tieba是什么意思 tieba的中文翻译、读音、例句

tieba是什么意思 tieba的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:'tieba'是一个网络论坛的网站名称,意为“贴吧”。用户可以在该网站上创建并加入与特定主题相关的讨论区。


- I found some interesting discussions on the tieba about the newest movie.

- There is a tieba dedicated to the popular singer's fan club.

- The tieba for football fans has thousands of members.

2. 来源:'tieba'是百度公司旗下的一个社区产品,是中国最大的社区之一,也是世界上最大的中文论坛之一。


- Baidu Tieba is a popular online community in China.

- Have you ever posted anything on Baidu Tieba before?

- I often check Baidu Tieba to see what people are talking about.

3. 特点:'tieba'的特点是可以根据各种主题和话题创建贴吧,并且每个贴吧都有一个独立的板块和独立的管理团队。


- If you're interested in travel, you can find a dedicated tieba for it.

- The tieba about video games is very active and has a lot of useful information.

- The tieba for foodies has some great restaurant recommendations.

4. 功能:'tieba'除了提供讨论区以外,还可以进行私信、关注、点赞、评论等社交功能,用户可以与其他用户进行交流和沟通。


- I made some friends on the tieba who share my interests.

- You can send a private message to another user on the tieba.

- I got a lot of likes and comments on my post in the tieba.

5. 快捷:'tieba'的使用非常简单方便,用户可以通过网页或者手机应用程序访问贴吧和讨论区。


- You can access the tieba from your computer or mobile device.

- I like using the tieba app on my phone because it's so easy to use.

- You don't need to be a computer expert to use the tieba.



读音:tiē bā


1. 我在“旅游”贴吧发表了我的旅行日记。

I posted my travel diary in the "Travel" tieba.

2. 教育类贴吧里的很多帖子都很有用。

Many posts in education-related tiebas are very helpful.




例句:So I was very lucky to get an invitation from Japan to join Morning Musume. Tieba. baidu... (所以,我非常幸运地得到了日本方的邀请,加入了早安少女组。)


例句:Brands will begin to recognise the power of the communities that already exist on vertical BBS, such as sites like PConline, Xcar, Redbaby and Baidu Tieba. (各个品牌已经开始意识到了社区的巨大作用,比如在太平洋电脑网,爱卡,红宝宝和百度贴吧中的论坛区域。)


例句:Executives have said they are working to add more social networking components to Tieba to catch up with the social media craze in China. (百度公司高管说,他们正在努力给百度贴吧增加更多社交网络组件,以赶上中国的社交媒体热潮。)


1. Executives have said they are working to add more social networking components to Tieba to catch up with the social media craze in China. (翻译:百度公司高管说,他们正在努力给百度贴吧增加更多社交网络组件,以赶上中国的社交媒体热潮。)

2. Today I leave Baidu tieba, I will hardly speak any more, except about Arslan! (翻译:今日吾离百度贴吧,除宣扬阿斯兰侃吧之贴外,难发一贴!)

3. Baidu Inc will cease the commercialization of all of its illness-related forms on Tieba, its online group message board, the company announced on Jan 12. (翻译:xx月xx日,百度发表声明,百度贴吧所有病种类吧全面停止商业合作,将邀请非营利组织来运营。)

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