virtuous是什么意思 virtuous的中文翻译、读音、例句

virtuous是什么意思 virtuous的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 语法:


2. 词源:


3. 用法:

(1) 描述人/动物的品德高尚,具有道德的美德。

(2) 用于描述事物的优良品质、性能等。


1. He has always been known to be a virtuous man who never tells a lie. (他一直是一个有品德的人,从不撒谎。)

2. The virtuous act of donating money to the poor earned her respect from others. (向穷人捐钱的善举使她赢得了别人的尊敬。)

3. The virtuous circle of learning is that the more you learn, the more you want to learn. (学习的良性循环是越学越想学。)

4. The company's virtuous approach to customer service has helped them build a loyal customer base. (公司良好的客户服务态度帮助他们建立了忠实的客户群。)

5. The virtuous design of the new building includes sustainable materials and energy-saving features. (新建筑的优秀设计包括可持续材料和节能功能。)




1. He was a man of great integrity and virtuous character.(他是一个非常正直品德高尚的人。)

2. The virtuous behavior of the young man impressed his peers.(那个年轻人高尚的行为让他的同龄人留下了深刻的印象。)

3. The virtuous life of the saint inspired many people.(那位圣人高尚的生命感染了许多人。)




例句:It is by their virtuous light that we men have trod the perilous paths of glory. (是她们贞洁的光辉 指引男人踏过 荣耀的危险之路)


例句:I've not come to call the virtuous to repentance, but the sinners, and they might enter the kingdom of heaven before you... (我还没有 来人来电 良性 悔改 , 但是 罪人 , 他们可能 在你 进入 天国。)


例句:How the virtuous servant, Cly, was his friend and partner, and was worthy to be; (他指出,那位道德高尚的仆人克莱是巴萨当之无愧的朋友和搭挡。)


例句:Virtuous acyions of the past produce Viveka and Vairagya. (翻译:过往的善行使人拥有分辩智与离欲心。)


virtuous一般作为形容词使用,如在non virtuous([网络] 无功德的;负面情绪)、virtuous administrator(良官)、virtuous circle(良性循环)等常见短语中出现较多。

non virtuous[网络] 无功德的;负面情绪
virtuous administrator良官
virtuous circle良性循环
virtuous circles[网络] 良性回圈
virtuous citizen良民
virtuous cycle良性循环
virtuous deficit[经] 有效能赤字


1. How the virtuous servant, Cly, was his friend and partner, and was worthy to be; (翻译:他指出,那位道德高尚的仆人克莱是巴萨当之无愧的朋友和搭挡。)

2. Virtuous acyions of the past produce Viveka and Vairagya. (翻译:过往的善行使人拥有分辩智与离欲心。)

3. We must be valiant... ..and virtuous. (翻译:要勇敢... We must be valiant... 也要秉持道德 and virtuous.)

4. All the sorts of publishment convey goodness, learning us much virtuous with surroundings. (翻译:诸如此类的媒体都是这样的传达着对生活的善意,让我们善待周围的人和事。)

5. The people entering his life were virtuous and caring: pastors, journalists, European pen-pals. (翻译:善意和关心的人们进入了他的生命: 牧师,杂志作家,欧洲的笔友, )

6. This benefit in itself will create sustainability to perpetuate a virtuous, catalytic cycle of improvement and change. (翻译:这个效益本身会保持 一个良性的循环, 催化提升和改变的循环。)

7. No -- I'm going to be virtuous. I'm going to put it in the blue bin." (翻译:不行,我得道德点儿。我要把它放到蓝色回收箱。” )

8. If God rewrites the Bible to cast gambling as virtuous, (翻译:如果上帝改写了圣经 将赌博写在罪恶之外 If God rewrites the Bible to cast gambling as virtuous,)

9. We are to consider their deaths a virtuous act of grace and mercy. (翻译:我们应当把他们的死 看作是优雅而仁慈的善举)

10. It poses the question, can something which is not virtuous ever truly be justified? (翻译:这书提出了一个问题 不道德的行为可以有正当理由吗)

11. Then, in the quietude of the night, after the Spaniards attended their vespers, and were deep in virtuous sleep, (翻译:在宁静的夜晚 当西班牙人祈祷完安然入睡时)

12. In human modesty... such separation as may well be said becomes a virtuous bachelor and a maid. (翻译:而且老实说, 我已弄不清路途 我们休息吧,赫米娅,若你同意 待白昼再上路更加舒适)

13. The virtuous have their faults, and so do the wicked have their virtues. (翻译:笵纨碞琌炒, 硂妓杠,翴玱Θ才翴)

14. Persuading a virtuous woman to break her marriage vows? (翻译:追求一个贞洁的女人 让她违背自己的结婚誓言)

15. They destroy millions of people, and think to be virtuous. (翻译:他们摧毁了千千万万条生命, 最后还装作正派。)

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