1. 解释: 'pickme' 是一个由单词"pick"和"me"组成的缩写词,字面意思是"选我",通常用于吸引注意力或者表示自己愿意被选中。这个词语也可以作为品牌名称或者口号。
2. 含义: 'pickme' 是一个代表着主动性和自信的词语,它可以用于各种场合,如求职信、商业推广、社交媒体等。它传达的信息是"我值得被选中",也有一定的竞争意味。
3. 用法: 'pickme' 可以作为名词、动词、形容词或者副词使用,具有很强的语境依赖性。在不同的语境下,它的意思和作用也可能有所不同。
4. 影响: 'pickme' 这个词语在现代英语中逐渐流行起来,尤其在社交媒体上更为常见。它代表着一种积极向上的态度和自我营销的思维,也反映了人们对于被认可和赞扬的渴望。
5. 例句:
- "I know I'm the best candidate for this job. Pick me!"
- "If you want to stand out in the crowd, you have to make yourself more attractive. Pickme is your perfect choice."
- "I'm not good at boasting myself, but hey, pickme if you need a reliable and creative person."
- "Everyone has a unique talent and strength. Pickme means you see that in me."
- "Pickme, and let me show you what I can do for your business."
1. "我是最合适的人选,选我吧!"
2. "如果你想在人群中脱颖而出,你需要让自己更有吸引力。'选我'是你的完美选择。"
3. "我不善于自夸,但是,选我如果你需要一个可靠而有创造力的人。"
4. "每个人都有独特的才华和优势,选我就是看到了我的优点。"
5. "选择我,让我展示我能为你的业务做什么。"
pickme 是一个英语单词,意思是“选我”、“选我选我”。常常出现在个人简历、应聘信、社交媒体等场合,表达自己的积极性、主动性,希望被选中或获得机会。
1. If you're looking for someone who is reliable and hardworking, pickme!
2. I applied for the job because I believe I have the skills and experience the company needs. So please pickme!
3. Every time there's a chance to participate in a project or activity, I always say "pickme" and give it my all.
例句:Any signal you pick up, you let me know. (一旦你预见到什么就告诉我 Any signal you pick up, you let me know.)
例句:Ah, just... pick me up at work. (just... pick me up at work.)
1. I'm not used to being humiliated by my best friend. (翻译:你想让他选择你而不是我 you wanted him to pick you instead of me.)
2. Laundry pick-up was yesterday. (翻译:Laundry pick -up was yesterday.)
3. Someone needs a pick-me-up. (翻译:有人得来杯提提神了 Someone needs a pick -me -up.)
4. Pick out a pleasant outlook (翻译:Pick out a pleasant outlook 显出明媚的前景)
5. You want me to go pick up Liam? (翻译:需要我去接Liam么 You want me to go pick up Liam?)
6. Pick your diamond, pick your pearl There is beauty in the world (翻译:# 捡起你的钻石 捡起你的珍珠 # Pick your diamond, pick your pearl # 世界很美丽 # # There is beauty in the world #)
7. Suppose I ask you to pick me up a cheeseburger, (翻译:假设我叫你拿一份奶酪汉堡包给我, Suppose I ask you to pick me up a cheeseburger,)
8. Ask Marylebone to pick them up. (翻译:Ask Marylebone to pick them up.)
9. - Are you trying to pick a fight with me? (翻译:- 你想打架? - 不是 - Are you trying to pick a fight with me?)
10. Well, here's my card, just give me a call when you want me to pick up the case. (翻译:打电话告诉我一声 when you want me to pick up the case. 你有名片?)
11. I mean, you just pick up and go? (翻译:you just pick up and go?)
12. - come on come on come on, pick, pick, pick, pick! (翻译。-发生发生发生,精选,精选,精选,精选!)
13. Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. (翻译:快接,快接,快接,快接,快接 Pick up, pick up,pick up, pick up, pick up.)
14. Why do I pick up your slack (翻译:.. why do i pick up your slack..)
15. ## I like the pick-n-roll, I like the give-n-go ## (翻译:[ I like the pick -n -roll, I like the give)