fishery是什么意思 fishery的中文翻译、读音、例句

fishery是什么意思 fishery的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义方面:Fishery指钓鱼业或渔业。一般指渔业生产或研究领域。可以包含各种形式的捕捞,包括野生海洋和蓄养的鱼类、动物和植物的养殖、海洋和淡水资源的管理和保护等。


- Many fishermen in the village rely on the local fishery for their livelihoods. (许多村民靠当地的渔业谋生。)

- The government is investing in research to improve the sustainability of the fishery industry. (政府正在投资研究,以改善渔业行业的可持续性。)

2. 类型方面:Fishery可分为不同类型,包括商业渔业、休闲渔业、养殖渔业等。商业渔业指的是大规模从海洋或其他水域捕捞鱼类的行为,目的是出售或进口。休闲渔业是指个人或团体无偿或有偿从水域捞鱼来放松心情或锻炼身体。养殖渔业是利用现代技术进行鱼类或其他水生生物的养殖以获得更好的产量和质量。


- The government has imposed stricter regulations on commercial fishery to protect marine life. (政府对商业渔业实行了更严格的监管,以保护海洋生物。)

- Many tourists come to this lake for recreational fishery during the summer. (夏天,许多游客来这个湖钓鱼放松。)

- Some farmers have started to adopt new techniques for their aquaculture fishery. (一些农民已经开始采用新技术进行水产养殖。)

3. 可持续性方面:Fishery的可持续性是指保持渔业资源供应的能力,同时还要确保渔业不会对海洋环境造成破坏。这需要建立有效的管理和保护措施,包括控制捕捞量、禁止不合法捕捞和恢复退化的鱼类种群等。


- The government has implemented a new policy to promote sustainable fishery practices. (政府实行了一项新政策,促进可持续的渔业实践。)

- Some fishermen have started to change their methods to ensure the sustainability of the fishery. (一些渔民已经开始改变捕捞方式,保证渔业的可持续性。)

4. 经济价值方面:Fishery作为一种产业,具有重要的经济价值。除了提供就业机会和创造商业利润外,渔业品也是海鲜餐厅、超市和其他食品企业的重要原材料。


- The fishery industry is one of the major sources of income for this coastal town. (渔业产业是这个沿海城镇的主要收入来源之一。)

- The government is exploring ways to improve the export market for fishery products. (政府正在探索提高渔业产品出口市场的方式。)




1. The government has implemented measures to protect the fishery resources. (政府已经采取措施保护渔业资源。)

2. He works in the fishery and is responsible for catching and processing fish. (他在渔业工作,负责捕捞和加工鱼类。)




例句:China's largest fishery administration vessel arrived at Yongxing Island, a major landmark among the Xisha Islands, around 11 am Tuesday. (xx日11时许,中国最大渔政船——渔政311船抵达西沙永兴岛。)


例句:And they would make 4,000 dollars per year, total, for the entire fishery, several fishing boats. (整个几艘船的船队一整年 只能挣4000美元。)


例句:Even in Newfoundland where we used to catch cod, we now have a jellyfish fishery. (甚至在纽芬兰岛 我们曾经捕捞鳕鱼的地方 现在也有一个水母渔场 )

4.渔场 、法

例句:The leisure fishery in Dalian is at the early stage and has not fully displayed its economic, social and ecological performance. (翻译:大连市休闲渔业尚处在发展初期,其经济、社会、生态效益表现得还很不充分。)


fishery一般作为名词使用,如在domestic fishery(国内渔业)、distant fishery(远洋渔业)、escallop fishery([水产] 扇贝渔业)等常见短语中出现较多。

domestic fishery国内渔业
distant fishery远洋渔业
escallop fishery[水产] 扇贝渔业
estuarine fishery河口渔业
fishery administration渔政
fishery agreement渔业协定
fishery biology渔业生物学
Fishery Board[网络] 渔业部
fishery census渔业普查


1. Even in Newfoundland where we used to catch cod, we now have a jellyfish fishery. (翻译:甚至在纽芬兰岛 我们曾经捕捞鳕鱼的地方 现在也有一个水母渔场 )

2. The leisure fishery in Dalian is at the early stage and has not fully displayed its economic, social and ecological performance. (翻译:大连市休闲渔业尚处在发展初期,其经济、社会、生态效益表现得还很不充分。)

3. The utility model relates to a waterwheel type automatic fish collection device, pertaining to the field of fishery science. (翻译:本实用新型涉及一种水车式鱼类自动采集装置,属于水产渔业科学领域。)

4. The food suspected morbigenous mainly contained deli and cold dish, fishery product and so on. (翻译:可疑致病的食物以熟肉冷荤、水产品等为主。)

5. Few would have predicted that shark fishing could cause the collapse of a lucrative scallop fishery. (翻译:几乎没有人预测,捕捞鲨鱼可能导致一个利润丰厚扇贝渔业崩溃。)

6. Extreme ENSO events cause droughts, forest fires and floods across much of the world as well as affecting fishery production. (翻译:厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜引发全球各地出现干旱丶森林大火丶水灾,对全球渔业造成严重冲击。)

7. With this background, some of the Fishery enterprises began to develop from the single operation into diversified operations. (翻译:在这样的背景下,部分渔业企业开始由单一的渔业企业向多元化经营的企业发展。)

8. The investigation was made on the plankton in shrimp ponds of Ging Dui Fishery Corporation from May to September, 1991. (翻译:本文报道了庄河青堆水产公司虾池浮游生物的研究结果。)

9. It's now possible to curl up in bed with "The Economic Theory of a Common-Property Resource: The Fishery. " (翻译:现在可以蜷缩在床上读《公共财产资源的经济学理论:渔业学》。)

10. The estimated range is between 20 and 50 percent for a series of goals of biodiversity and fishery enhancement and resilience. (翻译:如果想要达到增强生物多样性 鱼的数量和对环境变化的抵抗力 估计要保护的面积要在20%到50%之间)

11. Even in Newfoundland where we used to catch cod, we now have a jellyfish fishery. (翻译:甚至在纽芬兰岛 我们曾经捕捞鳕鱼的地方 现在也有一个水母渔场)

12. In case of the fishery disputes, the arbitrators can only be appointed from among the arbitrators on the Panel of Arbitrators in Fishery. (翻译:渔业争议案件,仲裁员仅可从《中国海事仲裁委员会渔业专业仲裁员名册》中选定或指定。)

13. Packwood-Magnuson Amendment to the International Fishery Conservation Act (翻译:国际渔业保存法之派克伍德麦纽森第一修正案)

14. And the only fishery left -- and it is a commercial fishery -- is the jellyfish fishery you see on the right, where there used to be prawns. (翻译:仅存的一个渔场 商业渔场 是个水母渔场 再看你们的右边,曾经有过对虾 )

15. The fishery has always been an important prehistoric mode of subsistence in Liaodong Peninsula. (翻译:渔业始终是史前时期辽东半岛重要生业之一。)



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