lids是什么意思 lids的中文翻译、读音、例句

lids是什么意思 lids的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义: 'lids' 一般指的是盖子或者覆盖物,常用于指代容器的盖子或眼睑等身体部位。此外,在某些行业中也可以作为缩写词使用,例如 'Low Income Dental Services'。


- She lifted the lids of the cooking pots to check on the food.


- I always forget to close the lids of the shampoo and conditioner bottles.


- The doctor recommended that he get surgery on his drooping eyelids.


- LIDS provides affordable dental services to low-income families.


- She works at LIDS, a retail store that specializes in hats and caps.


2. 语法角度:'lids' 是一个名词复数形式,表示有多个盖子或眼睑等。需要注意的是,它需要在句子中担当清晰的角色,例如主语、宾语等。


- The lids of the trash cans were left open and caused a bad smell.

垃圾桶的盖子没关,导致气味恶臭。 (主语)

- He struggled to remove the lids from the jars of pickles. (宾语)

他费力地把醋泡小黄瓜的瓶子盖子拧开了。 (宾语)

- Some people like to collect antique glass lids for preserving jars. (定语)

有些人喜欢收集防腐瓶的古董玻璃盖。 (定语)

- The artist used the lids of old paint cans to create a sculpture. (介词短语)

这位艺术家用旧油漆桶的盖子创作了一件雕塑。 (介词短语)

3. 图像联想:'lids' 这个单词可以通过联想盖子、箱子等物品的外形来引导学生形成更为具象的印象和记忆。同时,可以通过通过图片、视频等资源帮助学生更好地理解和运用这个词汇。


- When you hear the word 'lids', what comes to mind? (问题)


- Let's look at some pictures of different kinds of lids together. (活动)

让我们一起看一些不同类型的盖子的图片。 (活动)

- Can you think of any idioms or expressions that use the word 'lid'? (讨论)

你能想到哪些使用'lid'这个单词的习语或表达方式? (讨论)

- Here's a video that shows how to remove stubborn lids from jars. (资源分享)

这里有一个视频,展示了如何从罐子上拿掉顽固的盖子。 (资源分享)

- Let's practice using 'lids' in sentences by playing a fill-in-the-blanks game. (游戏)

通过玩填空游戏,练习使用'lids'这个单词在句子中的运用。 (游戏)



1. Don't forget to screw the lids on tightly.


2. She lifted the lid of the box to see its contents.


3. The pot lids were clattering loudly in the kitchen.





例句:Finished with polished metal, the wall lamp opens like an eyelid to light your place, while you may close its lids to turn the lamp off. (由抛光的金属制成,这款壁灯像眼皮那样睁开来照明,而你可以闭合它的眼皮来关灯。)


lids一般作为名词使用,如在granular lids([医] 沙眼)、skid lids([网络] 防撞头盔)、drums lids loose([网络] 桶盖松动)等常见短语中出现较多。

granular lids[医] 沙眼
skid lids[网络] 防撞头盔
drums lids loose[网络] 桶盖松动
drums lids missing[网络] 桶盖失落
drums lids off[网络] 桶盖脱落


1. For a moment, the closed eye lids trembled, and the nostril quivered, and the faintest shadow of a smile was seen. (翻译:片刻间,闭合的眼睑颤动了一下,鼻孔翕动了一下,还可以看到那极为微弱的笑影。)

2. Adding eyeshadow. Use a light pink, peach or bronze eyeshadow. Apply just a little powdered eyeshadow to your lids. (翻译:第五步画眼影。可以选择淡粉,桃红或青铜色的眼眼影来用。只是涂一点到眼睑上即可。)

3. In this phase on can observe the characteristic movements of the eye sockets below the lids. (翻译:在这个阶段我们可以 观察眼睑下面的眼窝的典型活动)

4. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets. (翻译:那时,门、橱柜与药瓶并没有保护儿童的安全盖,我们骑自行车,也不用戴头盔。)

5. Garbage can lids are lifted as derelicts in the street... hunt for food. (翻译:垃圾桶盖子被掀开 像被丢弃在街道上 寻觅食物)

6. Your ears are always on -- you have no ear lids. (翻译:你的耳朵随时都是打开的,因为它们没有“盖子”。)

7. I lay back against my pillow, sleepy now. I stared at the walls of my little room, bleached pale in the moonlight, from under heavy lids. (翻译:我躺回枕头上,睡意冲了上来。沉重的眼皮下,我呆呆看着小小房间的墙壁,被月光漂成灰色。)

8. Adapted to living in very low nutrient soils the pitcher plant gets most of it's nourishment from insects lured to nectar glands on the underside of the lids. (翻译:为了适应营养稀缺的土壤 这种象瓶子状的植物用内侧唇瓣蜜腺分泌物来吸引昆虫)

9. He's like the Elon Musk of coffee lids. (翻译:他对于咖啡杯盖来说 就是埃隆·马斯克。)

10. An estimate of intraocular pressure can be obtained by palpation of the globe through the LIDS. (翻译:眼压可以通过在眼睑上对眼球触诊来估计。)

11. I've known drunks to lift the lids off toilets in strange places just on the off chance. (翻译:会各种陌生的厕所里,揭开水箱盖子 希望能找到酒)

12. They laughed again, reclining against the wall, smoking, the lids of their eyes drooped softly against the sun. (翻译:他们又哈哈大笑,身体斜靠在墙上,抽着烟,他们的眼皮在阳光中微微耷拉着。)

13. So what if there are remnants of kohl around your lids, at least most of your makeup has been removed, right? (翻译:就算有一些眼影残留在眼皮上又怎么样,至少大部分妆都卸了,对吧?)

14. I keep cookware LIDS that I don't use as often inside of my giant stockpot. (翻译:我将那些不经常用的烹调用具的盖头收藏在一个大的汤锅里面。)

15. Her thick dark lashes lay like fans against her lids as they fluttered, awakened from a dreamless sleep, and she looked at the tray. (翻译:她眨着眼睛,乌黑浓密的睫毛像扇子一样在她睡意惺忪的脸颊上扇动,她看着我的托盘。)



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