weaponry是什么意思 weaponry的中文翻译、读音、例句

weaponry是什么意思 weaponry的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇解释:weaponry指的是武器装备或者武器系统,包括枪械、炮弹、导弹、炸弹、装甲车辆等。

2. 历史背景,可以追溯到中世纪,那时的战士主要依靠近身战斗的武器,如剑、矛等。随着科技的不断发展,现代战争中使用的武器已经趋于多样化、高科技、精确化。

3. 战争影响:weaponry对于军事战争有着巨大的影响。在多数战争中,武器的优劣直接影响战争的结果。现代武器的发展,使得战争更加致命和残酷。

4. 国际政治:由于weaponry的巨大威力和影响,各国政府对于武器进出口、销售、运输和使用等方面都有着非常严格的规定和限制。


1. The country has been investing heavily in the modernization of its weaponry, seeking to stay ahead of its rivals in military power. (这个国家一直在大力投资军备现代化,力求在军事实力上保持领先地位。)

2. The treaty prohibits the use of chemical weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, reflecting the international community's desire to put a stop to the arms race. (该条约禁止使用化学武器和其他大规模杀伤性武器,反映了国际社会制止军备竞赛的愿望。)

3. The army carried out a demonstration of its latest weaponry to showcase its fighting capabilities to the public. (军队进行了最新武器装备的演示,以向公众展示其战斗能力。)

4. The weapons smuggling network was busted by the authorities, leading to the arrest of several suspects and the seizure of a large amount of weaponry. (当局破获了武器走私网络,导致几名嫌疑人被捕,大量武器被查获。)

5. The government has imposed strict controls on the export of weaponry to countries with a history of human rights abuses, in order to prevent the weapons from being used to commit further atrocities. (政府对向那些有人权侵犯历史的国家出口武器实行严格控制,以防止武器被用于进一步的暴行。)

weaponry 的意思是武器装备。




1. The army will upgrade its weaponry to ensure national security. (军队将升级其武器装备以确保国家安全。)

2. The police seized a large quantity of weaponry from the smugglers. (警方从走私者手中缴获了大量武器装备。)




例句:For nearly four centuries, my ancestors have been the greatest creators of weaponry in the world. (在近四个世纪以来,我的祖先们... 一直都是这世上最伟大的武器发明家)


例句:GloboTech Industries, long recognized as the worldwide leader in high-tech weaponry, is now reaching even higher. (一向以领导高科技武器... ... 而闻名于世的全球科技公司, 现在将更上一层楼.)


例句:Our allies want protection, We want weaponry close to our enemies. (我们希望在敌人附近安放武器 we want weaponry close to our enemies.)


例句:El Masri is trained in NATO weaponry and has a degree in advanced engineering. (翻译:El Masri接受过北约武器研制训练 并有高级工程师学位)


weaponry一般作为名词使用,如在introduction of weaponry(引进武器)、naval weaponry([网络] 海军武器)、weaponry design([军] 武器设计)等常见短语中出现较多。

introduction of weaponry引进武器
naval weaponry[网络] 海军武器
weaponry design[军] 武器设计


1. Our allies want protection, We want weaponry close to our enemies. (翻译:我们希望在敌人附近安放武器 we want weaponry close to our enemies.)

2. El Masri is trained in NATO weaponry and has a degree in advanced engineering. (翻译:El Masri接受过北约武器研制训练 并有高级工程师学位)

3. A million bucks worth of weaponry... and I'd trade it all back... for a lousy... can of Raid. (翻译:这些价值亿万的武器 我宁愿来换 一颗手榴弹)

4. It's the most specialized weaponry of any bird I've ever seen. (翻译:这是我见过的鸟类家族中最特殊的武器。)

5. Itˊs a crime syndicate thatˊs spreading... weaponry and drugs all over the world. (翻译:那是一个黑社会犯罪组织 专门在世界各地里贩卖毒品及枪枝)

6. Lieutenant, make sure everyone has their armor and the proper weaponry. (翻译:中尉 保证每个人 有他们的盔甲和适当的武器)

7. Time for some serious weaponry. (翻译:Time for some serious weaponry.)

8. and (I couldn't help it) counter-terrorist operations, commando training and state-of-the-art weaponry. (翻译:我还情不自禁的和他讨论了反恐运作,突击队培训以及国家最先进的武器装备。)

9. You put heavy weaponry down there, they're gonna know for sure that we're in contact with the population. (翻译:你把重型武器投放下去 他们肯定会知道 我们与地面上的人联系)

10. What would it mean for transportation, or learning, communication, manufacturing, weaponry or even natural selection? (翻译:对于交通,或是学习、 通讯、制造、武器、 甚至是自然选择来说, 这意味着什么? )

11. But his real value was that he could operate alien weaponry. (翻译:不过他真正的价值在于 他能够使用外星武器)

12. It is true that modern weaponry depersonalized war. (翻译:确实是现代武器使战争失去了人性。)

13. It is an unbelievably impressive complement of weaponry, an absolute death machine. (翻译:是个无法想象叹为观止的武器总汇 十足的杀人凶器)

14. Uh, none of the previous robbery victims reported heavy weaponry. (翻译:以前的抢劫受害人没有报告过重型武器 Uh, none of the previous robbery victims reported heavy weaponry.)

15. It appears the general's son has gotten his hands on some of our weaponry. (翻译:将军的儿子手上 拥有我们的一些武器装备 切尔诺贝利 联军指挥部)



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