. Andantino. (大调竖琴和长笛协奏曲,K.299:第二乐章,小行板。)
例句:Simplified software economics model — i.e., based on COCOMO ii. (简化的软件经济模型——例如,基于COCOMO ii。)
1. Simplified software economics model — i.e., based on COCOMO ii. (翻译:简化的软件经济模型——例如,基于COCOMO ii。)
2. The great Maximiliano Ferraro II enters... (翻译:The great Maximiliano Ferraro II enters...)
3. Formerly it was known as abscisin II or dormin. (翻译:脱落酸以前被称作脱落素ii或休眠素。)
4. The one in front, the smaller, is STriDER II. (翻译:前面那个,小一点儿的,是STriDER II型。)
5. Deliver LU phase II AOP NCB target and distribution target. (翻译:呈交区域AOP阶段II非碳酸目标和分解目标)
6. And it looked like this running on the Apple II. (翻译:当它在Apple II上运行的时候是这样的。)
7. Then I call for a vote on the motion to open trade negotiations with Celes ll. (翻译:那就为与西勒斯II 展开贸易谈判的动议作投票)
8. Ditto as Nisu, Tiger I and II need their realistic speeds. (翻译:作为Nisu同上,虎i和II需要他们的现实的速度。)
9. We'II have a Red studio here, and you'II be Red actors. (翻译:我们将会在这里有一个红军工作室, 而你们也将成为红军演员)
10. People were going nuts over the Apple II. I couldn't keep up with anything. (翻译:人们疯狂的追逐苹果II 我简直跟不上节奏)
11. I started with the Apple II team because we don't make that anymore. (翻译:我从苹果II团队开始裁员是因为我们不做苹果II了)
12. I . Screening of Vibrio harveyi-Binding Peptide Aptamers II. (翻译:与哈威弧菌结合之多胜肽;适合体之筛选II。)
13. So what will follow Bretton Woods II? (翻译:那么,布雷顿森林体系II之后又将是什么呢? )
14. The SNES controller was designed to suit the Street Fighter II port! (翻译:SNES的手柄可是设计的很适合街霸II的操作哎!其实。)
15. He is in my Computer Science II. (翻译:He is in my Computer Science II.)