1. 定义和用途
2. 品牌案例
- YourSun Real Estate:美国佛罗里达州的一家房地产公司,主要经营海滨别墅和公寓。
- YourSun Swimwear:澳大利亚的一家时尚泳装品牌,致力于为女性提供各种风格和尺码的泳装。
- YourSun Sports:一家国际性的体育用品制造商,生产和销售各种运动器材和健身用品。
- YourSun Beauty:以南非草药为主要成分的天然美容品牌,专注于改善皮肤质量和减轻皮肤问题。
3. 议题和争议
- 与环保相关的问题:'sun'作为能源来源,常常与环境问题联系在一起。一些人会认为,'yoursun'这种名字可能会让人误解这个品牌与环保或者可持续性有关系,从而引起负面效应。
- 引发误解和混淆,可能与其他品牌或者机构的名称相似,从而导致消费者的混淆和误解,或者让人难以区分不同的品牌和服务。
- 营销和宣传的风格:由于'sun'这个词语的积极和阳光的内在含义,'yoursun'这个品牌的营销和宣传活动可能会过于夸张、炫耀或者注重表面形式,而忽略实际的产品和服务质量。
- YourSun Real Estate is committed to providing the best waterfront properties in Florida. 你的太阳房地产致力于提供佛罗里达州最好的海滨地产。
- YourSun Swimwear offers a wide range of styles and sizes for every body type. 你的太阳泳装为每种身材提供多种风格和尺码。
- YourSun Sports is a global leader in manufacturing and distributing sports equipment and fitness gear. 你的太阳体育是一家全球领先的体育设备和健身用品制造商和分销商。
- YourSun Beauty products are made from natural herbs and ingredients, and are designed to improve your skin quality and reduce skin problems. 你的太阳美容产品由天然草药和成分制成,旨在改善你的皮肤质量并减轻皮肤问题。
- I couldn't find YourSun Coffee on the shelf, so I bought another brand instead. 我找不到你的太阳咖啡,所以买了另一个品牌代替。
读音:[jʊr sʌn]
1. Your smile is like my sunshine, because you are my yoursun.
2. You are the center of my universe, my yoursun and my everything.
例句:¿ Crying like a fire in the sun ¿ (.. crying like a fiire in the sun..)
例句:Actually, grand, grand, grand, grand, grandpa and I must go. (Before the sun is set. THIBAULT:)
例句:Here's our little sun-chine. (这是我们的小sun - chine。)
1. Here's our little sun-chine. (翻译:这是我们的小sun - chine。)
2. Is this about the Sun-Times polling? (翻译:这是关于Sun -Times的民意调查?)
3. The sun, the moon the stars (翻译:The sun, the moon the stars)
4. When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east... (翻译:等太阳... When the sun 从西边升起 rises in the west)
5. And every day I told him to stick it where the sun shines. (翻译:i told him to stick it where the sun shines.)
6. Oh, when the sun refuse to shine (翻译:# Oh, when the sun refuse to shine #)
7. ♪ shine bright like a diamond (翻译:♪ At first sight ♪ ♪ I felt the energy of sun rays ♪)
8. Before the sun is over the yardarm? (翻译:Before the sun is over the yardarm?)
9. ♪ The warming of the sun ♪ (翻译:# The warming of the sun #)
10. Oh, the sun is blistering my skin. (翻译:the sun is blistering my skin.)
11. The book of the invisible sun. (翻译:这是视之书 The book of the invisible sun.)
://www.ted.com/talks/richard_weller_could_the_sun_be_good_for_your_heart.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/richard_weller_could_the_sun_be_good_for_your_heart.html)
13. Yeah, I might just risk lying out in the sun for a while. (翻译:I might just risk lying out in the sun for a while.)
14. The Sun is finally shining. (翻译:太阳终于出来了. The Sun is finally shining.)
15. The sun rises out of your eyes... (翻译:太阳从你的眼中升起... ... The sun rises out of your eyes...)