synchronize是什么意思 synchronize的中文翻译、读音、例句

synchronize是什么意思 synchronize的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:synchronize 是动词,意为“使同步、协调”,常用于指使两个或多个对象在时间、空间、功能等方面达成一致,以便能够相互配合、配合其他系统或程序。



- synchronize with:与...同步,与...协调

- synchronize data:同步数据

- synchronize clocks:同步时钟

- synchronize sound and picture:同步音频和视频

- synchronize calendars:同步日历

- synchronize watches:校准手表

- synchronize movements:协调运动




1. The software allows users to synchronize files between multiple devices.


2. We need to synchronize our schedules before we can plan the meeting.


3. The lights of the traffic signal are synchronized to optimize traffic flow.


4. The company uses a tool to synchronize inventory data across all of its stores.


5. The dancers spent months practicing to synchronize their moves for the performance.


6. The computers on this network are all synchronized to the same clock.


7. The GPS system allows drivers to synchronize their location and directions in real-time.





1. We need to synchronize our efforts if we want to finish this project on time. (如果我们想按时完成这个项目,我们需要协调好彼此的努力。)

2. The computer automatically synchronizes with the server every hour to update the data. (电脑每小时会自动与服务器同步,以更新数据。)




例句:As you write a threaded application, you may need to synchronize individual threads with other parts of your program. (编写线程应用程序时,可能需要使各单个线程与程序的其他部分同步。)


例句:When trying to synchronize a log shipping destination, you do not have to use WITH STANDBY between RESTORE LOG steps. (尝试同步日志传送目标时,不必在RESTORELOG步骤之间使用WITHSTANDBY。)


例句:The glomerule lesion doesn't synchronize with heat-dampness, it took some time for the immune complex to generate and deposit on the glomerule. (肾小球的损害与湿热证不同步,有时间上的相对滞后,反映了免疫复合物的产生和在肾脏局部的堆积而引起肾小球损害需要一定的时间。)


例句:If you work with both a laptop and a desktop computer, you know you have to synchronize the machines to keep them up to date. (翻译:如果您同时使用笔记本计算机和桌面计算机,就可能需要及时地同步它们。)


synchronize一般作为动词使用,如在synchronize with(与…同步,与…同时发生)、supply synchronize([网络] 电源同步)、synchronize and close(并网)等常见短语中出现较多。

synchronize with与…同步,与…同时发生
supply synchronize[网络] 电源同步
synchronize and close并网
synchronize and stabilize[网络] 同步和安定
synchronize functionun. 同步功能
synchronize operation同步工作
synchronize your watches[网络] 把你们的表校到同一时间


1. The glomerule lesion doesn't synchronize with heat-dampness, it took some time for the immune complex to generate and deposit on the glomerule. (翻译:肾小球的损害与湿热证不同步,有时间上的相对滞后,反映了免疫复合物的产生和在肾脏局部的堆积而引起肾小球损害需要一定的时间。)

2. If you work with both a laptop and a desktop computer, you know you have to synchronize the machines to keep them up to date. (翻译:如果您同时使用笔记本计算机和桌面计算机,就可能需要及时地同步它们。)

3. Since MLSD directory listing includes file modified time in UTC, so it's very useful for FTP client to converts remote file's timestamp to your Local time when synchronize folders. (翻译:由于MLSD目录列表包含UTC格式的文件修改时间,因此这对于FTP客户端非常有用,当需要同步目录时,它可转换远程文件的时间戳到你的本地时间。)

4. Harmonize and synchronize with the operation of Nature. Even doing so , you need not know the secret of the operation and its process . (翻译:与大自然的总体运作和谐同步,你不必知道大自然运作的秘密,也不必明白其过程。)

5. If you do not specify a backlog size, clients will attempt to synchronize regardless of the size of the backlog. (翻译:如果不指定积压请求数限制,则无论存在多少积压请求,客户端都会尝试进行同步。)

6. A future extension for an application of this kind would be to synchronize with a remote server when connectivity becomes available. (翻译:对于此类应用程序的未来扩展来说,当连接可用时,应用程序将与远程服务器同步。)

7. Alternatively, presentation components might be aggregated to select from among them rather than to synchronize their function. (翻译:还有一种方法是可以把表示组件聚集起来以从中选择而不是同步它们的函数。)

8. The High Replication Datastore increases the number of data centers that maintain replicas of your data by using the Paxos algorithm to synchronize that data across datacenters in real time. (翻译:High Replication Datastore使用Paxos算法来实时同步跨越多个数据中心的数据,进而增加了用于维护数据复制的数据中心数量。)

9. Now comes the very risky part of my talk, which is to demonstrate that inanimate things can synchronize. (翻译:现在到了我演讲中最有风险的一部分, 来展示没有生命的物体也可以达到同步。)

10. OK. Synchronize watches to 0811 on my mark. (翻译:好了,现在对表,我的手表要到8点11分了)

11. Some1 and JJS have a port of HBLready for this exploit, we will most likely release it asap but I need to synchronize with other HBL devs. (翻译:Some1和JJS有宏宝准备利用这个港口,我们很可能会释放它,需要尽快与其他宏宝同步开发者。)

12. We can try this first. If I just put them on the table together, there's no reason for them to synchronize, and they probably won't. (翻译:我们可以先试试这个。我只是把它们一起放在桌上, 它们好像没有什么理由会同步,也许它们不会。)

13. We can externally control... and synchronize muscles and synthetics. (翻译:我们可以从外部控制... 和同步的肌肉和合成的。)

14. To initialize and install the model, run the synchronize database command, syncdb. (翻译:为了初始化并安装这个模型,请运行数据库命令syncdb。)

15. The critical factor is to synchronize responses. (翻译:而实现该目标的关键 在于全球的同步响应。)



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