rebuff是什么意思 rebuff的中文翻译、读音、例句

rebuff是什么意思 rebuff的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:rebuff an offer (回绝一项提议)、rebuff a request (拒绝请求)、rebuff an advance (拒绝求爱)、rebuff someone's attempts (抵制某人的尝试)

相关短语:give someone the rebuff (对某人直接表示拒绝)、a rebuff to someone (某人所受的拒绝)、meet with a rebuff (遭到拒绝)、suffer a rebuff (遭受拒绝)





1. She rebuffed his romantic advances.


2. The company rebuffed the takeover bid.


3. He tried to make friends with the new girl, but she rebuffed him.





例句:TYPICAL USE: We tried to be friendly, but his rebuff made us think he wanted to be left alone. (我们试图友善,但他的拒绝使我们认为他不想被干涉。)


例句:But his refusal to offer a premium earned a swift rebuff from Anglo. (然而,他拒绝提额外费用,这使得英美资源集团迅速回绝了他的并购提议。)


例句:The disciples laughed, taking this to be a well-deserved rebuff. Only the stranger was struck by its depth. (门徒们哈哈大笑,认为这是一个巧妙而有理的回击.只有那路人被那句话背后深刻的智慧所打动。)


例句:Her offer of help was met with a sharp rebuff. (翻译:她主动帮忙,却遭到断然拒绝。)


1. The disciples laughed, taking this to be a well-deserved rebuff. Only the stranger was struck by its depth. (翻译:门徒们哈哈大笑,认为这是一个巧妙而有理的回击.只有那路人被那句话背后深刻的智慧所打动。)

2. Her offer of help was met with a sharp rebuff. (翻译:她主动帮忙,却遭到断然拒绝。)

3. If Mr Bush continues to instruct Israel to rebuff Mr Assad's overtures, Mr Olmert will no doubt obey orders. (翻译:如果布什继续指示以色列断然回绝阿萨德和解性的试探,那奥尔默特则毫无疑问会言听计从。)

4. Some commentators suggested that the ban might be a rebuff to China for its close relationship with Pakistan. (翻译:有些评论员认为,印度的禁令可能是印度对中国与巴基斯坦亲密关系的一种粗暴回应。)

5. The Ayatollah appeared to rebuff an attempt by Mr. Ahmedinejad to kiss his hand. (翻译:哈梅内伊看似拒绝了艾哈迈迪内贾德试图亲他的手的举动。)

6. Good news now arrived from Tobruk, where the audacious and persistent enemy met their first definite rebuff. (翻译:这时,从托卜鲁克传来了好消息,大胆顽强的敌人初次遭到了明显的挫折。)

7. But she could also be cold, playfully cruel... and rebuff me. (翻译:但是她又那么冷漠 开玩笑似的残酷 她回绝我)

8. Cumulatively these transcribed minutes help us to see the gradual changes in policy when both sides were willing to risk rebuff. (翻译:这些点点滴滴的记录叠加起来,让我们看到当双方都愿意甘冒风险,不怕回绝时,政策是如何逐渐转变的。)

9. Lily's blood tingled with the grossness of the rebuff. (翻译:粗鲁的拒绝使丽莉的血液沸腾起来。)

10. refuse, decline, reject, spurn, rebuff These verbs all mean to be unwilling to accept, consider, or receive someone or something. (翻译:这些动词都表示不愿接受、考虑或接纳某人或某物。)

11. The process of FTAAP shall serve as a rebuff to anti-globalization and a toolkit to strengthen Asia-Pacific regional integration. (翻译:建设亚太自贸区是对反全球化的有力回应,也是亚太区域经济一体化进程中的一剂良药。)

12. Divorced five years, but yes. Starting around the time Tyler went off to college, he basically began to rebuff us at every turn. Mr. Forester, given your financial profile, we really do need to consider the possibility that money was a factor. (翻译:but yes. 他回绝我们每一次的关心 he basically began to rebuff us at every turn. 我们可能会考虑 we really do need to consider)

13. The results of the poll dealt a humiliating rebuff to Mr. Jones. (翻译:民意测验的结果对琼斯先生来说是一个羞辱性的拒绝。)

14. The rebuff came as Stephen W. Bosworth, the American special envoy on North Korea, began a trip to Asia with a fresh offer of dialogue. (翻译:当时,美国对朝特使斯蒂芬·博斯沃思刚刚开始旨在促成新一轮对话的亚洲之行。)



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