1. tram line 有轨电车线路
2. tram stop 电车站
3. tram driver 电车司机
4. tram network 有轨电车网
5. tram station 电车站
6. tram track 电车轨道
7. tram service 有轨电车服务
短语:take the tram 意为“乘电车”,表示搭乘有轨电车出行的意思。
1. The tram system in this city is very efficient. 这座城市的电车系统非常高效。
2. The tram driver is responsible for the safety of passengers. 电车司机负责乘客的安全。
3. The tram stop is just around the corner. 电车站就在拐角处。
4. The tram line connects the city center to the suburbs. 电车线路连接市中心和郊区。
5. I always take the tram to work. 我总是乘电车上班。
6. The tram network covers the entire city. 电车网覆盖整个城市。
7. The tram service runs from early morning until late at night. 电车服务从早到晚都在运行。
1. Trams are a popular form of transportation in many cities around the world.(有轨电车是世界许多城市中普遍使用的一种交通工具。)
2. The government plans to invest in expanding the tram network in the city.(政府计划投资拓展城市的有轨电车网络。)
例句:These cheerful little trams, dating back to 1873, chug and sway up the towering hills with bells ringing and people hanging from every opening. (这些令人欢快的小缆车可追溯至xx年,咔嚓咔嚓摇摆爬上高耸的山峦。车上铃儿叮当作响,每个窗口都是人。)
例句:City Circle trams run every 10 minutes in both directions. (环城有轨电车每10分钟就会有两辆车向不同的方向开去。)
例句:All the suburbs are connected by train lines, bus routes and trams lines. And most of these lines are convenient, efficient and effective. (所有的郊区都被众多城市轨道,公交线路及有轨电车线路连接在一起。)
例句:Trams were still the main means of transportation in the city. They were old and rickety things, rattling leisurely along at a snail's pace. (翻译:有轨电车仍然是该城市的主要交通工具。他们是些摇摇晃晃,哐啷哐啷,慢慢腾腾的老家伙。)
1. All the suburbs are connected by train lines, bus routes and trams lines. And most of these lines are convenient, efficient and effective. (翻译:所有的郊区都被众多城市轨道,公交线路及有轨电车线路连接在一起。)
2. Trams were still the main means of transportation in the city. They were old and rickety things, rattling leisurely along at a snail's pace. (翻译:有轨电车仍然是该城市的主要交通工具。他们是些摇摇晃晃,哐啷哐啷,慢慢腾腾的老家伙。)
3. In a third tier would come the minibuses , non- franchised buses , ferries, trams and taxis, each serving their own niche markets . (翻译:小巴、非专利巴士、渡轮、电车及的士都属于公共交通分级中的第三级,各自服务本身独有的市场。)
4. What do you know, some day the trams will be running in our town, too. (翻译:你想想 不定什么时候我们市里就会有电车了)
5. Night-time, trams far away shriek like owls. (翻译:夜晚,远处的有轨电车像猫头鹰一样尖叫。)
6. The police spokesman said about a dozen trams were held up until a tow lorry arrived to clear the car off the track. (翻译:警方发言人还表示,大约有12辆有轨电车因此而被迫停止运营,最后一辆拖车赶到现场将这辆奥迪车从轨道上“救”了下来。)
7. One was captured with its trams still running. (翻译:有一个城市在有轨电车 仍在运行时就被夺取)
8. Electric trams, conveyors, transveyors and maglevs which can take you virtually anywhere in the city, even up and down along with connecting you to other cities as well. (翻译:电车 传送带 运送机 磁悬浮列车 能带你到城市中几乎任何地方 甚至向上和向下)
9. While the people of Dublin may have to face major disruption if Metro North goes ahead, the French-made trams on the Luas have proved efficient and are popular with Dubliners. (翻译:虽然地铁北线工程的进展可能使都柏林人民面临重大破坏,但轻轨线路上法国制造的电车已被证明效率很高,并受到都柏林人的欢迎。)
10. The old tramlines are still there but now no trams run on them. (翻译:昔日的电车轨道还在,却没有电车在上面运行了。)
11. Some children could be smuggled out in lorries, or in trams supposedly returning empty to the depot. (翻译:有些孩子是用大卡车偷运出去的,或者放在原本就准备空车返回仓库的有轨电车里运出去。)
12. It occurred to my uncle that trams slipping on rails and ferries sailing across the strait where seagulls flew would be needed badly. (翻译:我叔叔就想到,在轨道上滑行的电车和在有海鸥飞翔地海峡中航行的渡轮将会极其需要。)
13. Besides, transportation is usually well developed in the city, with a variety of modes of travel, including buses, trams and subways. (翻译:此外,城里交通比较发达,拥有包括公交、有轨电车、地铁等种类繁多的交通模式。)
14. The trams clanged their way along the streets. (翻译:有轨电车哐啷哐啷沿街驶过。)