stowage是什么意思 stowage的中文翻译、读音、例句

stowage是什么意思 stowage的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:Stowage可以是一个名词或一个动词。作为名词,stowage指存放或装载货物的空间或设备。作为动词,stowage指安排或装载货物以便妥善存放或运输。

2. 用途:stowage通常被用于货物运输或海运领域,货物需要在船上被安排和装载,以便在运输过程中保持安全和完好无损。

3. 规定:对于装载货物的位置和方式有各种规定和标准,例如货柜负载限制,船舱布局等等,这些规定旨在保持货物安全,减少货物挤压,纵向倾斜以及其他可能的风险。

4. 意义:stowage在货物运输中非常重要,它直接影响货物的安全和完整性。因此,在海运和货运行业中,stowage被视为一项关键的职责。


1. The stowage capacity of the cargo hold is 1,500 tons.(货仓的装载容量为1500吨。)

2. The captain and crew are responsible for the proper stowage of the cargo prior to departure.(船长和船员负责在出发前适当地装载货物。)

3. All stowage and securing arrangements shall be adequate for the intended voyage.(所有装载和固定安排都必须足够适应预定航行。)

4. The shipper must provide accurate information regarding the weight and dimensions of the cargo for stowage planning purposes.(货主必须提供关于货物重量和尺寸的准确信息,以便进行装载计划。)

5. The crew spent several hours organizing the stowage of the cargo in the hold.(船员花了几个小时组织货仓中货物的装载。)

stowage的中文翻译是“货物的存放”,发音为['stəʊɪdʒ]。例句:The stowage of cargoes should be done systematically to ensure safety during transportation.(货物的存放应该系统有序,以确保运输安全。)




例句:What do you mean by the term of Stowage Factor? (你说的“积载因数”这个术语是什么意思? )


例句:Fill up broken stowage with small stowage. (破碎的垫舱料之间填小的垫舱料。)


例句:PowerStow Container Stowage Coordination helps you improve stowage plans and enables you to plan faster and more efficiently. (PowerStow集装箱配载协调系统可以帮助您改进配载计划,使您更快、更有效地制定计划。)


例句:For your information, we enclose a copy of the letter received from the Charterers'' Agents with regard to stowage of the cargo. (翻译:关于装船一事,谨寄上从租船代理商处收到的装载报告书副本一份,请收悉。)


stowage一般作为名词使用,如在dock stowage(码头装载)、hand stowage(人工码垛)、ice stowage(冰藏)等常见短语中出现较多。

dock stowage码头装载
hand stowage人工码垛
ice stowage冰藏
improper stowage[经] 装载不良
inspection of stowageun. 监装
lifejacket stowage[网络] 救生衣灯存放
location of stowage[网络] 装载位置;积载位置
loose stowage[网络] 不紧凑的装载
lost stowage载位损失


1. PowerStow Container Stowage Coordination helps you improve stowage plans and enables you to plan faster and more efficiently. (翻译:PowerStow集装箱配载协调系统可以帮助您改进配载计划,使您更快、更有效地制定计划。)

2. For your information, we enclose a copy of the letter received from the Charterers'' Agents with regard to stowage of the cargo. (翻译:关于装船一事,谨寄上从租船代理商处收到的装载报告书副本一份,请收悉。)

3. are able to be stolen, pilfered or may be damaged due to improper handling or stowage. (翻译:易碎物及贵重物品易于被偷盗,或可能由于处理欠妥当及堆放物而导致破损。)

4. The stowage and mooring of vessels and floating facilities shall be in conformity with the technical safety standards of the State. (翻译:船舶、浮动设施的配载和系固应当符合国家安全技术规范。)

5. Stowage is provided in lined lockers beneath the berths. (翻译:铺位下方有带内衬的储物柜可以存放东西。)

6. All officers and ratings must be familiar with the stowage position of breathing apparatus. (翻译:所有高级船员和普通船员都应该熟知呼吸器的存放处。)



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